01: Golden light fell from the sky, Zhu Yuanzhang bound the national transport system?

The first day of the fourth month of the twenty-fifth year of Hongwu!

Nanjing Yingtianfu!

As the sun set, Yingtian City, which had been noisy for a day, gradually quieted down!

However, just when everyone was about to return home after a busy day of work or official duties, there was a sudden change in the sky that was about to darken!

"Look! What fell from the sky that day? "

"Such a strong golden light... I can't even open my eyes! "

"Is this a heavenly descent?"

"Look at the direction, this golden light actually fell towards the palace!"


For a while, everyone who could see the vision in the sky in Ying Tianfu was boiling!

Many officials on duty, either in the palace or in the various ministries, also came to the open air, looked up at the vision above the sky, and their faces were shocked!


"Golden light from the sky?"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was reviewing the folds in the imperial study room, also changed his face after hearing the report of the chief eunuch Wang Chen, and hurried to the outside of the main hall, leaning his neck and looking towards the sky!

"Your Majesty, please hurry into the hall and hide, this golden light looks like the direction is coming to the palace, but don't hurt Your Majesty's dragon body!"

At this moment, Wang Chen also found that this golden light seemed to be coming in the direction of his side, and his face immediately changed, and he hurriedly said to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"What winds and waves have we not seen? Doesn't it look like a flying stone? Falling to the ground is the size of a little finger at most, what is there to be afraid of? "

Zhu Yuanzhang has seen meteors before, and he has also seen records similar to flying stones in various books, isn't it the same as what he saw today?

Zhu Yuanzhang's side didn't think so, but Wang Chen and the others on the side were anxious!

Soon, seeing that the golden light fell towards Zhu Yuanzhang's side, and seemed to speed up, and the power was not reduced, everyone's eyes felt as if they were shaken by a strong light at that moment, or turned their heads, or subconsciously closed their eyes!

Zhu Yuanzhang, who originally didn't care, was directly stunned in place!

This situation seems to be different from the meteorite fall recorded in the book!

Before Zhu Yuanzhang could react, under the gaze of a group of uterine female eunuchs and janissaries, that golden light was actually unbiased, and it fell right on Zhu Yuanzhang's head, instantly shrouding Zhu Yuanzhang's entire body!

Wang Chen and a few other eunuchs almost didn't frighten, and one by one they hurriedly pounced on Zhu Yuanzhang, but at that moment they were inexplicably directly overthrown by a powerful force!

When they got up from the ground in embarrassment, the dazzling golden light before gradually dissipated, and then they saw Zhu Yuanzhang, who was dressed in a dragon robe, actually lying on the ground at this moment, his eyes were closed, and he didn't know!

The sky is falling!

Almost instantly, this idea popped up in the minds of everyone at the scene!

"The Emperor... Emperor, what's wrong with you? "

"Imperial Doctor! Pass on the imperial doctor! "


With Wang Chen's eager shout, the entire Fengtian Hall began to jump outside the chicken flying dog!

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang, as a party, was like falling into a cloud, feeling that his whole body was fluttering lightly and very comfortable!

However, it was pitch black in front of him, and he tried hard to open his eyes, but he couldn't do it anyway!

[Host: Zhu Yuanzhang! ] 】

[Identity: Emperor Hongwu, the founding of the Daming Dynasty! ] 】

[Age: 65 years old! ] 】

[The national transport system was successfully activated... Binding...].

In a trance, a very strange voice suddenly exploded in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind, and then Zhu Yuanzhang fell into a deep sleep!

I don't know how long it took, Zhu Yuanzhang regained consciousness again.

The weird voice before sounded again!

[The national transport system was successfully bound, which took 38 hours and 37 minutes! ] 】

As the words fell, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly woke up!

"Who is it?"

"Who dares to pretend to be a ghost in front of us?"

The roar resounded throughout the hall, and it also startled everyone who was waiting by the dragon bed in the dormitory!

"Grandpa Huang... Grandpa Huang, what's wrong with you? "

A familiar voice sounded in Zhu Yuanzhang's ears!

Zhu Yuanzhang fixed his mind and glanced around, only to find that he was lying on the dragon bed of the sleeping palace, surrounded by several imperial doctors in addition to the eunuchs and palace maidens!

And the imperial grandsons Zhu Yunjiang and Zhu Yunxi who were guarding the side of the dragon bed, together with the Crown Princess Lu of the East Palace, were all staring at themselves with eager eyes!

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head, and he felt something more in his mind, and soon his face began to become strange!

He remembered!

I was smashed by the golden light that fell from the sky before, and then...

"Father, where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang did not react for a long time, Lu Shi on the side tentatively asked.

"We're okay, we're doing well now!"

"Okay, don't be busy, let's all go out first, let's have a good quiet time alone!"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head, and then gave an eviction order to everyone together with the Lu family and Zhu Yunjiang's brothers!

No one dared to question Zhu Yuanzhang's order, even if their hearts were full of doubts!

The main thing is that the imperial doctor checked Zhu Yuanzhang's body and found no problems, that is, the person fainted!

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's current state, his face is rosy and his voice is loud, does it look like something is wrong?

After everyone withdrew, Zhu Yuanzhang studied the extra thing in his mind!

He found that this extra thing called 'National Transportation System' in his mind could actually talk to himself!

And such a conversation still seems to be inaudible to others, as if it appears directly in their own minds!

You don't need to open your mouth, you can communicate with this thing with a single thought!

"Could it be that you are a treasure created by an immortal, fell to the mortal world, and also fell to our Zhu Yuanzhang?"

Not to mention, Zhu Yuanzhang's brain circuit is still very powerful!

Because in addition to this, he didn't know how to explain such a magical existence of the national transport system!

This is beyond his realization!

In this era, it is natural for people to blame ghosts and gods for things and phenomena beyond their own understanding, even Zhu Yuanzhang is no exception!

[The host can also understand that as long as the function of the system has enough national fortune value, it can help the host deduce the national fortune of the Daming Dynasty and assist the host to change the fortune of the Daming Dynasty! ] 】

The subsequent explanation of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widen suddenly!

Be able to deduce the Daming National Fortune, and even change the Daming National Fortune!

This is simply something that Zhu Yuanzhang dare not think about!

This national transport system actually says that it can do it!

................... The dividing line........................

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