Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 976: Sneaky staff

The news spread back to China, and Zhang Zerui couldn't even eat anymore.

To be honest, he didn't expect Wu Tian to use such a method.

He grabbed the cup on his table hard and smashed it out to the front.

"Zhang, should we just leave this alone?" the secretary said carefully, since the matter has reached this point, then don't think so much.

Their original purpose was to get out of this debt. Those creditors were all Eagles. Generally speaking, they would not be affected much in China.

"Do you think this works? He Wu Tian is a fool? With this gun, he will definitely come to our troubles as soon as he comes back!" Zhang Zerui is already too clear about such things, Wu Tian is not the first Do it all at once.

Moreover, the two sides have already fully clarified their attitudes, which is to let the other side die.

"Then we should repay part of the debt. In this case, perhaps the direction of public opinion is still beneficial to us."

The secretary calculated it. They actually don't have much money in their hands now, but if they look like this, it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, they still have several companies in their hands, and they are also very important assets.

As long as Nanhe Securities and Moka Group can always make money for them, then this matter is not a big deal.

Anyway, when I borrowed money, I didn't actually sign a repayment period with those people.

Then this has a lot of operating space.

After listening to Zhang Zerui, he did not rush to speak, but looked at the map and was silent for a while. Finally, he put his finger on the tabletop, buttoned it, and slowly said: "Well, you book me a ticket to Eagle Country. I'm going out for a few days."

Mi was a little surprised, but he still prepared for Zhang Zerui. Since he had such a plan, then he probably had other ideas.

Soon, as Zhang Zerui guessed, as soon as Wu Tian came back, he began to publicize the dark history of the Pulitzer Consortium with great fanfare.

For a time, public opinion on the Internet began a 180-degree turn, because it was obvious that people liked to stand on the moral high ground and blame others. Before, they accused Wu Tian, ​​but that was not very powerful.

Just guessing. But this time it was different, because the Pulitzer consortium’s debts really existed, and Wu Tian made it public.

Moreover, the joint venture company founded by Wu Tian has already begun to operate, and proactively contacted the Pulitzer consortium.

But Zhang Zerui has never come out to clarify the facts or make any comments. This makes Wu Tian a little strange. Obviously, the more this kind of thing drags on, the more disadvantaged it will be for Zhang Zerui.

However, Wu Tian came to the door in person and, as the chairman of the creditor company, sent a debt collection letter to the Pulitzer consortium.

As soon as the thing was released, Wu Tian stretched out, generally feeling that the problem shouldn't be too big.

The action on his side has been completed, and the rest depends on how the opponent plans to play the cards.

During this period of time, Wu Tian was not in the company. Now that he was idle again, he simply wandered back and forth on Huadao to see the situation of various departments.

At this time, he happened to watch a small group of people hurriedly passing by. He didn't know what he was going to do. The point was that they were more worried about others seeing it, and were a little scared.

Wu Tian looked at these people as if they were ordinary employees, and he suddenly became curious, because he didn't know what these people were planning to do, and he immediately became curious.

He followed behind these people, intending to see where they were going and what they were doing.

After all, there have been cases of missing bodies on Huadao before, and now they are all guarded against, so the behavior of these people will make people look very eye-catching.

I saw these people trotting all the way, avoiding the direction of the crowd, and came to a relatively hidden small garden.

There is a pavilion in the middle of the garden, and there are a few trees nearby, making it a good shelter.

"Quickly, show it out!"

"Yes, yes, we have been waiting for a month!"

"What are you in a hurry, I haven't said how difficult this is!"

Suddenly, several people started chattering and talking, while watching them from a distance as if they were taking something out of the bag.

Wu Tian couldn't see clearly, and planned to get closer.

"I'm telling you, this is a contraband! Don't say it!"

"Don't worry, Lao Wang, you still can't believe us? It's not the first day we met, and this kind of thing is not the first day."

"That's it, we've been looking forward to it for so long, so don't sell it to us."

The employee named Lao Wang nodded, and looked at the attitude of the few of them, and felt satisfied.

"Then you have to delete it quickly after reading it! Come on, let's copy it."

Wu Tian listened in a confused way, and didn't figure out what was going on, so he quietly walked toward the pavilion.

All these people's attention was placed on the things in their hands, and they didn't notice Wu Tian at all.

As a result, Wu Tian reached out and put his hand directly on their shoulders, and also leaned between their heads, watching curiously.

A few of them were holding a very old CD in their hands, with a reading machine in the middle, and a few of them were copying the contents of the CD.

"What is it?" Wu Tian asked curiously.

"You don't know this, why did you mess with us?"

Lao Wang said with a smile. He raised his head and looked at the person who was speaking, and suddenly realized that there seemed to be one more person among them.

"You are... Mr. Wu!"

After seeing Wu Tian's face clearly, several people were so scared that they could no longer stand in the fight, panicking and scrambling to escape.

But how could Wu Tian let them succeed so easily. He stopped his body and said with full of breath: "Don't run, just give me back!"

When Wu Tian spoke like this, several people suddenly dared not move, and one by one came back with their heads down in despair.

Several of them stood in a row, and they were afraid to say anything.

"You tell me, what the **** is this?" Wu Tian pointed his finger at the compact disc on the small stone table in the middle. He was very curious. If it were ordinary things, there was no need for them to hide them like this.

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