Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 986: Su Cancan is injured

The workshop is very messy, with some machine-processed raw materials piled up everywhere, scattered all over the workshop.

It’s very troublesome to walk, and every step they make is difficult, let alone want to move forward quickly here.

"Be careful, we still don't know where that person is in this factory." Wu Tian whispered as he walked in front of him.

The security team outside already covered the entire factory building with a metal net, so even if the mysterious person is fast, it is useless, because he can't fly so fast in a cage.

"Where is this person?" Su Wenxin also began to feel a little uncontrollable excitement. She looked everywhere and was already eager to try.

Several people really want to know who this person is and how they can practice light gong to this level.

"Wait a moment, Long Yun's infrared scan results will be passed over." Wu Tian told them to stay calm, and now they have the advantage, so there is actually no need to worry.

"Where did we use it so hard!" Su Wenxin said, following Wu Tian's back, and then stretched out a hand to release a small moth, which disappeared in the factory.

This little thing doesn't look big, but it flies very fast, and it can't be found in a while. I don't know where it went.

But not long after, Su Wenxin suddenly pointed in one direction and shouted: "It's over there! Over there!" With that, she rushed out by herself.

"Master, be careful!" Su Cancan hurriedly followed behind her. Su Cancan was a little bit unexpected for being so positive about her master, but this is not incomprehensible.

Su Wenxin didn't go to places like bars or nightclubs during this period of time, so she seemed to be driving crazy. This time I finally had something to do. Of course, I couldn't help but want to shed some excess energy for self-help.

In fact, the guy they were arresting was much more nervous than Su Wenxin. He heard the movement coming towards him, and his figure flashed quickly, jumping out from one corner and moving in the other direction. Burst out.

Sure enough, his speed was fast, and it was almost that instant before and after. Just when I saw his figure, when I saw him, there were no more people.

The head and Wu Tian were standing behind, and they were surprised when they saw this scene.

But she was also a little happy instead, and things seemed to have really not developed in the way she thought it was. This made the head master a bit ecstatic, no worse than Su Wenxin.

"Want to run?" Su Wenxin saw that since the person had already come out, then her own opportunity came, and she rushed up quickly. Her speed is not great, so if you compete with this mysterious person like this Things will not have any advantages.

However, Su Wenxin was not a fool either, she was not in a hurry, but as she rushed, she spread a lot of the little moths she carried with her.

These little guys are small in size, but there are a lot of them, and they soon began to settle in the factory.

It's just that they are so inconspicuous. If you don't look carefully, you may not be able to find them.

As soon as the opponent's figure flashed, he couldn't see it. The workshop was dark everywhere, and many places could be hidden.

But this question seems to be nothing to Su Wenxin. Every time that mysterious person changes his position, he can immediately adjust his direction.

It seems that the location of this mysterious person can be known at any time.

"Master, where is he now?"

Su Cancan doesn't have such a powerful method as Su Wenxin, and when the opponent ran away, she was a bit blinded.

"Twenty meters ahead of you!"

While Su Wenxin commanded from behind, she began to spread her own poisonous insects. The fighting methods of their Five Poison Cultists have always used terrain to create a combat environment suitable for them.

No matter how strong the opponent is, he cannot guarantee that he will never be poisoned.

After receiving the command, Su Cancan pressed towards the mysterious person step by step. The other party seemed to be very panicked and did not make any resistance at all.

It's just running away blindly, but the workshop space is so big that there is nowhere to hide when running around.

The more panicked the other party was, the more panicked he was. His speed was so fast that there was no way to use it in this workshop.

Su Cancan chased after him, just listening to a thump, the mysterious figure suddenly appeared on a wall. Just now, he didn't seem to see the route clearly, and he ran straight into it.

The whole person fell to the ground with a thump. Seeing this scene, Wu Tian and the others were stunned. No one thought it would be such an unfolding...


The head did not expect that the powerful opponent he had been thinking about would turn out to be such a dish.

Seeing this scene, Su Cancan didn't stop his steps, but rushed up for the first time.

Seeing that he was about to be by this side, he suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Su Cancan in the opposite direction.

His speed was too fast and there was no way to dodge with vegetarian dishes. As soon as a dark shadow passed, Su Cancan was thrown to the ground.

He wasn't even hit with fists and feet deliberately, but when the shadow passed by him, he took Su Cancan.

But just like this, the damage caused is great.

"Come and save me!"

Su Cancan fell to the ground and gritted her teeth and shouted at Wu Tian. She just wanted to get up, but found that her arm was already broken.

She had contact with the enemy just now, and she didn't even feel it. When she fell on the ground, she noticed the sharp pain in her arm.

There is not even time to react. If this enemy really wants to concentrate on attacking, I am afraid they will be given for nothing.

Hearing Su Cancan's voice, Wu Tian didn't dare to delay time. He rushed up immediately, too late to check carefully. He picked up two sticks from the side, fixed Su Cancan's arm, and dragged her back.

The head also hurriedly looked at his apprentice caringly, but fortunately, Su Cancan only suffered a broken arm and suffered no other injuries.

But the next battle seemed to be impossible to participate.

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