Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 964: Collusion

This is probably the first time Long Yun saw Wu Tian so angry, and also the first time she saw Wu Tian so easily deceived.

In fact, not only Wu Tian, ​​but Long Yun also felt very angry.

"When can you investigate it for me!"

Wu Tian yelled at Long Yun. Although this number of ten million is not a big deal to Wu Tian, ​​he should not lose his face. When he saw the email, he immediately felt that he had been slapped. He slapped and was spit out.

"I'll check it now!" Long Yun ran away without saying anything, she didn't dare to delay this matter.

Since the idea of ​​this investigation was established by law, he is also the main force of this investigation.

Cheng Gui and Long Yun studied for nearly a week, but they didn't find any clues about this mysterious person.

Wu Tian's mood was getting more and more violent day by day. Seeing that this would definitely not work, Long Yun was anxious, but could not come up with a better solution.

There was no good progress here, so Wu Tian had to focus his attention on dealing with the Pulitzer consortium. During this time, the size of the opponent has increased a lot.

I don't know where the funds came from, these people have now acquired many companies.

If it’s just an acquisition, it’s nothing. The main reason is that Zhang Zerui will split and reorganize the company he has acquired. In a short period of time, he has merged into a very powerful and pure technology company, even directly. Can monopolize the market.

Such an operation of the other party is regarded as a powerful enemy by Wu Tian. This is no joke, because more and more private enterprise bosses have begun to take the initiative to contact Zhang Zerui, and some of them want to learn some of this. Experience, and some want to invest in them.

For a time, even the Internet began to think that Zhang Zerui was a powerful leader among the younger generation. The Pulitzer Consortium’s eagle country status was not only unconstructed, but even became a reason for praise.

As a Chinese, he tried every means to use the money of foreign companies to support the construction of his country.

When he saw this kind of reward, Wu Tian's nose was almost crooked.

I have worked so hard for so long, why no one wants to see the glory of my humanity.

"Bah, it must be hydrology done with money!" Wu Tian crumpled the newspaper in his hand and threw it aside in anger.

Long Yun stood by, somewhat hesitant to speak.

Wu Tian looked at her and waved at her.

"Just tell me if you have anything. By the way, have you found the news about that person?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wu, the other party hasn't exchanged it yet, maybe she is not short of money now." When she said about this, Long Yun was a little embarrassed, after all, this is directly her negligence.

"Okay, you don't have to worry anymore. I know this is not all your responsibility. After all, I did the payment. You don't have to feel guilty, just keep watching."

"By the way, Mr. Wu has one more thing..." Long Yun turned on the TV next to him at this time, and it was playing the scene about Yin Rumeng and his group making trouble on the construction site.

It is better to say that it is a disturbance than that a group of workers are on strike, asking for wage increases and welfare.

These words are actually nothing. The point is that Zhang Zerui's people have never appeared, and it is estimated that they have not regarded this matter as the same.

This has been going on for several days, and the construction site has not been opened for several days. The situation and progress are very not optimistic.

"This was in the news yesterday. The situation is not very good today. The police have already begun to enter the scene."

Wu Tian looked shocked when she heard Long Yun say this.

\"Aren't they legally protesting, why are there these things?\"

Long Yun also shrugged her shoulders helplessly, indicating that she could do nothing.

\"We have been paying close attention to this matter before. Yin Rumeng also followed the law and applied for everything, but now it seems that the other party has some legal provisions that require the police to protect their construction sites. . Now Yin Rumeng and the others have been expelled.\"

"How could it be like this?" Wu Tian just didn't understand, but he didn't actually have any reason on his side. It's not necessarily a good thing to force behavior in the beginning.

"It is estimated that Zhang Zerui found some way. I heard that their legal department is very powerful, and they often find some legal loopholes."

Any company in Eagle Country will more or less work hard in this regard.

As long as the loopholes in the law can be found, for them, it is like a gold medal to avoid death.

"In this way, let Yin Rumeng withdraw first, and I'll look at it later and think about other ways." Wu Tian saw this matter, and there was no benefit in remaining stalemate, so he simply followed the other side.

What he probably didn't expect was that at this time, Zhang Zerui actually sent a secretary of his own to meet in secret at Yin Rumeng's club.

The news happened just when Long Yun was talking to Wu Tian. Long Yun did not refuse, but brought Zhang Zerui's secretary to her office to discuss it in detail.

In this place, Yin Rumeng turned on his mobile phone and shared the content of the conversation with Wu Tian and the others in real time.

"Miss Yin, should I still call you Sister Yin?" This secretary looks very young, but there are many scars on his arms, and some tattoos. How can I see that it doesn't look like a business person, but rather More like a member of an underground organization.

"Do whatever you want, why are you looking for me?"

Yin Rumeng waved her hand. She looked at the man in front of her very vigilantly, unable to guess what the other party wanted to say.

"That's the case, our President Zhang, want to talk about cooperation with you. See if there is any way that can make you give up your rights and interests in that place on our construction site. Of course, our company will give you a certain amount of compensation."

The secretary smiled and said, in fact, the meaning is very clear, just to give you a little favor, don't trouble us.

"Hehe, you still have this heart, but I have a big appetite. If you come to send a beggar, it won't work with me."

The secretary nodded slightly, as if he was already prepared.

"You can rest assured that we will never treat you badly."

While talking, the secretary walked slowly to the city map on the wall of Yin Rumeng's office and reached a place with his finger.

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