Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 972: Cause and effect

Seeing the old man's attitude, Wu Tian also felt quite surprised.

He didn't expect that there would be people who had almost the same idea as himself, just hoping that the Pulitzer consortium would die as soon as possible.

"They...could it be that they owe a lot of money?" Wu Tian tentatively asked his doubts. Although he had been a little psychologically prepared before, he really heard it in his ears, Wu Tian Still feel very surprised.

What exactly is this Pulitzer consortium planning to do? It owes so much money.

"Don't mention it!" Mr. Chu said as he nearly smashed the purple clay pot in his hand.

Liu Yue, who was next to him, was taken aback, shrank and stood far away.

Wu Tian and Long Yun looked at each other, and they both felt that they were right this time.

Fortunately, I chose to believe Liu Yue, otherwise I wouldn't be able to know these things.

"Master, you must talk to me, maybe we can cooperate with each other!"

Wu Tian suddenly started to have some ideas in his mind. He didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

"Cooperate, how can we cooperate?" Mr. Chu looked puzzled. To be honest, he really didn't know what the young man in front of him was.

"You can tell me first about this Pulitzer consortium."

Mr. Chu nodded thoughtfully, and looked at this young man as if he was not a bad person. Even if he said these things, there shouldn't be any problems.

"Well, this is actually too stupid when we were at the beginning. If you come to Eagle Country often, you should be able to see it.

In fact, we are not doing very well here. If white people want to be successful, they only need to put in five points of effort, but we, as expatriates, have to work hard for twenty points, even if that is the case. It is not necessarily the reward we deserve.

So in the past few years, each of our expatriates actually hoped that we could have a strong enterprise or company that can represent our expatriates. "

When Mr. Chu talked about these things, he was really describing such a scene, and the two of them were interested in listening.

These words can't be fake. Liu Yue next to her is a good example. Why should she please her white boss so much? Isn't it for this reason?

They look down upon Wu Tian and they are also caused by the intense fanaticism of the converts.

In order to be recognized by the white people, it is actually very stupid to constantly draw a line with his own people.

But they did so, instead making their situation worse and worse.

"What did this Pulitzer consortium do after that?"

Father Chu took a sip of water, nodded and said, "Don't worry, there will be more later."

"The ceo they started with should be the last name. I forgot what the name was. This person raised money in our Chinatown from the beginning. He visits us old men with a little money every day. We look at his face. I took out some money to make a voice for this guy. In fact, at the beginning, the amount was not a lot, just a few hundred million."

Wu Tian suddenly felt that he might have misunderstood something. Even though their situation was difficult, they were really rich in it. A general existence far beyond one's imagination.

"Only a few hundred million, he returned this is good, Zhang Lao has developed the company, and then he began to continue to raise funds, and constantly said to strengthen the prestige and power of these people, we I was confused by this person for a while, so I kept investing in him. Thinking about it now, it's really naive."

"Does the debt start to leapfrog more? But if they do business well, won't they have so many problems?"

Mr. Chu shook his head, obviously he didn't agree with Wu Tian's statement.

"You are still too naive. This Zhang Lao was like this at the beginning. He started to make some real estate voices. At the same time, he started to have a lot of money in his hands, and his business was getting better and better.

But he was so prosperous that he didn't expect some competitors to discover it.

Those whites of them began to stumble upon the Pulitzer consortium, and Zhang Lao's company began to lose money. "

Wu Tian and Long Yun listened very carefully, and even hurriedly took notes while listening.

"But if we lose money like this, we will definitely not say anything. After all, this is normal. How can we always make a profit without losing money?

But this chapter really disappointed us a bit. He actually started colluding with those white companies in order to get the project, buying the land in our Chinatown at a low price, then building the real estate and then selling it at a high price. Do our flesh and blood make his money...

It was at this time that we realized that this Pulitzer consortium might be problematic because his on-time repayment began to default. "

Father Chu's words began to become heavy, and his expression seemed to blame himself.

To be honest, everyone is blinded by this kind of thing, and how many people can see the reality clearly in that environment.

"In this case, I probably understand... I have to say that this chapter is always really hip. If you can't do it, don't set such a high tone at the beginning. It's fine now. I can't even pay the money I owe."

Wu Tian also began to sigh on the sidelines, but he felt that this was a better opportunity.

If you can play here, wouldn't it be equivalent to picking up a powerful gun? These huge bonds are simply a sword on the head of the Pulitzer consortium, and you may want it at any time. His fate.

But the Pulitzer consortium has now gone to China, and when it wants to use this method to transfer the money, it will deny it first, and then delay it.

"Hey, I really don't know if we can still see our money, I can invest more than a billion in it!"

Wu Tian rolled his eyes and smiled at Mr. Chu, "Is there a lot of people like you? Here I have a request. If you don't reach me directly, can you promise me?"

"Let's talk about it first." Mr. Chu now doesn't know what Wu Tian is making.

"I want to meet these people. If possible, it is better to get them all together. We can hold a meeting to see if there is any way to solve this problem."

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