Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 977: Mysterious master

Lao Wang and the others trembled suddenly, knowing that the major event was not good, but at this time they had to explain.

After all, they still don't want to lose their job in the Wu Group Company because of this matter. After all, the treatment Wu Tian gave them is one of the best in the country.

"Um...we really don't know, these are all brought by Lao Wang..." Seeing Wu Tian's eyes were facing them, the other few people quickly wanted to shirk their relationship, and finally got Lao Wang off Depressed on his face.

"Traitor!" Pharaoh's lips moved. Although there was no sound, his lip shape was still very obvious. At this time, several of his friends knew that he seemed to have made a mistake, and he shrank his neck. .

"Okay, stop arguing. I'm not saying what I plan to do with you, but tell me what this is."

Wu Tian smiled and waved his hand. He felt that these people were a bit too sensitive. He must feel that he was a bad person and planned to deal with them all.

"Mr. Wu, are you serious?" When Lao Wang heard Wu Tian say this, he started to get bolder.

"Really, as long as your thing doesn't affect the company and doesn't violate the law... I can still open it online."

Wu Tian nodded, for this little thing, he wouldn't use this reason to expel these people.

In other words, he has never voluntarily fired any employees, unless he made an irreparable mistake.

"Well, it's actually like this. Several of us are of that kind and prefer supernatural phenomena... But, this kind of thing is actually hard to find, and the relevant information is hard to find, so we used it. I found this CD by many means."

Lao Wang briefly introduced the origin of this CD, which made Wu Tian a little disappointed. He was looking forward to it for a long time, but this is the result?

"Because of this? Are you hiding like this? As for..."

Wu Tian really has nothing to say.

Lao Wang said embarrassedly: "As for, you don’t know that Secretary Long has had rules about these things, saying that all materials and other things that do not meet our company’s regulations are not allowed to be brought in. But we can't help it anymore and want to see these things."

Speaking of this, Wu Tian felt that there was nothing to say, "Hey, don't worry, just open this thing and let me take a look at what's inside."

Seeing Wu Tian's attitude didn't seem to be angry, these employees began to relax a little bit, put the CD into the player and turned on the button.

Soon, a picture appeared on the screen, as if it was a place in the wild, and it looked like it was taken by a recorder.

"What's weird about this..." Wu Tian muttered, feeling that this seemed nothing.

"Don't worry, then look back."

I saw the picture behind suddenly started to move, and something seemed to fly over suddenly, and disappeared in a flash.

"Wait, did something pass by just now?" Wu Tian was taken aback for a moment. With his eyesight, it seemed that he hadn't seen the above things clearly.

Pharaoh couldn't help but admire him very much and pressed the pause button.

"Mr. Wu has good eyesight. Back then, I could only see it clearly after reading it several times."

With that, he slowed down the playback speed and started to replay the previous scene at a very slow speed.

Now, it was Wu Tian's turn and his eyes widened.

Because it happened just now, it was clearly a person.

This person's speed is almost too fast to be seen by the naked eye, and can only feel the shadow of something from the fluctuations of the flowers and trees.

"No!" Wu Tian suddenly froze the picture at this time, with a look of surprise, because he clearly looked at this person's shoulder, as if he was still carrying something, like a black bag, which was as long as one person.

He zoomed in on the screen, and he leaned in front of the screen, carefully observing it, and called these people over by the way.

"You guys come over and have a look, is this person carrying a black bag?"

Lao Wang and the others came over to take a look, and they felt that what Wu Tian said was somewhat reasonable, and the more they looked, the more they felt alike.

"Don't tell me, it looks like there is a person in it. The equipment used for shooting is a monitor on the outskirts of our city. It's really bad. It would be nice if I could be clearer."

"It's okay. It happens that our department has a technology that can improve this picture through a computer!"

When Wu Tian heard this, he was overjoyed, because he vaguely felt that this matter might not be that simple.

"Hurry up and figure it out, this is very important to our company!"

With Wu Tian's request, these people immediately began to act, and now there is no need to worry about punishment, they are also a blessing in disguise.

Soon, the new renderings came out, which was much clearer than before. Wu Tian saw this new picture right away.

It was exactly what he thought, with a person carrying a bag on it, and the bag looked like a trash bag from their Wu Group company.

Because there seems to be their company logo on it.

Wu Tian suddenly took a deep breath. This incident might have been the reason for the disappearance of the body before!

Wu Tian was already a little skeptical about this idea just now, and now he is even more certain.

He quickly took this photo and found the employee Pharaoh. Ask him how exactly this video came from.

"I bought this from a friend. He usually likes to collect these things. I can call to ask where the video is located."

Lao Wang actually knew what Wu Tian wanted to ask, and proactively proposed himself to help him find clues.

Of course, this is not enough. Wu Tian also sent this photo to the security team, so that Su Cancan also participated.

Sun Hongsheng was even notified. When everyone gathered together, they all felt that the previous cases of missing bodies have finally begun to have a breakthrough.

"Is this something people can do?" Sun Hongsheng watched this video several times, and then he couldn't believe it.

To be honest, it is indeed a bit difficult for an ordinary person to believe this.

"The world is so big, there are no surprises. I now understand why we can't find any clues. This person's light work is so good, he can definitely walk on the grass without falling snow."

From the perspective of an expert, Su Cancan admired him very much, but at the same time he started to feel a little excited.

Thinking that she was going to confront such a powerful master, she felt a little uncontrollable excited.

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