Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 963: Mystery mail

With Yin Rumeng's assurance, Wu Tian stopped saying anything, nodded in satisfaction.

It's just that just letting people do things without giving them benefits is definitely not enough.

"I think you have done a good job at this club. After it's done, I'll get you a plot on the coast. You can move the club to that place."

This clubhouse is good everywhere, even if the location is not good, Yin Rumeng was also worried about this matter for a long time.

"Really? But President Wu, we are in the suburbs. Basically, no police will come here to inspect. If we go to the city..."

Yin Rumeng also began to worry about this problem. There will be some gray industries in the clubhouse. There is no doubt about it. Even if Yin Rumeng didn't have the intention to do this, the people below couldn't stop it.

Wu Tian thought for a while, and didn't think this matter was such a difficult trouble.

"This is easy to say, you don't have to worry, I will solve it for you."

The conversation between the two parties ended in a very good atmosphere. I have to say that Yin Rumeng's speed was very fast. In the evening, it was reported in the news that there was almost an accident on the construction site of the Pulitzer Consortium. As a result, This incident caused a large number of workers to protest and complain.

As a developer, the Pulitzer consortium immediately began to carry out remedial work, but with little success. The workers continued to make various requests. In short, they blocked the construction site and said nothing to let the construction site start.

For a while, S city almost started to pay attention to this matter, and many people still went to interview, but the Pulitzer consortium did not seem to be anxious.

I think that this loss is nothing to them. Suddenly, something beyond Wu Tian's expectation was that the Pulitzer Consortium's wealthy performance was instead in the S City, and people on the streets began to discuss it.

What is this consortium, which family belongs to, which companies are funded by...

In short, there are all kinds of gossip, but these are fake. Just kidding, can ordinary people know the news that Wu Tian can't investigate?

That is, when Wu Tian was at a loss, he was sitting in his office and suddenly received an anonymous email.

He was very surprised. When he clicked on it, he found that there was no information that could prove his origin, but the email clearly stated that he knew about the Pulitzer consortium, but the news needed money to buy.

Wu Tian didn't treat this email as a thing, it looked like a fraud.

But he then thought about it. Basically, his mailbox has never been released to the outside world, and there is no spam in the mailbox. How did the other party send this anonymous email?

You must know what you can do for this purpose.

Secondly, a price was clearly written on the email. The news required Wu Tian to contribute 10 million yuan and to pay with Fangte currency.

In this case, Wu Tian would not even want to know the identity of the other party.

Seeing that there was no progress in his investigation, Wu Tian couldn't help but put his attention on this email again.

Of course, he is not a fool, so he called Long Yun over and let her analyze it together.

"It's this email, what do you think? Is what he said true?"

Wu Tian stared at Long Yun, carefully observing the expression on her face, and desperately wanted some advice from her.

Long Yun looked at the contents of the email with a serious face, her face was suspicious.

"This... who is he, why did he know about the Pulitzer Consortium, and why did he know that we need this thing?"

"Ask me about this, I still want to ask you." Wu Tian gave Long Yun a white look, and he wanted to ask her for her advice. As a result, this guy didn't know much about him.

"The key is this ten million. If it is paid in a bank account, we can pay with confidence, and we can confirm the identity of this account through the bank. But if we use Fangt currency, even if we are cheated, I am afraid there is no way. ."

What Long Yun said is also true, which is equivalent to taking ten million as a bet.

This amount of money is not a lot for Wu Tian, ​​but the amount of money is not a small amount after all, and it cannot be simply squandered.

When the two were hesitating here, the unknown mysterious person sent another email.

"It can be seen that you should be very hesitant, but your time is running out. If you are not willing within ten minutes, then this matter will be treated as if I have not said it."

The other party actually came over to give them a countdown.

"What to do?" Wu Tian was a little at a loss, whether the money was spent or not, and if it was spent, what should I do if I was deceived.

"Wait a moment, I will ask now to see if this Fangtecoin can be traced to the holder's account."

Long Yun thought about it, and felt that there was only this way. Wu Tian hurriedly waved to her and motioned her to do it quickly.

After finishing talking, Long Yun quickly called Chenggui. He developed the FangteCoin. It stands to reason that he is the person who knows the way here best.

"It is reasonable to say that there is no way for Fangtecoin to be traced." The tone of the convention is very affirmative, with no hope at all.

Wu Tian and Long Yun were a little disappointed at once, but there was no way. After all, Fangtecoin was known for its safety.

"But everything is not so absolute. We can't find clues on Fangtecoin, but if the other party exchanges Fangtecoin for cash, then there will be a chance."

As a result, just after the last sentence was finished, the regular conversation turned around and immediately gave Wu Tian and the two of them hope.

"You didn't say this early, which made me so disappointed just now!" Wu Tian couldn't help complaining, but he was still very happy.

Since it was a rule of thumb, he had nothing to worry about, and immediately transferred the 10 million Fangte currency to this mysterious person's account.

Next, Wu Tian began to wait with expectation, to see if the other party would bring him some exciting news.

The other party's response was also very quick. The next email sent a huge compressed package, and Wu Tianxi downloaded it for a long time.

In my heart, I still feel that this matter is really right.

It's just that when he opened it with joy, Long Yun and Wu Tian were both stupid. There was nothing in the file, only such a line.

"Unexpectedly, the boss of the Wu Group Company is so stupid, I laughed at this kilowatt, puff."

At the end, a kaomoji was added, and the expressions of Wu Tian and Long Yun instantly fell from sunny to wind and rain.

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