Ming Dynasty: Zombie Emperor, breaks out of the coffin and Fengtian Jingnan

Ming Dynasty: Zombie Emperor, breaks out of the coffin and Fengtian Jingnan


208 Chapters Ongoing Status

Story of: Ming Dynasty: Zombie Emperor, breaks out of the coffin and Fengtian Jingnan

King Zhu Yue of Han, the ninth son of Zhu Yuanzhang!

Because I was too obsessed with alchemy, I bec


Story of: Ming Dynasty: Zombie Emperor, breaks out of the coffin and Fengtian Jingnan

King Zhu Yue of Han, the ninth son of Zhu Yuanzhang!

Because I was too obsessed with alchemy, I became a Taoist priest and talked all day long!

When he was 12 years old, he was refining alchemy and accidentally blew up the house, causing a fire in the palace. Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that he directly deposed Zhu Yue from the title of King of Han, and then died of a terminal illness!

Twenty-five years of Hongwu!

Zhu Yuanzhang obtained the meteorite from outer space and activated the national destiny system!You can deduce the fate of the country in later generations of the Ming Dynasty!

It was deduced that Prince Zhu Biao's time was running out and he died young, making Zhu Yuanzhang burst into tears!

Deducing the emperor's grandson Zhu Yunwen, we found that this rebellious grandson actually cut down the feudal vassal!

The King of Dai was deposed and the King of Zhou was imprisoned. What was even more outrageous was that his uncle, King Xiang, who had played with Zhu Yunwen since childhood, was forced to force his whole family to burn themselves to death. King Zhu Di of Yan had to pretend to be crazy and act like a fool to survive!

Is this still cutting down the vassalage?Zhu Yuanzhang was furious!

Then Zhu Yunwen was ready to take action against the richest Hanzhong!

Not even letting the idle prince go?Zhu Yuanzhang was furious!


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