Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 981: pressure

Wu Tian managed to organize this creditor company, and now he is required to make rectifications within a short period of time. If the management of Eagle Country cannot be satisfied, they will be forcibly dissolved.

"How could this happen? Is this Zhang Zerui's devil?" Wu Tian thought of the missing Zhang Zerui for the first time. From a certain perspective, only he has the ability to do this.

Long Yun shook her head. They didn't have any direct evidence. Moreover, for Wu Tian now, who planned it is not so important anymore. The key is how to solve this problem.

If this company disappears, it will be difficult for those expatriates from Eagle Country to come to China to collect debts.

By that time, the Pulitzer Consortium will definitely be more arrogant and will not take the initiative to pay back the money.

"Don't tell anyone about this matter first!" Wu Tian hurriedly blessed that this matter is really important. Maybe their efforts this time will be completely abandoned, so they must hide it for the time being.

"I know this, but what are we going to do next?"

Long Yun pointed to the scene of the protest. If the company goes bankrupt, it would be meaningless for them to continue protesting here, because everyone in the audience is the helper of the actors that Wu Tian found, and none of them are the real creditors.

"They're still here and don't move. We can't let the other party discover that we have a problem! The other party is also watching our movements closely."

Wu Tian squinted at the Eagles in the Pulitzer Consortium and frowned. The sudden appearance of such a thing really made Wu Tian somewhat unexpected.

But if you leave at this time, everything you have done will be wiped out, so you must think of a way to get some benefits before the other party discovers this.

"Let's go back first, and I will contact those expatriates in Eagle Country."

Wu Tian knew that it would be useless to stay in this place, so he turned around and left.

On the way, Wu Tian thought of a lot of solutions, but most of them were not very good. The best solution is to acquire these claims.

Reduce the number of small creditors, so that Eagle Nation’s management agency can say nothing more.

When he arrived at Huadao, Wu Tian quickly contacted Mr. Chu and told him about the matter.

Mr. Chu was also very shocked, he thought this matter itself was already foolproof.

"You mean, Eagle Country is preparing to ban our company?"

"That's how it is said, but there is still so much time today, so I wonder if we can acquire these debts and transfer them to China. In this case, the management department of Eagle Country will not be able to control it. "

Wu Tian thinks this is the only more appropriate way now. But this trick is not so easy, because there is a very serious problem before them, that is, this will consume a lot of money.

Mr. Chu was silent for a while, and finally he sighed.

"I think what you said is a bit reasonable. Looking at it right now, if the company is really banned, I don't think these people's money will be returned. But if we acquire these claims, then this risk is It must be borne by us acquirers. This is a gamble."

What Mr. Chu said is not wrong at all. This is a gamble.

And it's still the kind of gambling that fills all the net worth.

"High risk and high return, it depends on whether we have this kind. Anyway, I have already decided to acquire a part of the creditor's rights. Only in this way can I have greater pressure on the Pulitzer consortium from China."

There is nothing to hesitate about Wu Tian, ​​the only thing he can do is this.

"Well, I'll buy it with you!" Mr. Chu seemed to be moved by Wu Tian, ​​and agreed to be like him. The two people reached an agreement so happily and began to prepare for this.

But the good times didn't last long, but when Wu Tian went to talk to these retail investors, he discovered a very bad thing. A large number of people already sold their equity to an Eagle Country company.

And this company is also the company Wu Tian knew before, called BMD.

Suddenly, they ate a large amount of creditor's rights and became the largest creditor of the Pulitzer consortium. Even Wu Tian and Mr. Chu had no way to compare with them.

Not to mention that this BMD also has more than 300 billion debts. The scale of this fund is really not comparable to Wu Tian and the others, and the difference in strength is too far.

While Wu Tian was still in desperation, the representative sent by BMD put forward a request on the board of directors. Their people asked to become chairman of the board to organize and plan the entire creditor company.

Of course Wu Tian disagreed, but the opponent Zhan Jue had too many shares, and Wu Tian's opinions were overwhelmed at once.

So as a last resort, Wu Tian worked himself for a long time, and the credit company he established became a BMD company overnight.

Both he and Mr. Chu are beginning to be a little worried, for fear that this company will do something that it should not do, such as forgiving the Pulitzer consortium’s debts.

"It's not easy now, **** it, why did I forget to investigate what Zhang Zerui was doing!"

Wu Tian looked resentful. He actually knew that Zhang Zerui had gone to Eagle Country to find someone for help, but he didn't expect that he would forget this matter behind his head.

As a result, something like this appeared, and it really felt helpless.

"Mr. Wu, don't be too anxious. In my opinion, this BMD company is not a fuel-efficient lamp. They now hold a large amount of Pulitzer consortium debt, which is not necessarily a bad thing."

On the contrary, Long Yun's mood is much better than Wu Tian. She is very optimistic and feels that things are far from over.

"What do you say?"

"Look at this latest news." Long Yun said while handing over a newspaper, which was the latest this morning.

Wu Tian took a look at it, and he was surprised.

"how come..."

It is clear from the newspaper that BMD is directly negotiating with the Pulitzer consortium.

Under its own pressure, the Pulitzer consortium has been dragging its feet from dialogue, but in front of this BMD company, it is as good as a dog.

"These **** just look down on me!" Wu Tian raised his fist. The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the other party had come to disgust him on purpose.

Otherwise, how could such a different treatment be made.

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