Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 984: Stun the snake

Since everyone is already here, Wu Tian also set about starting the next preparations.

The first thing is to find a way to find the location of this mysterious person, otherwise everything is just empty talk.

The second satellite that Long Yun had been thinking about before has been suppressed by Wu Tian from launching. Now that he has funds and reasons, Wu Tian no longer blocks it.

Soon, this satellite capable of infrared detection rose to the sky, and Wu Tian and the others have now expanded from the visible area of ​​detection to indoors and even the bottom.

When the two satellites cooperate with each other, they can even gain insight into the existence and location of any living creature in an area.

This is a very remarkable development. It can even be said that they are not only useful for themselves, but also for the police and the army.

Of course, this is still not enough. Wu Tian is now staying in this monitoring hall every day, looking at the continuous flickering picture of the big screen in the middle, and he is a little worried.

They have been looking for it for several days, but to confirm one by one according to the ratio of the height to the figure, they still have no clue, and there are really too few clues.

"Mr. Wu, if we keep waiting like this, when will we wait until we find this person?"

Sun Hongsheng has always been by Wu Tian's side. The pressure on the police's task is also great. It is not easier than Wu Tian. They also have reasons to solve the case.

This is a murder case, and finding the corpse is the most critical part of it.

"How do I know, now I have done everything I can do... You know how much the satellite will cost... You police are good, you can enjoy such services without paying a penny."

Wu Tian mumbled and said, he actually has some doubts about this issue, he can't continue like this forever.

"Actually...I have a way." Long Yun said slowly from the side at this time, attracting the attention of both of them, Wu Tian and Sun Hongsheng were a little surprised.

"Do you have a way?" Sun Hongsheng felt that Long Yun was just a civilian secretary. What kind of means could she use.

Long Yun nodded lightly. Although she didn't have any expressions, she acted very neatly and looked confident.

"Let her talk about it!" Wu Tian still knows Long Yun better, knowing that he must never underestimate him.

"Actually, it's very simple. This person has been hidden in S City now, and there has been no movement. You can use the method of stunning the snake, and take the initiative to force him out."

Long Yun said lightly, and at the same time stretched out his hand and gestured on the map.

"Didn’t you send people to investigate many areas? Now we are letting go, saying that we have locked the suspect’s location, and then launched a large search in the city. No matter whether the news is true or false, I think this person will definitely I'm a little nervous. Then maybe it's possible to show his unparalleled speed again."

"We couldn't detect it before. If this happens again, I think we can definitely lock his position."

Wu Tian and Sun Hongsheng who were talking about Long Yun's words suddenly realized that they hadn't thought of this solution before. Although it sounds a bit unreliable, it is better than nothing.

"Okay, just do what you said! I will arrange people now!" Sun Hongsheng rushed out happily. Their police team has been struggling with this matter for several days.

Now that such a method has been proposed, Sun Hongsheng intends to give it a try no matter whether it works or not.

"But, what if the other party is very cunning?" Wu Tian didn't make a plan so immediately, because he thought deeply. In case the other party is an old fried dough stick, I am afraid that such a method is not effective for him. .

"We can only take a gamble now, otherwise there is no other way, unless he commits the crime again." Long Yun was helpless about this, and that was the solution he could come up with.

Although Wu Tian felt that something was wrong, there is no better way now, and he can only choose to compromise.

The news quickly spread. At the same time, Sun Hongsheng's police squad drove police cars in various places in the city, turned on the sirens, and conducted search and investigation everywhere.

Their actions were so great that many people thought it was an exercise. Otherwise, how could they send out thousands of police officers to conduct various searches.

For a while, many people felt that there was some turmoil at the beginning. The criminals who had originally petty theft were too scared to move.

Originally, Wu Tian and Long Yun were trying their luck in the detection hall, but it was unexpected that after a day or two, the system suddenly sounded an alarm, waking Wu Tian who was sleeping.

"What happened?"

Wu Tian looked at the screen above his head with a look of surprise, not knowing what happened.

"Mr. Wu, the system seems to have found a target that is moving at high speed!" A staff member next to him quickly explained. Wu Tianyi immediately jumped up excited when he heard this sentence.

"Great, I finally found him! Mark his location for me!"

Hearing Wu Tian's request, the people under his hand quickly began to act. Wu Tian also passed this coordinate information to Sun Hongsheng and the others immediately.

At the same time, I couldn't bear it long ago, and the security team began to dispatch at this time. They had made various plans a few days ago, hoping to succeed at one time and catch this mysterious person.

"Have you found someone?" Su Cancan ran over to ask while wearing his fighting costume. Seeing Wu Tian's excited expression, he probably had a few points in his heart.

"I found it, are you ready? Let's set off quickly!" Wu Tian also hurriedly changed clothes, this time he wanted to go to the front line.

"It's almost there. Security can leave at any time, but what are you going to do?" There is no place for Wu Tian in Su Cancan's plan.

Wu Tian looked at Su Cancan with a strange expression on his face, as if this guy had said something that was supposed to be.

"What are you talking about? Of course I have to go for this kind of thing myself! Don't forget that we found out the clue to this person! The idea was for Long Yun!"

"All right, whatever you want." Su Cancan was too lazy to argue with Wu Tian, ​​anyway, as long as this guy doesn't go to the front line, it will affect their actions.

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