Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 967: Get angry

Wu Tian almost lifted his desk directly, his face changed drastically, and the mobile phone in his hand fell directly on the desk with a bang.

Long Yun, who was near him, heard the movement here and hurried over to check. Seeing Wu Tian's slightly horrified expression, her heart suddenly started.

"What happened to Mr. Wu!"

She looked at Wu Tian carefully, thinking that he was injured or what happened, but Wu Tian's clothes were very neatly dressed, and there was no painful expression.

"Scared me to death...Who sent this to me, deliberately?"

As Wu Tian pointed to her mobile phone, Long Yun frowned when she picked it up and looked at it.

But then she took a closer look and found that the person who sent the photo turned out to be the undercover they sent out.

"Wait, Mr. Wu, there seems to be a situation!"

Speaking of Long Yun, she quickly took her phone over, because there was still a line of small print under the photo.

"This was discovered in the Pulitzer consortium. Our people have hidden the body and haven't burned it."

Hearing what you said, Wu Tian took the phone over again suspiciously and looked at it carefully to make sure she was right.

"Wait, in other words, I seem to have mastered something incredible!"

"If you think so, it's not wrong! Since it was discovered in the Pulitzer consortium, it must have something to do with Zhang Zerui."

Long Yun nodded affirmatively, but it was not easy to say how they would use this matter.

"You have to put this thing away quickly! We have to pick it up quickly!"

Wu Tian hurriedly arranged this matter, and soon the security team members brought the corpse back from outside.

To be honest, the handling of this matter is a bit surprising, after all, this is a corpse...not any other mess.

Moreover, when Wu Tian brought this thing back, no one knew how to deal with it.

However, it still feels very unlucky.

However, Wu Tian looked happy. He looked at the identity of this person with interest. After some investigation, he found out that he was a director of the Pulitzer Consortium.

Sun Hongsheng didn't know what Wu Tian was doing specially for calling himself over. He thought it was some progress and ran over excitedly.

After arriving at Huadao, Wu Tian was directly dragged into their basement.

Seeing Wu Tian being so mysterious, Sun Hongsheng looked puzzled.

"What's wrong with you... so mysterious..."

"You'll find out later."

Wu Tian didn't elaborate, but took Sun Hongsheng to a corner in the basement of Huadao, where he placed a table with the corpse covered with cloth.

When Sun Hongsheng saw this scene, he immediately had a feeling, which was due to his instinctive reaction to the criminal police for many years.

"This is..." Sun Hongsheng looked very surprised, and looked at Wu Tian.

Wu Tian nodded and slowly explained: "This is not my person, I discovered it."

Although he said so, Sun Hongsheng was still wary of Wu Tian's face. This was too weird.

"You'd better explain it to me later, otherwise, I'm afraid I have to initiate an investigation against you."

It doesn't matter that the two of them have a better relationship, but in this regard, it must be one size to one size.

No matter how good their relationship is, it's no use. There is no discussion about this matter.

"Don't worry, how could I do such a thing..."

Wu Tian complained from the side, "If this person was killed by me, or has something to do with me, would I still call you over? That's not asking for trouble."

"Wait... how does this look like a foreigner?"

Sun Hongsheng checked the corpse carefully. Although his face had been ruined, it was vaguely distinguishable from the Huaxia.

"I didn't say that he was from Huaxia, he was indeed a foreigner. And he still found it from the Pulitzer Consortium."

Wu Tian didn't hide it at this time, and directly said everything he knew.

Sun Hongsheng quickly recorded it on the sidelines. His professional ability naturally did not need to be questioned. After making a record, he immediately planned to return to the unit to report the matter.

But Wu Tian was stopped by Wu Tian, ​​"I haven't said anything about this matter yet. I don't think the other party will leave any evidence. I suggest that you shouldn't be stunned."

The implication is that they are afraid that Sun Hongsheng and the police station will reveal the news, and then it will be troublesome to drag themselves into the water.

"Our investigation will not be determined based on whether there is evidence. Isn't the investigation just to find evidence! Besides, if it has nothing to do with you, what are you worried about?"

What Sun Hongsheng said was reasonable, and Wu Tian had nothing to say.

"By the way, don't mess around with this matter. Hurry up and seal this place. I will bring someone over to investigate immediately."

Sun Hongsheng carefully ordered, and then left in a hurry.

Wu Tian didn't say anything, and set a cordon around here according to his request.

In fact, this is just a place to park the corpses, not the scene of the crime.

Then everyone seemed to have nothing to do with it, and went to their own affairs.

Wu Tian didn't expect this incident to bring Zhang Zerui down. After all, this man still had a lot of means. If there is no direct evidence to prove that he must be a murderer, it is difficult to convict him.

Sun Hongsheng was very fast, less than an hour before and after, a dozen police cars arrived.

They drove into the flower island in mighty force and drove over to the basement directly.

Seeing that this was indeed a cordon, Sun Hongsheng was also a little relieved.

But when he took people to the basement, he looked at the empty table with a look of confusion.

"No... where's the corpse?"

Sun Hongsheng hurriedly went back to the Wu Group Company and asked Wu Tian what was going on.

But how did Wu Tian know that he left at that time and never went to that place again.

"What are you talking about? The body is gone? How is this possible!"

Wu Tian didn't believe it, and ordered Long Yun to quickly investigate the surveillance video. It turned out that the surveillance nearby had long been destroyed.

Nothing was recorded, and things started to become troublesome. The police also transferred the suspected object to Wu Tian.

After all, when I saw the corpse in my life, I was in the flower island of the Wu Group Company, not somewhere else.

Wu Tian was really a little panicked now. He originally thought this was a bit troublesome for Zhang Zerui, but suddenly the trouble fell on him.

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