Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 971: Lao Lai

That is, when he was on the plane, after some struggle, Sun Hongsheng still lifted the ban on Wu Tian.

After all, Wu Tian has no evidence of direct crime.

And Wu Tian has various alibi, all of them with surveillance video, which are very sufficient.

Even if the police wanted to suspect Wu Tian, ​​there was no way to connect this matter with him.

It just said that the body was lost in Huadao, which in itself is a very bizarre situation.

After all, the deceased didn't die here...Of course, Wu Tian naturally concealed some of the processes, and he could never reveal his undercover.

However, Sun Hongsheng still tried his best to investigate, and I have to say that stealing the body is simply a way to expose himself.

By stealing this corpse, the person who benefits the most is naturally the murderer, or the person who wants to grasp the murderer's handle.

As long as the person who stole the corpse was found, then the whole thing would be self-defeating.

So life made them decide to put all their current energy on this matter, and naturally no one had any thoughts about what Wu Tian did.

The police made a choice on his side, but public opinion has reversed.

Many people don't know what kind of news they learned that Wu Tian left China and went to Eagle Country. In line with what happened during this period, many netizens thought that Wu Tian was to abscond.

Suddenly began to curse Wu Tian and Wu Group on the Internet, of course, some of them will inevitably bring rhythm.

One stone caused a thousand waves of waves, and no one knew what the truth of the matter was, but Wu Tian had now become their target, and the attacked body was incomplete.

It's just that Wu Tian is on the plane, he has no energy or mind to pay attention to these problems, and he devotes himself to thinking about this Pulitzer consortium.

He cross-examined Liu Yue over and over again about the news of the Pulitzer consortium, and he also learned some of the problems.

For example, this time the patent war seems to be the advice of the Pulitzer consortium to so many Eagle Country companies.

Of course, Wu Tian had already thought of this. After all, what happened was a bit sudden, without warning.

If it has nothing to do with the Pulitzer consortium, it is abnormal.

Soon the plane landed. This time when he came to Eagle Country again, Wu Tian did not feel as fresh as before, because he also knew that this place did not seem to be any better than Huaxia.

"Hurry up and lead the way."

Long Yun glared at Liu Yue. They got a car and ran directly to the Chinatown Liu Yue said.

"For more than ten years, the boss of our place has always been Mr. Chu. He is also the richest man in Chinatown. Don't underestimate it. The people here are hiding dragons and tigers."

Liu Yue led them to Chinatown, where she grew up.

I have to say that these places are indeed impressive and they look quite grand.

Among them is a room with the Yuexiang Guild Hall written on it. Antique plaques are hung on it, as if it had entered a hundred years ago.

"Is it such a place?"

Wu Tian tidyed up his clothes. After all, this time he was here to visit, and he must pay careful attention to etiquette.

"Yes, I will lead you in."

Liu Yue said in a nonsense, now she really didn't dare to make any actions, nor did she dare to make any behavior against Wu Tian.

Entering the gate, there is a lovely courtyard built with a small pavilion in the middle, with a tea table and a chair inside.

There was an old man lying on it, wearing silk clothes, basking in the sun leisurely, holding a purple clay pot in his hand, looking leisurely and contented.

"Isn't this Liu Yue? Didn't it mean that I will be back at the end of next month?"

The old man glanced at these people and found that they knew some of them, so he greeted them enthusiastically.

"Grandpa Chu, hurry up and rest. How's your health recently? I haven't brought you anything from there."

"Haha what good things you want, you can buy everything now, but if you can get me some specialties of China, it would be best! I miss our Yuejiang tea all now."

This old man surnamed Chu looks very amiable and talkative. This gave Wu Tian a very good first impression.

Visual inspection should be easier to communicate.

"By the way, who are these people?"

Elder Chu looked at Wu Tian and the others, and felt that their faces seemed a little fierce.

When Liu Yue heard this, he hurriedly explained, "Master, these are here to visit you on purpose. They are from China."

Hearing what Liu Yue said, the old man relaxed his vigilance a little, but he did not fully believe Wu Tian and the others.

"It turned out to be so, please sit down soon."

Even though he is said to be the richest man in Chinatown, but his clothes are not much different from the old lady outside.

No one could see that he was so rich when he went out.

"Excuse me, your surname?"

Mr. Chu clasped his fists and looked at Wu Tian with interest. He was so knowledgeable and recognized at a glance that Wu Tian was the backbone of it.

"My surname is Wu, one word is a day."

Wu Tian also responded respectfully, saying that he respected such an old gentleman.

"We are here this time to learn about the Pulitzer consortium. If you know anything, I hope you can tell us a little bit."

Hearing the words Pulitzer Consortium, Mr. Chu's expression began to feel a little angry.

"Why, you were deceived by them too?"

Listening to Mr. Chu's words, Wu Tian also froze for a moment. What lied, could it be that this Pulitzer consortium did a lot of things in Eagle Country?

"What are you talking about, I don't quite understand it. This Pulitzer consortium is currently suppressing my company, so I want to find out about their affairs and see if there are any flaws. As for the fraud you just mentioned. , I think it's impossible for them..."

Hearing Wu Tian's explanation, Mr. Chu could be regarded as Qing Chu who understood Wu Tian's plan to come this time.

"Don't mention it, I get angry when I think about it! At the beginning, this Pulitzer consortium hired a new surname. I think he is also our Huaxia, so I invested in them, but I didn't expect..."

"What happened behind?"

Wu Tian can hear it, and feels that there must be many stories in it.

"Later, these people took my money but didn't give me shares, gave me an IOU, and the entire company ran away!"

When he thinks of this, Mr. Chu always hates the roots of his teeth. This is not a small amount. Even if he is the richest man, he will inevitably hurt his nerves.

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