Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 959: Fish bait

On the phone, Wu Tian briefly talked about his attention, and he didn't expect Blanche to agree to it, without hesitation at all.

"Don't you need to think about it again? This matter is more dangerous after all..." Blanche's decisiveness to tell the truth made Wu Tian a little scared.

Blanche started laughing at Wu Tian on the phone: "What's wrong with you, you are so timid, I believe you will not let me have an accident! What do you think?"

Regarding this statement, Wu Tian also felt that he did not have any room to refuse, and could only admit it over the phone.

But soon, the two agreed on a time to meet next.

The place they met was on the open sea. Wu Tian took his own people early and drove a luxury cruise ship to the designated place.

There was a vast sea around, and even some heavy fog on the sea on this day, but these did not affect Wu Tian's determination to implement the plan.

Not long after, a white yacht also appeared in their sight. Wu Tian had been drinking Blanche to maintain communication. Knowing this was Blanche, his heart was relaxed a lot.

Soon, Blanche got to the side of the boat and boarded the yacht. Wu Tian quickly took someone to entertain her.

On the deck of the cruise ship, a grand welcome banquet has long been prepared, and it looks very lively.

All people seemed to be immersed in this joy.

But Wu Tian was wearing a headset, and it was very clear that there was investigative intelligence about the situation nearby.

"Mr. Wu, there are more than a dozen speedboats approaching your side, and there are almost forty or fifty people."

It was Long Yun who was talking. She did not come with her this time. Instead, she stayed on Huadao and used satellite detection to report the current situation to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian did not speak, but was beside Blanche and reminded her in a low voice: "Come on, you can go and hide in the cabin now."

Blanche still had such a happy expression of attending the banquet on the surface, but she said something else entirely.

"What about you? What are you going to do next?"

"Of course I asked you to enter the urn. I finally set up this stage. I still have to let them sing well. Don't worry about me. I have arranged it long ago. The main thing is to pay attention to your safety!"

After hearing Wu Tian say this, Blanche didn't say anything. She also knew that if she didn't follow Wu Tian's plan, it might affect some of Wu Tian's plans and other things.

At this time, after receiving Wu Tian’s signal, some unrelated people on the deck began to retreat, but their walking did not cause much panic. They were orderly and very orderly, and it did not feel like they had discovered. What kind of like.

So those people from Tianying didn't notice anything wrong, they still kept speed and rushed towards the cruise ship.

As the situation unfolded further, the surrounding fog began to become more dignified. Wu Tian looked at the sky with some worry. He was a little afraid that due to this reason, their satellite reconnaissance would have problems.

Intelligence is the most powerful method they use to attack the enemy. For now, it can only be one step at a time.

"Attention everyone, the enemy is coming up!"

Wu Tian cleared his throat and shouted loudly at the people who remained on the deck.

At this time, the wind started to blow on the sea, and an atmosphere of silence was immediately created. Under this scene, the fluorescent lights at the banquet did not seem to be so bright and joyous.

At this moment, several figures jumped up from the side of the ship's gunwale and rushed towards the people on the deck. They couldn't help but beat people.

Wu Tian was keenly aware of their movements. There was no doubt that they belonged to the Tianying teaching. It seemed that the strength of the opponent did not actually suffer much damage, it just kept hiding.

The size of this cruise ship is not small. The Tianying Church dispatched more than 50 people this time, which is quite a lot, but it is still a little thin after being scattered on this cruise ship.

At this time, Wu Tian grabbed his clothes, pulled it in one direction, and pulled it off.

"Do it!"

Following his stern shout, the other luxuriously dressed guests on the deck also unfolded their clothes at this time, revealing the exoskeleton mecha inside.

These people are actually members of the security team, non-combat personnel. Just now, they had already followed Blanche to the safe room in the cabin.

The people of Tianying Church didn't expect such an unfolding, but their attack was already hit, and it was impossible for the fists to be retracted.

The personnel on both sides slammed into each other like two huge waves, and the battle broke out on the deck instantly.

Even Wu Tian started to join in, the battle inside was going very quickly, almost a face-to-face, and there were already more than a dozen Tianying people who had fallen.

Most of them were caught off guard. They didn't expect that the soft persimmons that people had slaughtered themselves suddenly smashed themselves like hard rocks.

Moreover, since this place is on the open sea, after a round of melee attacks, the security team quickly retreated more than ten meters in the direction behind them, and those Tianying Cultists didn’t know what it meant.

But they soon saw some guns appeared in the hands of the security team.

Although they can't use guns in the country, they are now on the high seas and there is no law to control Wu Tian. The security team members were very excited when they got the long-lost guns and started firing.

But this time, the effect was not as good as before. These days, the people of Yingjiao are not fools. Of course, they have seen the power of firearms, so they started to find a place to hide it in the first place.

At the same time, there was still a small group of people who did not know where they began to penetrate into the cabin.

Although Wu Tian still wanted to deal with these people, considering that Blanche was still in the cabin, although he was a little unwilling, he still took the people and began to retreat downwards.

The people of Tianying taught were overjoyed and immediately occupied the entire deck. While occupying the main traffic routes, they began to install explosives in various places on the ship.

These people are not good at fault, and the other party also wants to wipe out Wu Tian and his group.

Wu Tian hurriedly came to the safe room. Seeing Blanche and the others were hiding here, he relaxed a little.

"Quick, let's go on the escape boat!"

Wu Tian hurriedly shouted at these people, and he and the security team began to withstand the attack of Tianyingjiao in front, creating time for them.

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