Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 979: Dog eyes

Wu Tian didn’t put this person in his eyes at all, joking, this time he brought someone here to put pressure on the Pulitzer consortium. If he just left, wouldn’t this trip be wasted? .

He walked slowly in front of the secretary, looked at him grinningly, and laughed hehe.

"Let us go, you can just say these two empty words? Do you think we are fools?"

Regardless of Wu Tian's youth, but his interests are really involved, he can also become a profiteer, and he is the kind of profiteer whose heart is so dark that he can no longer be black.

Seeing that Wu Tian's popularity was so aggressive that he would not leave without paying the money, the secretary didn't know what to do, and quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He is just a secretary, and he doesn't have the ability to arrange this and that, and he feels like he's coming out to persuade him.

"Well, Mr. Wu, or you... tell me a plan, let's see if we do something here, at least it can't continue like this."

The secretary felt that he could only admit counsel in front of Wu Tian, ​​otherwise there would be really no way.

The impact caused by more than a hundred people outside can be known to people nearby within ten minutes, and the whole city will know about it for half a day. At night, this matter will spread across the country.

At that time, their Pulitzer consortium wanted to do something, it was too late.

"You want to be accommodating." Wu Tian lowered his voice and said to the secretary's ear.

The secretary hurriedly nodded, nodded and bowed very respectfully.

Wu Tian thoughtfully, looked at the Pulitzer consortium behind him, and said with a smile: "Yes, can you use the company under your name as a mortgage first? Don't you have a lot of equity? Take it out and come to us. If you don’t get the money, we won’t lose too much. If the money comes back, then we will return this equity to you.”

This method is actually to let them use the company as mortgage. As far as the current situation is concerned, if they re-mortgage the acquired companies under their hands, they will not even think about recovering them. That is even more impossible.

"Mr. Wu...this...this is too important, I can't make a decision now..." The secretary was so scared that he was about to collapse to the ground, and he didn't expect Wu Tian to be so aggressive. It came up to want their wealth and life.

"Well, you can ask your board of directors. You can't live without Zhang Zerui, right?"

Wu Tian was not in a hurry, and waved his hand gently, letting the secretary go in first to discuss.

Of course, he still has to continue to lead people and continue to clamor for slogans outside.

As time turned, it was almost noon. The police might not be able to stand it anymore. They simply sent a lot of people to persuade them, because there are too many people watching the crowds nearby, and it is already obvious that they have begun to obstruct traffic.

"Wu Tian, ​​what you got here should be almost the same, it's time to go back." A chubby policeman persuaded Wu Tian by his side, but Wu Tian didn't consider it the same.

Their people have always demonstrated peacefully without any violence, so the police can actually say nothing about their actions.

"Go back? What about the money owed to us?" Wu Tian asked back, all of a sudden the policeman who had come to persuade him had nothing to say.

At this time, a few people came out of the Pulitzer Consortium. They looked very elegant and noble. They arrogantly thought that they were aloft. They had never lowered their chins before and kept facing the sky.

Wu Tian watched these people walking towards him, and only when he got close did he see clearly that these were all white people, not their Chinese people.

"What do they do?" Wu Tian looked at Long Yun beside him with a strange expression, he didn't know any of them anyway.

Long Yun just glanced briefly and knew what these people were doing.

"A few of them are the major shareholders of the Pulitzer consortium. In short, they are very rich."

Wu Tian said, since this is the case, then he must treat them well.

"Are you Mr. Wu Tian?"

At this moment, the other party was speaking in a foreign language Chinese, standing in front of Wu Tian, ​​looking at Wu Tian like a humble servant.

"I'm right, but you don't deserve to talk to me, and call your higher-level people over!" Wu Tian just looked at the person who was talking to him, and simply threw out such a sentence.

The other party obviously didn't expect Wu Tian to speak this way, and was stunned.

"I'm from the Pulitzer Consortium..."

"I don't care what you are, get out! I said, you are not worthy to talk to me, I will buckle your eyes off if you don't leave!" Wu Tian looked at his arrogant attitude and became angry. Just like them, they still want to talk Wu Tian's negotiation is really a dream.

These white people have not figured out who is in control of the situation now. Wu Tian is now going to educate them well.

The person who spoke was helpless when he was scolded, but he walked behind their group in a dingy manner, and made their biggest antique stand out.

This person is relatively old, and of course he is not as impulsive as the young person, and he looks up and looks very kind.

But Wu Tian wouldn't have too much senses because of the expressions on their faces. If he really believed that these white people would have any good intentions, then he would really be a fool among fools.

"Mr. Wu, I am the acting chairman of the Pulitzer Consortium. May I speak with you?"

Wu listened to the old guy's words with a little meaning, and laughed in front of many people.

Just now, Wu Tian's accusations and insults to the white man can be said to make the nearby Huaxia people look incredibly cool.

These people usually like to domineering, relying on their own money, and the characteristics of Huaxia people who like to calm people, and often make some rude behaviors towards Huaxia people.

In fact, people have long seen these white people upset, let alone the things that happened in the previous hundreds of years.

Suddenly, Wu Tian seemed to be an existence who stood in the perspective of his own nation and argued for the Chinese people.

"Okay, are you the biggest official?" Wu Tian looked at the old white man in front of him with a very contemptuous look. If his eyes can speak, he must be scolding the old white man at this time. Imminent.

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