Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 988: genetic modification

No one had expected this thing to be so powerful.

The mysterious man suddenly fell to the ground in pain and couldn't get up for a long time.

His body was completely immobile, twisting constantly on the ground.

Wu Tian looked at what was happening before him with a shocked expression on his face. He still didn't understand what happened.

I just saw the person rushing over, and then fell to the ground feebly.

The colorful butterfly almost disappeared in a flash, but Wu Tian still imprinted her beautiful appearance deeply in his mind.

Although the development of things was somewhat unexpected, the results were good anyway.

The headmaster walked over step by step, his eyes lightly glanced down, the mysterious man lying on the ground.

She stretched out her hand to beckon Simei and called them over.

"Tear off the things he is wearing, I want to see who this guy is!"

The more mysterious, the more choking and hiding, the more curious the headmaster, how could this kind of thing make her not interested.

Simei hurried over without saying a word, their movements were very quick, and the mysterious man was completely clear with a few strokes.

At this time, Wu Tian and Su Cancan also walked over, wanting to see what the so-called mysterious person was.

It's just that after removing the strips of cloth on his body, several people were immediately dumbfounded.

Because this person's skin is already red. Seeing as if he had been scalded by boiling water, Su Wenxin touched his skin with her hand, and quickly stretched her hand back.

"It's hot..." This guy's body temperature is not as high as that, as if he is feverish all over.

And at this time they also saw the face of this mysterious person, and several people looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

All the time, everyone thought that this mysterious man belonged to a certain sect of their Huaxia, after all, he looked like light work in these ways.

But when they saw this face, they immediately dispelled all our previous expectations.

Because this mysterious man obviously has a white face, blond hair, blue eyes, high nose and deep eye sockets, rough pores, and a small patch of freckles on his face.

All this clearly confirmed that he was a white man, not their Chinese.

"This..." Wu Tian opened his mouth wide and didn't know what he should say. Things developed like this, I'm afraid none of them expected it.

"Among our sects...have any foreign apprentices taken in?"

Su Wenxin scratched her head and asked, this kind of thing was unexpected to her.

The head shook his head. It was clear to others that she was not clear. Such things could not exist.

"It's absolutely impossible, people who are not my race will have different hearts! Even if it is Tianying, it should not be possible to do such a thing."

If this is the case, then a few of them can be regarded as concluding that this person is not their Huaxia school at all, but comes from outside.

These alone were not enough to explain. They quickly checked the man's body again, and Wu Tian found that his limbs were abnormally developed, especially his legs.

The stout one hardly looks like a human can grow out, and his torso feels stiff to the touch, and his muscles are as strong as a rock.

But he doesn't seem to be very old or old, and he doesn't seem to be trained by himself.

"We must take this person away quickly, and we must keep it secret!" Wu Tian instinctively felt that there must be something in it that he didn't know, and perhaps there are many secrets in this person.

"This is natural!"

Su Cancan nodded, she also agreed with this point.

"It's boring..." The head stretched out and came over expectantly, but the result made her feel very upset.

"I'm going back first... Su Cancan, follow us, I'll get you some medicine to heal your injuries." The head of the head took two steps forward and then looked back at Su Cancan, saying with some worry.

Su Cancan was very happy when he heard that the head was so concerned about him, and he quickly followed.

Soon Wu Tian was left alone in this factory building, and he was also dumbfounded. I prepared so many methods, but none of them were used.

This panicked guy had already lost the ability to think calmly, and just ran away at this moment.

Encountering old fried dough sticks like the leader and Su Wenxin, he was defeated in front of them all at once.

But to be honest, this person is not a loss. It is definitely worth bragging to be defeated by Su Wenxin and the boss, because it is very rare to be able to fight with them.

This incident soon came to an end. Wu Tian and his team were silent, as if they had never been here.

And this mysterious man, he has also been sent to a helicopter with extremely strict care, and transported to Huadao as soon as possible.

A large detention center was built in the underground of Huadao. This place was actually converted from the small black house Su Cancan and theirs before.

And this mysterious person is also fortunate to be one of them, not only being imprisoned here, but even studying what is going on with his body.

In any case, Wu Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the next step was to ask about the whereabouts of the corpse. After finding this thing, Wu Tian had a way to deal with Zhang Zerui.

Of course, this matter is not that simple, because the mysterious person has been in a coma since he was sent back.

Wu Tian went to see it several times, but in the end he could only invite Long Zaian over to let him see what this person was all about.

After conducting a detailed investigation for the mysterious man, Long Zaian found Wu Tian emotionally a little nervous.

"Mr. Wu, this is a report...something... Forget it, you should watch it yourself."

Seeing Wu Zhian talking so hesitantly, Wu Tian didn't know what he had checked out.

After taking the report, Wu Tian was also a little confused, because it clearly stated that this mysterious person seemed to have been genetically modified.

"Are you sure?"

Wu Tian looked at Long Zai An in disbelief.

"When did the old man tell a lie? I have tested it. There is a big difference between his genes and our ordinary people. It seems that he has added some animal genes for modification..."

The reason why Long Zaian felt so shocked was that such things shouldn't be used on people in the strict sense.

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