Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 985: Kicked off

"All right, whatever you want." Su Cancan didn't bother to argue with Wu Tian, ​​anyway, as long as this guy doesn't go to the front line, don't affect their actions anyway.

For a time, dozens of helicopters began to take off from Huadao. This time, the security team was almost deployed by the entire army, and it was their largest combat operation.

And there are some very powerful experts who followed, such as Su Cancan's head, and her four senior sisters.

Although I don't know what their strength looks like, Wu Tian estimated that it should be no worse than Su Cancan, at least at the same level.

"Mr. Wu, the police are now rushing to the area we reserved. This person is about to arrive at the factory." Long Yun reported to Wu Tian in real time in the monitoring hall.

The speed of the man was extremely fast. In fact, the speed of the police could not keep up with him. However, this man seemed to be frightened in some way, and was a little panic when he escaped.

"Well, you can tell me where he is at any time!" Wu Tian is already eager to try.

He is wearing an exoskeleton mecha, waving his fists, hands and feet.

Simei seemed to be very interested in Wu Tian's outfit, staring at him curiously, Wu Tian was a little embarrassed.

"Cancan, what are you wearing?" Although they are curious, they don't want to talk to Wu Tian directly, they seem a little shy and timid.

"Oh, this is what you said."

Su Cancan gestured to the exoskeleton mecha on his body, and squeezed his senior sister's body forcefully.

"Is it strong? After I wear this, it will bring a great improvement to my body."

When Su Cancan said this, she didn't have the coldness that was when she was with Wu Tian.

"Is it really so powerful? I knew it should give us an experience."

Simei was chatting, and they could see that they actually wanted to feel about these things, but they were not too embarrassed to say it.

After all, it was a guest outside... and they didn't know Wu Tian either.

"We are cultivators. How can we rely on these fascinating skills? The most important thing is to improve and temper ourselves."

Hearing their conversation, the head frowned.

"Senior Sister, you don't need to be so pedantic, don't look at your words so high-sounding, don't I know you? Those things you trimmed in our valley..."

Su Wenxin started to vomit at this time. Before he could finish speaking, the head hurriedly opened his eyes and flew over, covering Su Wenxin's mouth.

"Hurry up and shut up..."

The two of them were tossing like this, only then realized that there are many other people around them watching, especially their apprentices...

The head also realized that he was a little gaffe, and quickly let go of Su Wenxin and straightened up.

"She... is talking nonsense, you should be clear about this."

The palm's face didn't change the color and the heart didn't beat, and he took the pot to Su Wenxin's body without any hassle.

Wu Tian was amused in his heart, because this head seems to be not much different from Su Wenxin's character, but looks more serious, but in fact, he is also kind of more playful in his heart.

"Seniors, we are coming soon. Since you are here for the first time, I am worried that you are not familiar with the terrain. If you have any worries, stand behind and ask our security team at any time. It's okay."

Wu Tian said this with kindness, because this head and Simei are both guests, and Su Cancan's same sect, if something happens to them, Wu Tian is not easy to explain.

"You don't have to worry about this young man, you may not know our boss is great."

Su Wenxin took a few breaths, and was almost made breathing hard by the boss just now.

As he was talking, the helicopter landed slowly, Wu Tian ran to the airport entrance and looked down. The factory building was not far below.

The place they chose to act this time was a factory, and the mysterious man, as they had expected, was rushed by the police to hide in this place.

In order to paralyze this person's attention, Wu Tian was just Sun Hongsheng evacuating all the police. Without the sound of the police car's siren, he shouldn't think about running away anymore.

After all, in terms of his speed, if he wanted to escape, it would be too easy. Fighting with him must reduce the space to a certain range, so as to minimize the impact of its ability.

"Are you ready? Come on according to our scheduled plan!"

Su Cancan also began to command the security team to implement the plan at this time.

Ordinary team members have begun to encircle the factory building. At the same time, they have brought a lot of materials from the plane. They opened these things to see that they were all covered with fine metal meshes. They put this thing Spread on the walls and roof of the factory.

"Let's go in too!"

Wu Tian moved his body, breaking his fingers and making a clicking sound. He hasn't fought for a long time, and his body has already started to secrete adrenaline involuntarily at this time, making his heart beat faster and excited.

"You don't need to talk about this! Master, it's better for you to be outside..."

Su Cancan ignored Wu Tian's words, but turned to look at his head and senior sister.

The head didn't say anything but just walked up and followed Wu Tian closely.

"I came here this time just to see the legendary man with such a light work, and ask him for some tips, how can I be outside?!"

"We want to protect the head!"

Simei also got together at this time, and their attitude was completely unshakable.

"Okay! But the situation inside is more complicated and nobody knows what will happen! So everyone must pay attention to safety."

After Su Cancan asked, he made a gesture at the security team, and they immediately opened a door carefully.

Several people entered in file, and finally opened the curtain of this hunting operation.

The workshop is very messy, with some machine-processed raw materials piled up everywhere, scattered all over the workshop.

It’s very troublesome to walk, and every step they make is difficult, let alone want to move forward quickly here.

"Be careful, we still don't know where that person is in this factory." Wu Tian whispered as he walked in front of him.

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