Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 506 Jane is in the Emperor’s heart! The problem of developing Nanyang!

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A loft.

Emperor Yongle has been waiting for a long time.

The seven countries in Nanyang are far more important than the five countries in the East China Sea.

After all, Nanyang has unique geographical advantages. Once developed, it will be a natural granary!

Food is the most scarce material in Ming Dynasty today!

Everything about gold and silver is easy to talk about, but the Ming Dynasty's food production has never been able to increase.

Food is the most important thing for the people. If the people cannot fill their stomachs, they will no longer be in awe of the court and may even be full of complaints.

The lessons learned from the troubled times at the end of the Yuan Dynasty are right in front of us. Lao Zhu’s family was so hungry that they could no longer survive, so they rebelled and conquered the world!

Zhu Di asked himself that his martial arts skills were not comparable to that of Emperor Taizu Gao. Of course, he really couldn't be compared at the moment.

But if Nanyang can be built into the natural granary of the Ming Dynasty, then Zhu Di has the hope of becoming the first emperor to surpass Emperor Taizu Gao through the ages!

Therefore, Zhu Di was a little impatient and hurried to Liujiagang, just to learn about the situation in Nanyang from Yang Shiqi as soon as possible.

Jin Zhong and Jian Yizheng were sitting next to Zhu Di, looking equally serious.

They naturally saw His Majesty the Emperor's anxiety, and also knew His Majesty's concern about the situation in Nanyang.

Today's meeting is very likely to determine the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty!

The rise and fall of the Ming Dynasty in the next hundred years

Soon Little Sniffle hurried in and said softly: "Your Majesty, people are here."

"Hurry up!"

Emperor Yongle immediately sat up straight and his expression became solemn.

After a while, Yang Shiqi walked in.

However, after everyone saw Yang Shiqi, they were stunned for an instant.

They originally thought that what they should see at this moment would be a proud Hanlin official, just like the general returning in triumph, high-spirited and giving guidance to the country.

But looking at Yang Shiqi in front of him, his face was darkened and he was thin. He didn't have the high-spiritedness of Grand Scholar Yang in the past.

As if the whole person was completely changed beyond recognition, Jian Yi, Jin Zhong and others were also shocked, and the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared.

Emperor Yongle also looked at Yang Shiqi and frowned slightly. Deep in his memory, Yang Shiqi should have been a fair-skinned, elegant man with a high status and a respected Hanlin bachelor.

But now, in just three years, how could he become like this?

Emperor Yongle's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Hurry up and sit down."

Little Nose immediately ordered someone to move Jindun and asked Yang Shiqi to sit down.

Yang Shiqi first bowed respectfully, then leaned forward and sat on the front half of the brocade stool.

"Your Majesty, I have this report, which concerns important affairs in Southeast Asia!"

When Zhu Di heard this, he immediately perked up and looked at Yang Shiqi with complicated emotions.

Yang Shiqi, after meeting me, did not complain or talk about how hard he worked.

The first thing that comes to mind is that there are important Nanyang affairs to report.

"If you have anything to say, Aiqing, tell me directly. I have plenty of time today to have a long talk with Aiqing!"

Yang Shiqi was moved when he heard this, and immediately revealed the purpose of returning to Beijing this time.

"Your Majesty, I request your Majesty to imitate the system of the Five Kingdoms in the East China Sea and ennoble the Seven Kingdoms in the South Seas to defend the vassal vassal and screen the clan!"

This is the first thing, and it is relatively easy.

"The original royal families of the seven Nanyang Kingdoms have been escorted back to Beijing. This is a vassal state chosen by the clan kings themselves. Please take a look at it."

Yang Shiqi handed over a list and forwarded it to Zhu Di.

Emperor Yongle just glanced at it lightly and handed the list to Wang Jing, the Minister of Rites.

"This is something that should have been done a long time ago. It was delayed until now because of the remoteness of Nanyang."

"The Ministry of Etiquette prepares the matter of conferring the title and sends a special envoy to Nanyang to confer the title of Seven Kings."

As the saying goes, "Names and tools should not be faked." If the name is incorrect, the words will not be smooth.

The Seven Kings of Nanyang now occupy the territory of the Seven Kingdoms, but they have not been canonized by the Ming Dynasty, so they seem to be somewhat unfair. This is extremely detrimental to their rule in the vassal countries.

Wang Jing accepted the order and took the list into his hands. This matter was listed as the top priority of the Ministry of Rites.

Zhu Di didn't pay much attention to this matter. As long as the kings of the seven countries were all vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty, that would be fine. As for who was in which place, it had no impact on the central court.

"My dear, I would like to know whether the rice in Nanyang is harvested three times a year?"

Zhu Di looked solemnly and looked at Yang Shiqi expectantly.

The latter also straightened his face and nodded directly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

“Nanyang rice can be harvested three times a year!”

Hearing Yang Shiqi's words, everyone was shocked and looked happy.

Nanyang rice is harvested three times a year. This news first came from the mouth of Zhu Gaoxu, King of Han Dynasty.

Based on the situation at that time, many people did not believe it, or even dared not believe it.

After all, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu said this, probably just to find a reason and excuse for the conquest of Nanyang!

How could there be such a natural granary in this world? !

However, when this sentence came out of Yang Shiqi's mouth, the meaning was completely different!

Yang Shiqi is the Prime Minister of the Seven Nanyang Kingdoms, and his words and deeds represent the interests of the Seven Nanyang Kingdoms. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett At least for now.

Therefore, the Nanyang Prime Minister is determined not to talk nonsense and make nonsense.

This means that Nanyang rice can be harvested three times a year. This is actually true!


Densely packed grain!

Endless food!

Zhu Di was so pleasantly surprised that he stood up and walked back and forth excitedly.

What does Ming Dynasty lack most now?

Lack of food!

The second son, that rebellious guy, doesn’t know what he’s doing in Beizhili.

In the past two years, he has requisitioned most of the young labor force in Beizhili, and the grain output has been greatly reduced. It can hardly satisfy the food supply of the people of Beizhili, let alone pay taxes and grains to the court.

If this continues, Zhu Di can no longer hold on.

He really wanted to go to Peiping himself and hang up this rebellious son and give him a good beating!

But based on his trust in this bastard, Zhu Di still insisted on telling him the truth, and until now he has not asked about the affairs in Peiping.

But it won’t work if we continue like this. At least we need to find a food source to fill the huge hole in Beizhili!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the seven countries of Nanyang stood up!


It must be developed!

Build the seven Southeast Asian countries into the natural granary of the Ming Dynasty!

However, just when everyone was overjoyed, Yang Shiqi poured cold water on everyone.

"Your Majesty, gentlemen, the most troublesome problem right now is that the indigenous people of Nanyang are notoriously lazy about food."

"Obviously they have a unique advantage, but they are lazy in farming and just want to have enough to eat."

"I have implemented many incentive policies, but they have no effect at all."

As soon as these words came out, everyone frowned.

"Your Majesty, please abolish the national policy of sea ban and allow the Han people to travel to the sea!"

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