Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 507 The general trend is inevitable! The Ming Dynasty will open the sea from today!

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In the attic.

Silence fell.

Everyone looked solemn.

Because of Yang Shiqi's sudden voice, the issue of sea ban has been put before our eyes.

The grain output of the Ming Dynasty was too low, which has become a key issue restricting the development of the Ming Dynasty.

Nowadays, with the implementation of various new policies by the imperial court, the entire Ming Dynasty is prosperous and full of vitality.

However, it was also because of the implementation of the New Deal that the imperial court also filled a large amount of money and food, especially the national policy of the kings to expand abroad.

All the vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty were transferred to other vassals, and they took six guards and 30,000 soldiers to fight in foreign lands to open up territory for the Ming Dynasty.

This national policy of the Ming Dynasty proposed by Zhu Gaoxu, King of Han Dynasty, has achieved brilliant results to this day.

Five countries in the East China Sea, seven countries in Nanyang, six countries in Central and South China...

In addition to the six central and southern countries that are difficult to conquer due to environmental and geographical issues, the five East China Sea countries and the seven Nanyang countries have all become the territory of the Ming Dynasty!

The great Ming Dynasty, its territory was so prosperous as never before!

Moreover, the Ministry of War has received good news. The Ming Dynasty King's Division has conquered the three countries of Central and South China, and the annexation of the remaining small federations is just around the corner!

However, it is precisely because of this that the amount of food, grass and baggage provided by the imperial court for various armies is simply an astronomical figure!

At this time, armies from the East China Sea, Nanyang, and Central and South China were sent out one after another. The imperial court only provided them with preliminary food and grass, but it was almost emptying the treasury!

In other words, if the national treasury had sufficient money and food, there would only be one great country in the east of the entire continent, a true heavenly kingdom!

Therefore, the imperial court's emphasis on money and food has reached an almost morbid level.

As long as the money and food are in place, nothing is a problem.

National affairs, money and food are two words!

However, if you want to turn Nanyang into a natural granary, you have to face a problem.

That's because the indigenous people of Southeast Asia are too lazy.

If you are too lazy to cook, you will not be able to bear the hardship.

If you have nothing to do, just lie down under the shade of a tree and bask in the sun comfortably...

Not to mention the people of the Ming Dynasty, this kind of labor is not comparable to the recently notorious Japanese slaves!

Expecting to mobilize these labor forces to develop Nanyang, Zhu Di asked himself that there was no hope in his life and successfully built Nanyang into a granary.

After thinking about it, it is still the same problem. The national policy of maritime ban must be abolished, the people of the Ming Dynasty must be moved into Nanyang, and this treasure land must be developed and utilized!

Therefore, it is imperative to open the sea!

But there is a problem, a very serious problem.

The national policy of sea ban was decreed by Emperor Taizu Gao. If he, the Yongle Emperor, directly ordered the abolition of the sea ban, it would be tantamount to violating Taizu's ancestral precepts.

Zhu Di was not willing to do this. After all, when he first took the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he did so in the name of obeying the imperial edict of Taizu to provide peace to heaven.

In other words, in order to find a righteous name for himself to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, he, Zhu Di, put on such a fig leaf!

The legal authority of Emperor Yongle did not come from Emperor Jianwen, but from Emperor Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty!

The national policy of sea ban is different from other national policies. This is a national policy that Emperor Taizu Gao attaches great importance to. It was strictly implemented in the Hongwu Dynasty, even to the terrifying point of "not allowed to go to the sea"!

The policy of sea ban has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. From the dignitaries to the common people, they are all used to this national policy of sea ban.

If the maritime ban is suddenly abolished and the people of the Ming Dynasty are allowed to trade and live at sea, it will inevitably cause domestic turmoil and unrest in the world!

For a moment, Zhu Di was a little undecided and didn't know what to do.

Yang Shiqi saw His Majesty the Emperor's hesitation, knelt down directly on the ground, and took something out of his arms.

"Your Majesty, this is a joint letter from the seven kings of Nanyang, requesting the imperial court to abolish the sea ban and requesting the Ming Dynasty to open the sea!"

"On it are not only the signatures of the seven kings, but also the fingerprints of tens of thousands of people in Southeast Asia. They also hope to truly become common people of the Ming Dynasty, and they are proud of this!"

After hearing this, Zhu Di's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly ordered someone to fetch the Wanmin Book.

The signatures and handprints on it are clearly visible, each carrying expectations and hopes.

It is true that only when the Ming Dynasty opened the sea could the indigenous people of Southeast Asia have the opportunity to enter the Ming Dynasty and see the grandeur of the Celestial Kingdom.

It is worth mentioning that these seven Nanyang kingdoms are clan vassal states of the Ming Dynasty and are also affiliated with the Ming Dynasty!

The common people in their country are naturally the common people of the Ming Dynasty.

He, Zhu Di, the Yongle Emperor, was their king and father!

Looking at the Book of All Peoples in front of him, Zhu Di felt very complicated.

Jin Zhong, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, as a close minister of Emperor Yongle, also understood the emperor's thoughts at this moment.

However, the abolition of the maritime ban and the opening of the sea in the Ming Dynasty are the general trend and a good thing that benefits the country and the people.

So Jin Zhong coughed twice and said: "Your Majesty, I remember that during the Hongwu period, the reason why Emperor Gao implemented the national policy of maritime ban was to prevent the remnants of coastal warlords and pirates from causing nuisance."

"However, now the five countries in the East China Sea are all vassal states of the Ming Dynasty, and there is no longer the danger of pirates and Japanese pirates. The maritime ban has been abolished and the people have been allowed to go to sea and have friendly exchanges with overseas vassal countries on the basis of full kinship. This is a matter of time. Lift..."

After all, Lao Jintou was Emperor Yongle's right-hand man, and in the blink of an eye, he found a suitable excuse for His Majesty to open sea.

It is true that the national policy of maritime ban was decided by Emperor Taizu Gao, which goes without saying.

However, Emperor Taizu Gao set such a policy because the people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and even the foreign business groups living in Quanzhou at that time, had assisted Zhang Shicheng, Fang Guozhen and others in fighting for the world, which made Emperor Gao fearful of maritime trade. .

In addition, some warlords who failed in the Central Plains competition at the end of the Yuan Dynasty chose to flee overseas, and Japanese pirates from the Japanese country often harassed coastal areas, so Emperor Gao established a maritime ban policy.

But now, the situation is completely different!

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the warlords who fled overseas had long drifted to unknown islands to become mountain kings.

The Japanese pirates, who were the most hated by the people along the coast of the Ming Dynasty, were completely wiped out by the Ming Navy not long ago. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net even directly attacked their home base, forcibly turning the Japanese country into a Ningguo!

Without the harassment of Japanese pirates and sea bandits, and without the covetousness of warlord forces, why could the Ming court not open the sea?

The four words "adapting measures to the times" are the most thought-provoking.

Jian Yi, the Minister of Civil Affairs, also spoke and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, if we don't open the sea, I'm afraid that the five countries in the East China Sea and the seven countries in Nanyang will alienate the imperial court. In fact, the gains outweigh the losses!"

The meaning of Jian Yi's words is very straightforward.

You drove people overseas to establish vassal states, but ended up not opening up the sea for trade. Then wouldn't these clan princes all be resentful?

Once this is not handled well and a seed of dissatisfaction is planted, it will only leave fatal hidden dangers in the future!

Xia Yuanji, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, could not sit still for a long time and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, the abolition of the maritime ban is still the general trend, and it is a good thing for the country and the people!"

"The imperial court can set up customs duties at various ports to restrict private smuggling trade. In addition, the seven Southeast Asian countries can also develop. If we get on track earlier, the pressure on the imperial court will be less."

Hearing this, Zhu Di took a deep look at Xia Yuanji.

If I remember correctly, the second child, that rebellious son, is currently tinkering with some new business tax in Peiping!

Establishing customs at the port to collect taxes from the fleet of ships is also a type of commercial tax.

Sure enough, there really is that traitor behind the abolition of the maritime ban!

"That's all, I'm not a fool."

"The Ministry of Finance should prepare and try to reduce the turmoil that this matter may cause."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was overjoyed and fell to their knees on the ground.

Yang Shiqi's face turned red with excitement, and his heart finally dropped to his stomach.

From now on, the Ming Dynasty opens to the sea!

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