Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 980: Please correct your attitude

The old white man nodded slightly, and he smiled slightly, but this smile was not so relieved, nor was it funny.

But after seeing Wu Tian, ​​he felt that he was playing a monkey in front of people and was embarrassed.

The more you look at it, the more Wu Tian feels that he is a little angry, but he can't tear his face. After all, the other party still maintains the so-called gentleman's demeanor, then Wu Tian can't do too much.

I could see that Wu Tian's face was a little flushed. Long Yun, who was often beside Wu Tian, ​​quickly walked over and said next to Wu Tian, ​​"Mr. Wu, don't be stimulated by him..."

What Wu Tian said in this sentence was like a divine enlightenment, only then realized that he had just let others drive his emotions away.

This old boy is really cunning. There are so many times. I just looked at his expression and made him so angry. If there is no reminder from Long Yun, I am afraid that if I negotiate with this old guy, I don’t know how to eat. How much loss.

When negotiating, the most taboo is to use your own emotions to influence judgment, so it is best to participate in the negotiation at the calmest moment.

"What are you going to say? Have you come up with any plan?" Wu Tian adjusted his emotions a bit. At this time, he can no longer lose face in front of them. There are thousands of Chinese people standing behind him. It.

"My respectable Mr. Wu Tian, ​​why can't you talk to me like a gentleman, we are here like a Murano quarrel, which is not elegant."

The old white man didn't answer Wu Tian's question, but instead pulled up other things, making Wu Tian sneer.

"Don't talk to me, I don't eat this set!" Wu Tian has now seen through the tricks of the old white man, saying so much is to let him leave this place, and then talk to another place, as long as it is Wu Tian Yes, then he will inevitably be led into the ditch.

"Mr. Wu, we are all civilized people, how can you talk like that, it's really a bit unsightly...If that's the case, wouldn't there be no way for us to communicate?"

The old white man was still reluctant, but Wu Tian didn't even give in.

"Huh, it's not working? You are too weak, right? I haven't shown the way and style of my usual speech yet. That's it for you. You really don't have any energy at all. Okay, if you do If you have a plan, just say it, otherwise, you will go wherever you like, but don’t think of it if you are alone!"

Wu Tian's remarks are not joking. With his strength and manpower, blocking the Pulitzer consortium is not a problem at all. If they were not allowed to come out, they would never come out. Even a fly, Wu Tian can also lock them in.

"Hehe, Mr. Wu is really good at joking. If that's the case, let's just do it like that, and don't be faulty."

Seeing Wu Tian, ​​the old white man didn't want to eat too much, knowing that he could only be boring after such a tossing, so he simply stopped talking about the useless. Wu Tian obviously wanted a result.

"That's it. Our board of directors has already discussed it. It has always been thought that this matter must be discussed with the participation of all members of our board of directors. Otherwise, it would still be somewhat unfair..."

Before he could say wow, Wu Tian smashed the mineral water bottle he was holding on the ground.

"You don't **** talk nonsense with me! I don't care what democracy or fairness you are in the end, that's your business, I have a sentence here, it is only right to pay debts!"

When Wu Tian said this, the people underneath immediately began to cooperate with him to shout slogans, and for a while, the momentum outside the Pulitzer consortium began to rise.

The old white man seemed to be frightened by this scene and looked at the policeman aside with some fear.

"You... why don't you care! They are violating our company!"

At this time, the fat police officer shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he was also powerless.

"Sorry, according to our country's laws, they just assemble freely. Our police cannot take coercive measures until they commit violence against you."

" are the police..."

These white people usually talk about the chaos of the legal system, but when it comes to their interests, they don't want the law.

The fat police officer seemed to have been affected by Wu Tian, ​​and he didn't want to give these people any good looks at this time.

"What's the matter with the police? We, like the police, have to abide by the law. Why, are the police in the Eagle Country only targeting you rich?"

This passage of his can be said to have received unanimous praise from the people present. Originally, Wu Tian thought that this policeman was making trouble for himself, but he did not expect that he would stand in the face of these Eagles. Wu Tian's side.

In the live webcast, the fat police officer directly boarded the hot search of China and won the support of the people across the country. At the same time, the Pulitzer consortium was even more despised.

Seeing this situation, they had no way to deal with it. At this time, several white directors could only escape back into the building hurriedly. Wu Tian's people started to applaud for a while.

The other party didn't even have time to tell their terms, they had to withdraw their arrogance.

It can be said that Wu Tian really achieved a great victory this time.

"Well, let's just spend with them like this! I don't believe it, they can still eat and drink in this place!" Wu Tian said as he directed the people to block the entrance and exit of the Pulitzer consortium.

The police even told Wu Tian what to do in order not to violate the law, and for a while, everyone began to quarrel with the enemy.

The crowd present also let out a nasty breath, immediately refreshed.

It's just that they haven't had time to be happy long, suddenly Long Yun walked over with a nervous expression. She called Wu Tian aside, and deliberately avoided the crowd.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Wu Tian judged based on his own experience that something must have happened, otherwise Long Yun would not be so nervous.

"Mr. Wu, the big business is not good!" Long Yun frowned, looked at the protest scene very worriedly, and swallowed with difficulty.

"Speak slowly, don't worry!"

"The government of the Eagle Country sent a notice saying that the company we established was investigated by the commerce department there, and it did not meet the regulations, and required a deadline to complete the modification of the equity. Otherwise, we will be forced to dissolve!"

As soon as this news came, Wu Tian's head slammed, isn't this just to tear down his station.

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