Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 966: Jagged wrist

Seeing his secretary finally returned, Zhang Zerui cast a questioning look at him.

The secretary quickly nodded to Zhang Zerui, which made Zhang Zerui relieved a little.

"Zhang, the board of directors is about to start soon, can't you still?" The secretary looked at his watch, and quickly began to urge.

Zhang Zerui looked at a document in her hand, rubbed her temples, and replied helplessly: "Go, I will start to leave now."

At the beginning of his movement, the secretary saw that Zhang Zerui's hand seemed to be a summons for debt collection, with eagle words on it.

But the secretary knew that he couldn't talk casually, so he put the matter in his heart and said nothing.

The board of directors was already full of seats, but the attitudes and expressions of the participants were not very good, all of them were stern, as if someone owed them a lot of money.

"Zhang Zong, before that, the Nanhe Securities incident was a scam! Now we don't have advanced hands, what do you think?"

Seeing Zhang Zerui came, these shareholders immediately began to attack in groups.

Zhang Zerui looked at them without speaking, but with a blank expression on his face, making it impossible for people to guess what he was thinking.

"Ahem, um, let's put this matter aside. The most recent issue is the issue of the arrears of employees' wages by the Mercat Group. We still have several hundred million yuan in our hands. Should we spend this money? ?"

The secretary saw the atmosphere in the meeting a little dignified, and quickly came out to preside over the situation.

"When is the time, I still care about this!"

"That's right, in one or two weeks, the people from Eagle Nation will charge us!"

"These several billion are enough for what, the 200 billion was originally intended to be repaid, but if you do this, I want to see what you use to fill this hole!"

For a time, the directors began to attack Zhang Zerui, as if he was a heinous person.

"That's it? This is what you are worried about?" Zhang Zerui smiled slightly and slowly stood up.

His voice was very deep, like a voice coming from the cold hell.

Zhang Zerui started talking while pacing in the conference room, and from time to time he touched the chairs of these directors.

"Although it is said that people who are not far-sighted must have immediate worries, we can't just think about the latter. Besides, have you forgotten why we came to China? Isn't it to avoid debt?"

The few people who were still excited just now were silent when Zhang Zerui said so.

Zhang Zerui sneered, and continued to say without giving any face: "Originally, these things were not my problem. I owed the trillions of Pulitzer's arrears? That's not right. Besides, the original two Hundreds of billions are also the money I brought from Zhixing Technology. It has nothing to do with you."

The more you go down, the more the directors have nothing to say. No one dared to speak for a while, because they felt a murderous aura from Zhang Zerui's mouth.

"Then what's your plan?"

A director wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked cautiously that he really regrets it now. He shouldn't be arrogant just now, thinking that he could criticize Zhang Zerui.

"What's the plan? This is a very simple answer. First, pay off the debt of the ink card. This is a top priority."

Zhang Zerui didn't hesitate at all in this matter. Although he also learned what was bad in other aspects, Zhang Zerui alone never liked to owe money to others, especially money to workers.

"What do you say about this, we will do it!" The board of directors began to be harmonious, and there was no second voice.

But Zhang Zerui didn't seem to intend to let this matter pass.

He mumbled and walked behind one of them, and said with a smile: "Richard, I heard that you seem to have done something you shouldn't do recently?"

The director who was called immediately felt cold all over, shaking like chaff, because Zhang Zerui's voice was like a urging devil.

"No, no, I did nothing, I did nothing."

Richard quickly defended, but Zhang Zerui's eyes were full of perseverance.

"Really? How did I hear that you seem to have bought a small island in Eagle Country with the company's money?"

Hearing Zhang Zerui's words, Richard immediately trembled all over. He never expected that this matter was actually known.

This was obviously something that happened yesterday, but Zhang Zerui knew it today.

"Mr. Zhang... listen to my explanation..."

"No, the Pulitzer Consortium doesn't need someone like you. Your equity will be handed over to the board of directors." As he said, Zhang Zerui reached out and touched the side of Richard's cheek.

He suddenly exerted his strength and slammed Richard's face against the table with his hands, and suddenly blood was splattered.

The huge force directly knocked out a hole on the table, and Richard was no longer moving, and there was a white flower under his head, and the people on the board were suddenly speechless.

Everyone was shocked.

Zhang Zerui was still so expressionless, as if he had just crushed an ant to death, without much reaction.

After this incident, the directors remembered that in addition to being their chairman, Zhang Zerui was also the leader of Tianying Church.

And that hapless Richard was too sloppy, thinking that doing something sneaky would not be discovered.

But people are actually very clear.

After the meeting was over here, someone came to clean up the meeting room, and Richard's body was put in a big bag and thrown out along with the garbage.

All the **** of the Pulitzer Consortium has their own disposal site, so the entity of this guy was also sent to the underground burning disposal station along with it.

A clever looking young man noticed the package containing the corpse when he was on duty alone. When he opened it, he was shocked.

But instead of calling the police, this guy notified another person.

Wu Tian, ​​who was eating dinner, suddenly received a photo on his mobile phone. He opened the photo without any doubt, and almost didn't spit out all his food.

Wu Tian almost lifted his desk directly, his face changed drastically, and the mobile phone in his hand fell directly on the desk with a bang.

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