Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 960: The sea of ​​fire

The people of Tianying taught at this time also began to be in no hurry. They felt that Wu Tian and their behavior of escaping into the cabin was just a fool, purely seeking death.

It just so happened that they were too happy to toss, waiting until the ship was covered with explosives, they could calmly watch the fireworks on the high seas, and then go to Wu Tian and the others to collect their bodies.

"Have you all gone in?" Wu Tian yelled anxiously to the players behind him. The people on their boat were not a small number. If something really happened, Wu Tian would not be able to eat. Go.

"Basically, we are left. Let's withdraw Mr. Wu!" The security team performed the task of helping other non-combat members board the escape boat.

This ship is actually inside the cruise ship. The size is not very large, but the speed is very fast, and it also has strong armor. It is impossible to use it in general explosions.

This was also the strategy Wu Tian had prepared from the beginning, which was to lead the enemy to the ship, and then close the passage in the cabin by himself, so that he could board the escape ship calmly.

"Okay, let's pull it too!" As he said, Wu Tian waved his hand and began to board the ship with his own people. Their speed was even faster. Just ten seconds before and after, they were already the shelter of the escape ship. It's all closed.

At this time, the people from Tianying also broke through the door on the deck and finally opened a way to the cabin.

It's just that they didn't find any traces of Wu Tian and the others, it was empty inside.

"What about people?"

"Find me! They can't just disappear like this, they must be hiding! Attention, everyone, the leader has already ordered one hundred thousand to kill! If you can catch Wu Tian alive, you will directly reward one hundred million in cash!"

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. In these days, most of the British people’s job is to kill people and make money. So when they hear that there is money to make, they immediately become motivated. I heard that the enemy may be hiding in the cabin. , Immediately began a careful search of the room.

Of course, they gave Wu Tian a chance when he wasted time.

Behind the cruise ship, there was a sudden mechanical sound, and then there was a huge impact sound. The huge vibration shook the entire cruise ship.

Many people from Tianying didn't know what was going on, they all ran to the side of the ship with horror looking at what was going on behind them.

What I didn't expect was that a heavily armed Clipper broke out of the cruise ship, took a leap in the air, and landed on the water with a thud.

"This is..." At this time, some people had already realized that something might be wrong, but their reaction was too slow. At this time, explosions began to occur simultaneously in various parts of the cruise ship.

The huge flames and smoke engulfed the entire cruise ship in an instant, as if it were the most beautiful fireworks on the high seas. Wu Tian and the others stood in the escape boat, watching the huge explosion behind them, all of them were silent.

Blanche had seen many people in the world like this, and was shocked by this scene.

She couldn't believe it and walked to Wu Tian's side and patted him on the shoulder gently: "You are too cruel, I guess they won't survive."

"Perhaps, but they also deserved their sins. I gave them a sea burial, and they should also thank me." Wu Tian did not feel any psychological guilt for doing such a terrible thing.

What's a joke, the explosion is so powerful, isn’t it because the other party also placed the same amount of explosives? That is to say, if Wu Tian didn’t blow the other party into pieces, the enemy would destroy them. All of the people are wiped out.

At that time, who will think about what is cruel and never ending.

The matter was here, and it was not over. The sky seemed to be getting better during this explosion, the thick fog gradually faded, and they could clearly see the situation on the sea.

The huge cruise ship now only has a pile of casuals, and there are more than twenty bodies floating on the sea.

Several helicopters began to fly over from a distance at this time, hovering near the explosion site. If there were any remaining enemies, it would be a series of bullets.

Wu Tian wouldn't give these people a chance. He quickly contacted Long Yun and asked her about the latest situation.

Because they are on the spot, they have no way of knowing what the situation is like from the perspective of God.

"How's it going. Did any enemy escape from the nearby sea?"

"Mr. Wu, the fog was too heavy just now. We can't see anything clearly here, so I can't guarantee. I will check if there are any boats in the nearby waters, but based on the current situation, there should be none. What a big problem."

Long Yun confidently checked the satellite's intelligence several times. It is true that there is nothing strange about even the nearby seas. The only thing that is wrong is that there is a speedboat that originally came in their direction, but the explosion happened. At that time, a big turn of 180 degrees came immediately.

Long Yun couldn't say whether this speedboat had anything to do with Tianying Church, so she had to temporarily keep this time in her heart and arrange satellites to monitor them.

"Since we didn't talk about busy issues, we can go back!" Of course, Wu Tianxin is happy. He has achieved a decisive victory here. The other side thought that relying on the previous fighting style, he could make himself succumb. , Is really idiotic dreaming.

When Wu Tianda started, he was setting up traps for the people of Tianying.

The reason why he called Blanche and asked her to cooperate with him was because he knew that if Tianying taught about this matter, he would not miss such a good opportunity.

A cruise ship on the high seas sounds very dangerous, surrounded by sea. Even if Wu Tian wanted to escape, he could only jump into the sea.

But these enemies didn't expect that this situation would also apply to them. Wu Tian also prepared such a strong escape ship for himself, and directly bombed the cruise ship.

No opportunity for those who teach in Britain at all.

"Since I helped you, shouldn't you give me a little reward?" Blanche looked at Wu Tian so happy now, leaned over with a smile, and stretched out her hands and started to do him good.

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