The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1223: :massacre

A battle started soon.

The drunken white bear has been ignored.

The mighty Roses set off immediately.

They feared the Mongols hundreds of years ago.

But now, they are regarded as a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

Immediately afterwards, the Ross horses began to appear.

This makes Wang Shouren a little unbelievable.

Because the other party's reaction is too fast.

Even if it is a light enemy or an arrogant soldier, should n’t it be necessary to continuously send out troops and pry into their own reality, and then slowly start to observe each other ’s opponents and finally decide whether to fight?

However, the rapid reaction of the Roses was completely beyond Wang Shouren's expectations.

"The Ross are warlike, no wonder, the Mongolian ministries are not their opponents."

Wang Shouren made an evaluation.

Then, the cavalry began to mount one after another.

The Ross started to line up.

Their horses continued to wander around the coalition forces, provoking provocation, and at the same time, the infantry quickly began to form.

Wang Shouren raised his binoculars and looked at the white snowfield. The uniformed horses and horses couldn't help but turn around and said to Xiao Jing: "Trained so far, she should not be underestimated."

He frowned.

The new weapon has not yet been fully verified. Although the opponent ’s truth and reality are learned from the defeated soldiers of the Siberian Ministry, the Astrakhan Ministry, and the Astra Division, they are just words. According to legend, it may not be true.

That is to say, this is a battle in which both sides of the array are unsure, and it is related to the internal money of tens of millions of two-grain silver.

Xiao Jing turned on his horse. At this moment, he decided to behave like a eunuch. Xiao Jing shouted: "We are all desperate to go, our emperor can wait for a good news. If you are greedy and afraid of death, then, Can't spare you. "

Wang Shouren mounted the horse, his eyes fixed on the other party's square.

The horses and horses of the grasslands looked at the Roses with some fear.

Obviously, someone was scared.

But ... there are still some incentives. On the one hand, the students of the military academy are all eager to try. They are mixed in the team and play a central role.

On the other hand, the rules of the Happiness Group, if you want a good life, kill her mother, and get away, it is a shameful thing, and, after winning, they still have a lot of salt, iron pots, sweaters, And tea.

"Everyone ... check your bomb bay."

Among the team, the students shouted in due diligence.

Everyone has two short runners. Under the guidance of the trainees, there have been some exercises, and the cost of learning is very low. Everyone took out the runners and started. an examination.

Opposite, the Ross cavalry is still provoking, and their pawns have begun to move forward.

The Roses have begun to equip muskets on a large scale.

These advanced matchlock guns customized from the West have powerful firepower.

They can achieve an effective range of fifty steps, and ... powerful enough to penetrate armor.

And if the line-up shooting, the power is even more amazing.

Andre was in the back team. He held the team and showed excitement in his eyes. It was this group of **** Mongolians. More than a month ago, they killed them without leaving a piece of armor. Unexpectedly, they dared to appear.

Even if it was excited, Andre was not reckless, the neat infantry, striding forward, still maintaining the formation.

The first three rows are matchlocks.

At this time, under the wind and snow, the power of the matchlock gun is a little worse. Compared with the Mongolian bow and arrow, they are still confident and have a huge advantage.

In the back row, there is the pikemen, who protect the flanks and the rear ...

Now ... get started.

Andrea thought this way, because he saw that the opposite ... countless horse teams had already begun to move.

The stupid Mongolian actually started Pegasus charge.

Anyone who comes to the front to attack the front of the phalanx equipped with powerful firepower is undoubtedly dead.

Andre said happily to the officers around him: "These Mongolians will never learn to be opportunistic."

"Haha ..."

Many people who laugh are turning their backs.

Rumble ... Rumble ...

Without any slight hesitation, Wang Shouren took the lead, Nairentai and Zhang Yongren, etc., no longer hesitated. When they began to act, the entire coalition cavalry squadron was lined up as a long serpent, rushing towards the phalanx.

Andre's face froze slightly.

What is this tactic.

It seems that the Mongols are still flexible.

The cavalry's impact depends on the unmatched impact.

Therefore, when attacking, they often adopt the formation of arrows, and the dense cavalry gather together to tear a hole directly in the opponent's array.

But ... Now, the other party is lined up for shock.

They didn't even think about it. Such tactics will cause their lack of impact. Although this scattered tactics may make the firearms' firepower coverage insufficient, but ... the other party's impact is also weakened. Not enough at all to break through the square.

Andre slightly aroused, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.


Someone in the team shouted.

The musketeers started to load ammunition. In this snowy weather, they quickly filled the mouth of the gun with moisture-proof kraft paper and wrapped gunpowder

After that, he took out the iron bar skillfully.

Afterwards, they experienced the use of sticky strips to compact the gunpowder in the gun barrel.

Immediately afterwards, they began to fill the projectiles.

After that, they started plugging in a moisture-proof fuse.

Then, they took out and started preparing for a fire.

They are well-trained, like an efficient war machine.

The matchlock as far as possible, now ... finally ... its matchstick was ignited.

The fire rope is very long, in order to have enough time to prepare for the design.

Sparks spattered on the rope.

In the first column, three or four hundred excellent matchlocks have lifted the matchlocks in unison.

The dark muzzle was aimed at the cavalry all over the mountains.

At this time, the second column has already begun preparations.

After that, it is the third column.

Rumble ... Rumble ...

Wang Shouren took the lead.

The students of the Military Academy also rushed to the forefront.

The rapid horseshoes also made their hearts beat faster.

The cavalry of the coalition forces also began to be in this Mercedes-Benz, forgetting the fear. At this time, their blood was still boiling.

Finally ... into the range ...

Fifty steps!

Andre already knows that he has won. When he lives in the capital, there will be countless noble girls who scream at themselves. The Grand Duke will invite himself to enter his castle and organize a beneficial salon. A little blood, pick up the dust for yourself.

"Soldiers, shoot!"

Pappappappap ...

There was a lot of gunfire.

A row of matchlock guns opened fire.

In the queue of the entire phalanx, smoke was billowing.

"Ready to move forward."

They can see that many cavalrymen began to fall, and there were as many as hundreds of people.

This salvo was very successful.

It is a tactical example, enough to leave a strong stroke in the textbook.

A projectile whizzed past Wang Shouren's ear.

Wang Shouren still makes a horse.

He ignored it.

No matter who was falling down, he didn't have any consciousness.

He knew that he was the backbone of everyone, as long as the backbone remained, then ... the cavalry would continue to charge.

Fifty steps ... enough!

Although the snow floats in the sky.

The array in front is not clear.

But ... the Roses have appeared in front of them densely.

Without any hesitation, Wang Shouren took out a runner.


No need to load gunpowder.

No need to use iron bars.

No projectiles need to be loaded.

There is no need to plug in the fire rope.


Shoot the first shot!

In front, someone fell down in response to a cry of wailing.

And then, Shouren continued to pull the trigger.


The firing pin in the rear seat stabs into the breech chamber fiercely, and the runner rotates to aim the new bullet at the firing pin. When the firing pin is installed, the gunpowder and thunder mercury explode with a burst of gunshots.

Another shot.

Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap ...

At this time, fire was ringing in all directions.

Many cavalry, a little nervous, after all, for the first time, they use such a gadget on the battlefield.

Some people fired six times in a row without hesitation.

The cavalry approached, the gunshots were loud.

The endless sound of fried beans seems to have no end.

Innumerable bullets, in the snow and wind, left the track, and then, the bullets coming from all directions, shot the Roses one by one.

This intensive shooting is terrible.

Especially when the Roses formed a phalanx side by side.

Even if it is a blind man, there is a possibility of hit.

Uh ... ah ...

Numerous screams came.

The companions around me fell into the snow miserably.

The hot blood melted the snow.

But ... the gunfire has not stopped.

The cavalry who arrived later still pulled out their muskets. They rode on their horses ~ ~ and walked outside the phalanx, and continued to shoot in the direction of the phalanx.

The cavalry, who had already shot the first runner, was still not rushing into the phalanx, and also swam away, taking out the second one, which had already been filled with bullets.

Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap Pap ...

In the snow forest, gunshots are indecisive and countless bullets fly around.

The entire phalanx was suddenly riddled with holes.

These outstanding Ross soldiers looked at everything in front of them in panic. The first column was almost shot, and the second column was exposed under the gun.

And they had no time to raise their matchlocks to counterattack, and countless bullets directly shot the majority of people, and the ground was all rolling in the snow.

In an instant, this neat square array became an **** on earth.


Chapter 4 is delivered.

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