Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 958: Continuous attacks

Long Yun's speed was very fast. On the next day, Wu Tian boarded a plane to Goryeo.

Since this time was a secret visit, Wu Tian and Long Yun did not carry any bodyguards.

When they arrived in Goryeo, the two drove directly to the hospital where Choi Yongji was recuperating.

Since the previous economic crisis, Goryeo has always been in a state of depression, and the streets are much more depressed than before.

Now that he has been injured again with Choi Yongji, it feels like there is no hope for the country of Korea.

Now Cui Yongji is slowly recuperating in a villa deep in the mountains. He is already out of danger and has recovered.

It happened to be able to see Wu Tian the first time, and it was lucky for the two of them to come.

"Mr. Cui, what is going on?"

Wu Tian looked at Cui Yongji, who was almost wrapped up in a mummy on the hospital bed, feeling very uncomfortable.

Cui Yongji's mental condition was much better than he thought, but he was so injured that he couldn't even lift his hands.

"It doesn't matter... it's much better."

"What the **** is going on...Who did it on you?"

Wu Tian said anxiously, what he most wanted to confirm was this.

Cui Yongji didn't answer his question directly, but hooked his finger at the person next to him.

A bodyguard came over with a tray on which was a letter paper folded in half.

"Open it and take a look."

Cui Yongji said slowly, although his voice is very weak, but it makes people able to hear clearly. It doesn't seem to have hurt the root of the body, and it should be able to restore health in time.

Wu Tianjian opened this thing suspiciously, carefully examined the content on it, and suddenly frowned.

Because it says clearly, Wu Tian.

"What does it mean…"

Wu Tian was stunned. He had nothing to do with this world at all, and there was no need for him to send someone to assassinate Cui Yongji.

"If you ask me, I don't know..."

Cui Yongji's tone is very indifferent, he is not a fool, knowing that Wu Tian can't do such a thing, there must be someone who wants to make trouble.

"Do you have any clues?"

Wu Tian frowned, and the development of the incident had exceeded his expectations. To be honest, he did not expect that the other party would be so cunning, not choosing to shoot Wu Tian, ​​but to conduct such behaviors on his clients.

"There is no clue, but there is a video, you can take a look."

With that, Cui Yongji's men turned on the TV in the ward and played a scene of a fight.

A dozen thugs inside were attacking Cui Yongji. At that time, Cui Yongji was soaking in the hot springs in his villa, but he did not expect these people to break in from outside.

The bodyguards resisted bravely, but in front of these thugs, they could almost be said to be vulnerable, and they were knocked down once they met.

Although Cui Yongji wanted to escape, he was caught up with him, and his body was wounded. Fortunately, the other party did not kill him. When they heard that a large army was coming, these people Has retreated.

"Do you have any ideas, or do you know these people?"

Cui Yongji stared at Wu Tian tightly, and he was as firm as Wu Tian's idea of ​​catching these people.

"It's Tianying teacher!" Wu Tian took a deep breath, and he could tell at a glance the movement of the added person. The opponent is absolutely without any muddle-headedness, and any move is a killer move.

"I don't care what it is, since it provokes me to Cui Yongji's head, then he won't want to be better!"

Although Cui Yongji was lying on the hospital bed, what he said was still so murderous. He is not a good stubborn, and it is impossible to be bullied like this.

Wu Tian looked at Cui Yongji with shame. Since he was implicated by himself, Wu Tian must also do something about this matter.

"Mr. Cui, don't worry, I'm afraid you won't be able to solve this matter. I will definitely pay you back."

After speaking, Wu Tian took Long Yun away in a hurry. He had already given the company up and down and issued an alert while on the plane.

There are even some people around him, he has probably already determined it now, and the strategy Tianying taught to do with himself this time has changed.

There is a high probability that he will not conflict with himself head-on, but choose to attack someone close to Wu Tian, ​​or a customer of the Wu Group Company.

In any case, as long as the attack occurs, it will definitely have a very large impact on the Wu Group, and at least it will interrupt their business cooperation.

However, before getting off the plane, another misfortune came over.

Not long after Wu Tian issued the warning, within ten minutes before and after, Blanche's motorcade was attacked on the highway.

But her condition is much better, because Blanche's bodyguards are wearing exoskeleton mechas, and those who are taught by Tianying did not take advantage of it.

This matter was immediately investigated and raised to the perspective of national security. After all, Blanche's identity is very special, but she is the princess of Chaer Kingdom.

Just after getting off the plane, Wu Tian received a call from Blanche.

"How is your situation?"

Wu Tian asked worriedly. He never thought that the opponent's shot speed could be so fast. First Cui Yongji and then Blanche. It seems that their goal is very clear, they are the major customers of the Wu Group.

"I have nothing to do, not even scratches. By the way, I am afraid I will order another batch of exoskeleton mechas with you this time! The amount is very large!"

This time Blanche has seen an actual combat effect of an exoskeleton mecha for the first time, which really made him beyond imagination.

Although the bodyguards around him are also trained fighters far beyond ordinary people, the strength of the opponent is not comparable to ordinary people.

With the help of exoskeleton mechas, they should be able to fight back and forth against the thugs who attacked them.

"Wait, it's easy to talk about. As long as you're okay... These people are from Tianying, and they are my enemies. I'm really embarrassed that it hurts you this time."

Wu Tian quickly apologized to Blanche. To be honest, he did not expect that he would involve so many people.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not injured anyway. But what are you going to do next?"

Wu Tian really didn't consider this question carefully, but when he was asked by Blanche this way, he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Blangie, can you do me a favor? I plan to kill all these people!"

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