The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1222: :fighting

The mighty riding team has already started.

Nairentai and Zhang Yong each led a team of men and women to take the lead and spy first.

Everyone rode three horses.

Although the explosive power of Mongolian horses is not enough, it can be hard-working.

The climate in Mobei, especially in the depths of Mobei, is extremely cruel.

These horses, after thousands of years of evolution, have become accustomed to this.

The accompanying Tatars and Jurchens were all carefully selected. They didn't seem to be afraid of the cold. Even so, they were still wrapped in a thick leather coat, wearing warm woolen yarn.

When the sweaters were distributed, many Mongolians and Jurchens cried.

Wearing rough leather for a lifetime, some people may wear a leather coat for a lifetime, and they have entered the Happy Group. This group not only distributes salt and tea, distributes horses, but also wears new clothes.

Not only that, each of them also carried a knife, which was made of stainless steel, which was completely different from their iron knots. Such a knife, even the former Mongolian and Jurchen nobles, may not be able to own it.

But nowadays, it is like no silver, with one hand.

In addition, it is a bullet bag, specially used to load gunpowder, revolver gunpowder, two for one person, pinned around the waist.

Along the way, they need to practice the use of short guns.

This stuff is too simple. Although it takes a lot of time to load gunpowder and bullets, it can be fired six times at a time.

The students of more than one hundred military academies were put into the team to teach their companions how to charge medicine, how to use them in combat, and these are the experiences accumulated by the students of the military academy after repeated practice in Xishan .

The three horses, except one camel carrying rations and supplies, the two horses are used exclusively for transfers.

The further north, the more severe the cold. Sometimes the heavy snow will last for a day or two.

But these Tatars and Jurchens, who have long been accustomed to the cold, are not taken seriously.

Wang Shouren has eaten all the hardships, and his body is very strong. In addition to leading the team all the way, he also needs to draw a map all the way, thinking about the upcoming battle.

Of course, these are not necessary. What is necessary is to develop a suitable tactic.

Only Xiao Jing was trembling in the cold. When he rested at noon, Xiao Jing turned to pee in the corner and immediately had more than a dozen eyes, quietly hiding behind the cedars not far away, watching curiously.

Whether it is a Han, a Jurchen or a Tatar, humans are also full of curiosity.

Subsequently, Xiao Jing screamed.

Behind the cedar, a Tatar murmured excitedly: "I said, squat, squat."

Hearing the scream, Wang Shouren came in a hurry.

Those who hid behind the cedar were all trembling.

They are not afraid of dead eunuchs like Xiao Jing.

For them, there is no slight deterrence from eunuchs and Dongchangchanggong.

But they were afraid of Wang Shouren. When they saw Wang Shouren, they were like mice and cats.

I thought Xiao Jing was going to sue. Who would have expected Xiao Jing to cry: "What the **** place, what the **** place, we just pissed, and this urine came out, and it was frozen into a popsicle stick. , Such a ghost weather, this ghost place ... "

He cut a knife and had to endure such hardships. This was unacceptable to Xiao Jing.

It is deserved for others to endure hardship, but for yourself, Xiao Jing cried when she thought of it, she cut off XX herself, and she still suffers from this sin.

Wang Shouren: "..."

He patted Xiao Jing's shoulder: "Go drink a few sips of wine and warm your body."

"Bo'an." Xiao Jing actually thanked Wang Shouren: "You're so good to us, in the past ... Am I misunderstanding you?"

"There is no misunderstanding." Wang Shouren said: "I have never been a flattering person."

Xiao Jing was a little touched.

In any case, in this lonely desert, only Wang Shouren, took his **** seriously.

At least, he and Wang Shouren can also communicate.

Those **** tatars and barbarians, don't understand fart.

He sighed and stepped on the snow, leaving footprints in his mouth, breathing in white gas, because the tears were flowing on his cheeks, and even the thorns on his face condensed a layer of frost.

He sighed: "In my life, I never thought that I would suffer such a sin, but ... how about, we did not serve the emperor well, the former emperor wanted to be a conservative emperor, he did It ’s not bad, let ’s ... it ’s just a bit of a skill, but it ’s okay to serve. But now, His Majesty ’s heart has changed, he wants to have the general merits of Qin, Emperor Hanwu, but we ... still have the ability, No wonder, Your Majesty treats us ... "

Speaking of which, he regained his spirit: "Let's take care of our skills. When we meet the Ross, don't stop us, let's smash their dog head."

Wang Shouren said: "I will not stop."

Xiao Jing: "..."

Xiao Jing suddenly felt dull, and Wang Boan was a man who could always talk to death.

No wonder he is not flattering.

I ate two wines and ate some dry food.

Continue on the road.

Through maps and compasses, they have reached thousands of miles north of the desert.

The Mongolian people have left footprints here, and are no strangers to this place.

They found some scattered tribes.

Most of these small tribes are 'savages'. In this cold environment, all they need is a dried meat and a little salt, which is enough for them to show a simple smile to the large team carrying a knife and treat them with courtesy. .

Asked for the specific location ... and at this time ... they finally knew the specific location of their enemy.

"Send someone to attract the Ross."

The Ross built a fortress in the southern foothills of the Ural Mountains.

Obviously ... they used this fortress as an outpost they opened up to the east.

After repeatedly defeating the Siberian Mongolian ministries, not only did they break away from the control of the Mongols, but after decades of conscription, they have become stronger and stronger.

Perhaps it was because they were enslaved by the Mongols, and they also have the genes that the Mongols are constantly exploring.

This fortress will become a springboard for marching towards the East.

Wang Shouren is very calm.

He doesn't like siege.

Because of the hasty visit this time, the entire Mongolian and Jurchen coalition forces simply did not have enough heavy weapons to break the city. Under such circumstances, they could only seek a decisive battle.

"As long as they find us, they will definitely go out of the castle for a decisive battle." Wang Shouren said firmly: "After all, in their eyes, the Mongols are not enough. We can use this ..."

Wang Shouren pointed at this piece of white birch forest, and said to Nairentai and others: "Here it is ... Although Lin Mang is sparse here, but it is not suitable for their square array, it is best to decide here, The so-called pride will be defeated. They defeated us two months ago. Now ... they will not be cautious ... "

"Submit the order."

In the sky, snow flakes fluttered, and in the violent wind, Wang Shouren shouted: "Everyone rests immediately, sleep tight!"


The weather is scary.

A dozen Roses laughed wildly, and they pushed a white bear to the ground.

The innocent white bear struggled desperately on the ground, and then the drunken Ross, holding the wine bottle, opened the stopper and poured the wine in the bottle into the mouth of the white bear.

Bai Xiong puffed and panted, although it had teeth and thick paw paws, but it did not seem to dare to attack, but it was a fateful appearance, but it was just a cry of grievance.

It was bruised and bruised, and it had apparently suffered a lot of beatings, so much so that its animal nature had been wiped out a lot, letting these Roses bully.

A few bottles of wine poured into the belly of the white bear, and the white bear whined more severely.

The drunken Rose man laughed loudly, lifted the remaining wine in the bottle, and poured it into his mouth.

This is an unfinished castle.

So that the officers and soldiers had to grieve to set up a tent in the nearby forest.

It was freezing cold, some people set up an iron pan on the ground, burned kerosene to heat the water in the pan, and some sat in a large pot and took a naked bath.

With a whip in his hand, the noble broke up a group of playful soldiers, and then returned to the warm big tent.

Here, a well-dressed aristocrat wears a Swedish-style military uniform, stands tall and bravely, with one hand on his waist, listening to the report.

The Ross State straddles both China and the West. Because of this, they have the savageness of Mongolians on the one hand, but at the same time, they also draw on traditions from the West.

This beautiful dress is made by a craftsman from Sweden.

After the death of Ivan III of the Ross State, Vasily III succeeded to the throne, the grand duke was the son of the princess of the Byzantine Empire.

Therefore, Vasily IV was gradually dissatisfied with the title of all-Russian ruler, and hoped to become the emperor in the name of the Eastern ruler by the identity of the Byzantine emperor.

The young nobleman was Andrea, the close minister of Vasily IV.

Andre, representing the Grand Duke, came to inspect here, and the Mongols east of the Ural Mountains will sooner or later suffer from the Ross. Therefore, to seize the vast land in the East and spread the influence of the Orthodoxy to the East in the name of the guardian of the Orthodox Church ~ ~ was the mission entrusted to André by the Duke.

This castle has been built for half a year. In order to maintain the construction, there is also a troop of horses in the southeast of the Ural Mountains. The supply from the west is amazing. But all this is worth it. Although the weather here is bad, it can be built only Once the castle is built, in the future, the Ross State can go deeper into the east.

Andre expressed his dissatisfaction with the progress of the project at this time.

Other nobles who accompany them said that this was because of the attack by the Mongols the other day.

But at this time, someone came in a hurry: "We found the Mongolians, there are thousands of them."

All of a sudden, everyone got together.

Andrea opened his eyes, and he was subconsciously excited: "What are they doing here?"



Chapter 3 is delivered, and there is.

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