Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 987: Battle of the trapped beasts

She seemed to feel that this would not work, and the head finally began to be unable to bear it. She took a few steps forward and began to prepare to shoot.

Wu Tian looked at the head curiously, wondering what she would do.

I saw that the master took off the outer layer of her clothes, revealing two white arms like lotus root, but there seemed to be some patterns on her arms, which looked like tattoos, but they were too bright. .

The head stood there with both hands and closed her eyes and began to mutter something, which may be due to movement. At the same time, the black patterns on her arms suddenly began to emit some black gas visible to the naked eye.

Like an octopus in the deep sea spitting ink, a huge black mist quickly formed with the head as the center.

This cloud of mist is like a huge monster in the darkness, constantly devouring everything in this factory building.

Su Wenxin turned her head and looked over, and she smiled when she saw that it was the head, and the two got together.

"Unexpectedly, it's been so long. We two will have time to fight together."

The head also smiled, as if returning to the time when the two of them were still brothers.

"What you said is right, it's been many years, it seems we really haven't come in vain this time."

The two people were talking, but the movements in their hands did not stop. The black mist seemed to have wrapped the entire factory building.

When Wu Tian smelled the mist, he was deeply aware that the problem was anesthetizing and even had some other toxicity, so he immediately covered his nose and mouth and took Su Cancancan with him behind him.

At this time, Simei walked up and gave Su Cancan and Wu Tian a pill each.

"Eat this! It's detoxifying!"

Wu Tian didn't talk nonsense and quickly swallowed the pill.

Su Cancan didn't eat it, she was also a member of the Five Poison Cult, and of course she had some preparations.

"I don't need to, you pay more attention to the fighting on the master's side. If there is any situation, hurry up and support!"

Su Cancan kept her gaze on her master and head. She had already experienced the power of this mysterious person just now, so she didn't want her master and them to suffer such harm.

"Don't worry about this!"

Wu Tian nodded and laid her flat on the ground, while trotting all the way to the lives of Su Wenxin and the others.

"Can you determine their location?"

The head asked his junior sister, Su Wenxin showed this ability just now.

"Of course, my moths are already scattered in various places, as long as he passes by, I can feel it immediately."

Of course the little moths that Su Wenxin released were not useless. They were like small reconnaissance planes, all of which were Su Wenxin's eyes and ears.

With so many small moths, Su Wenxin can quickly learn about that mysterious person no matter where he appears, thus changing their fighting direction.

"Well, you are here to help me!"

With that, the leader jumped out as soon as they jumped up. Although they were not good at fighting, they actually only said that the fighting methods of the Five Poison Cults were far worse than the use of poison. But it doesn't mean that they are powerless.

"Ten meters to your right!" Su Wenxin shouted to the head at this time.

The headmaster listened to her command and rushed in that direction, but she stopped halfway and punched in the air.

Without seeing the figure, Wu Tian thought that the punch was empty, but then there was a bang. Wu Tian looked at it again and found that a figure was slowly falling to the ground.

The head shook his arm gently, expressing the ease of abandonment without any effort.

"It doesn't seem to be that powerful." The headmaster said lightly. The hand she had just displayed seemed to be without much effort.

"Senior Sister, it's better to be more careful, this guy may have other means!" Su Wenxin did not start to belittle herself because of the superiority of the boss, but was still so vigilant.

"Don't be afraid, what happened just now is definitely enough for him." The head is very confident. Although she doesn't make a lot of moves, she is quite confident in the power of a move.

It's just that the other party didn't seem to want to give them any face, the mysterious person jumped up again, and the whole person jumped high.

He immediately flew into the air, but this time, this guy didn't choose to escape.

Instead, they rushed directly towards the head and the others.

Wu Tian made a startled sound. Fortunately for Wu Tian's reminder, the two of them responded at the last moment and drew away.

But the place where they stood just now is not so lucky, it has already been bombed into scum.

The opponent's speed is fast, and it can easily bring great strength to oneself.

"Why is he so powerful all of a sudden!" Su Wenxin looked surprised, but she ran over and threw out a few black things smoothly, forcing the mysterious person away, and at the same time she quickly stood on her palm. By the door.

"I don't know, it's a bit interesting. It seems that we haven't understood his true strength." The head of the house laughed instead. She moved her body and said that she basically didn't have any big problems. .

At this time, the black fog in the factory building had already begun to dissipate a little. Wu Tian and the others had an antidote, so they were naturally safe, but the mysterious person obviously looked something wrong.

At the beginning, his breathing seemed to be a little weak. If he continued, I am afraid that Wu Tian and the others would not need to take action. He himself should not be able to hold it anymore.

"Hey, who are you?"

The head looked at the mysterious person in front of him who was dressed in black, and his head was wrapped tightly, or the rabbit was a black mummy.

Now she really wants to know where this person is from. She has never heard of anyone who can practice light gong to this level.

The other party didn't seem to be going to answer, but stared at the head closely, and then the speed did not decrease. He knew that the two of them were powerful, so he didn't plan to directly face the hard, but broke through from the side flank.

"Don't answer, if that's the case, don't blame me."

The head sneered, and suddenly jumped up from the ground, a colorful butterfly flew out of nowhere, and complemented the head.

Every time it **** its wings, a piece of colorful smoke is scattered in the air, and it looks very beautiful.

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