59: Lao Jiu came directly to Ying Tian to cut us down, is it not good to be the emperor directly?

Zhu Yuanzhang is very clear that the national transport system is definitely not joking with himself!

He said that Lao Jiu had the ability to open the gate of heaven with a sword, then there was absolutely something!

Moreover, in Zhu Yunjiang's dream life, he saw with his own eyes, even if the 300,000 troops of the imperial court army were almost done after Lao Jiu came forward!

Or to put it in other words, with Lao Jiu's realm strength at that time, he was completely above all living beings, and he was already invincible!

In front of the real immortals, what so-called mortal army is just a blow and collapse!

Not to mention an army of 300,000, even a million-strong army can't stand it!

This is completely equivalent to a dimensionality reduction blow!

As soon as he thought of this, Zhu Yuanzhang was a little unsure!

He is the emperor!

When a person can be above all living beings, even imperial power, it is equivalent to becoming the biggest threat to himself!

This is also the instinctive reaction of an emperor when he realizes this kind of problem!

A thought popped into his mind!

If Lao Jiu wants to be the emperor, then he directly came to Ying Tian to cut us down, is it not good to be the emperor directly?

Even if he wants a good reputation, with his ability, even if he doesn't do it to us, there is a way, right?

For example, use that kind of trick to control us, and then let us directly meditate on him?

When these thoughts came out, Zhu Yuanzhang even broke out in a cold sweat!

But soon, these ideas were directly denied by Zhu Yuanzhang!

Because Lao Jiu didn't have to do this at all, because he Zhu Yuanzhang didn't have long to live!

Coupled with Zhu Yunjiang's ascendancy, if it wasn't for the reduction of the clan, whether Lao Jiu rebelled in the end is another matter!

From the beginning, Lao Wei had plans to rebel and become the emperor himself!

[The host is right to think so! ] In fact, from Li Xiuyuan's attitude today, you should be able to see the commonality of people like them! 】

[In fact, for the imperial throne and power, they themselves do not care so much, more often it is a burden for them! ] 】

[King Zhu Li of Han will rebel during the Jianwen period, that is also forced by the situation, and the matter of the meritorious lord is intolerable to any emperor! ] 】

[Even if you Zhu Yuanzhang, did you just think that King Zhu Li of Han would do something to you because of the throne? ] 】

The voice of the national transport system sounded again.

The thoughts in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind could not be concealed from this national transport system at all.

"You're right!"

"Regardless of whether Lao Jiu has the idea of rebelling or not, he can have such strength, that is the original sin, and no emperor can tolerate him!"

"If you want to change such a result, I am afraid that only he himself will be the emperor!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was silent for a long time, and finally nodded with a wry smile.

The words of the national transport system are big truths, although a little cruel and a little ugly, but they are true!

If Lao Jiu wasn't his son Zhu Yuanzhang, he might really regard Lao Jiu as his number one enemy!

"It seems that the matter of building the road must be done as soon as possible!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was still worried about personally going to Hanzhong Mansion to find Lao Jiu, and said in his heart.


Early the next morning, after Zhu Yuanzhang finished his morning dynasty, he called several major officials from the Hubu and the Ministry of Works to the imperial study room to inquire about the progress of road construction!

In fact, after the cement road from Hanzhong to Xi'an was repaired, the road from these two prefectures to the south has also been under construction!

But even due to financial problems, there has been a delay, and progress has been particularly slow!

At this rate, it is estimated that he has not yet built it until Zhu Yuanzhang dies!

After Zhu Yuanzhang inquired about the construction progress of this road, his face was naturally a little ugly!

"Your Majesty, mainly because the construction of the Great Wall has consumed a lot of money from the national treasury, and Hubu does not have too much silver taels now, which can be used for such things as road construction!"

Hube Shangshu explained with a wry smile.

Zhu Yuanzhang also looked helpless when he heard this.

Indeed, for such a thing as building the Great Wall, Zhu Yuanzhang is also very persistent!

Even if the financial situation is tight, it must be repaired, and it must be built with the strongest burnt bricks!

Since the sixth year of Hongwu, the imperial court has spent money on the construction of the Great Wall every year, which is an astronomical amount!

And since the Hongwu Dynasty, such a Great Wall construction work has run through almost the entire Ming Dynasty, and it has not been interrupted!

It seems that the emperors of Daming are very interested in building the Great Wall!

So that the Great Wall that began to be built in the Ming Dynasty, from the Yalu River in the east to Jiayuguan in the west, the total field is more than 6,000 kilometers, and the length of 12,000 li is a veritable Great Wall!

It took more than two hundred years to build it one after another!

It is no wonder that Hubu will always cry poor, after all, with Daming's current financial resources, in the two things of building the Great Wall and building roads, it can only be a fish and a bear's paw!

The cost of building the Great Wall alone is enough for the common people of Daming to tighten their belts and live!

If you increase the investment in road construction, the cost will be even greater!

However, after getting the national transportation system, Zhu Yuanzhang also realized that this road must be built!

Hanzhong and Xi'an Prefecture were originally located in the northwest of Daming, and there was no way to compare the economy and the Jiangnan region!

But now, Northwest Hanzhong and Xi'an Prefecture seem to have become the richest areas in Daming, faintly surpassing the trend of Jiangnan!

What is the reason why the Northwest has become so wealthy?

Isn't it because their transportation is more convenient?

Although building roads will consume a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, as long as it is repaired, the economies of both the north and south will benefit from this, and the money invested in it will eventually be earned back ten times and a hundredfold!

Just by looking at the situation in Hanzhong and Xi'an Prefecture, you can already foresee it!

Isn't that the best example?

And when Zhu Yuanzhang deduced Zhu Yunjiang's life, he also saw a lot of situations in Hanzhong!

He found that there was also a thing called rubber tires in Hanzhong, which directly replaced the existing wooden wheels or iron wheels of horse-drawn carriages, and if it was really running on the concrete floor, the speed was simply not too fast!

Even if it is a carriage of supplies, one person can push it, let alone a pack horse!

The speed and distance that can travel on this concrete road every day is much faster and much longer!

And over the years, Yingtianfu has also relied on the refined salt supplied by Hanzhong to monopolize the salt merchants in the entire Jiangnan region, which can be said to have a good income, and the national treasury has also been filled with a lot!

In addition, the staple food of Daming now has also begun to diversify!

They are all high-yield crops such as potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes from the Hanzhong side!

The common people don't have to suffer as much as before!

So this road has to be built no matter what!

In Zhu Yunjiang's dream life, Zhu Yuanzhang still clearly remembered that because the imperial court was stretched thin, after Zhu Yunjiang took the throne, this smelly boy actually canceled this project directly, which also led to the road being directly broken after it was repaired to Luoyang!

On the contrary, Hanzhong, Xi'an, Chengdu, Bazhong, Guyuan, these important towns in the northwest region, all have cement roads!

Zhu Yuanzhang's current heart is not big, it is unrealistic to build the road in the whole country of Daming at once, he will mainly build this cement road to the edge of the Yangtze River in Yingtianfu, right?

As long as the imperial court can contribute money and effort, hire hundreds of thousands of laborers, at most more than a year, it will be able to repair the road from Hanzhong to Yingtian!

And for the standard of this road, Zhu Yuanzhang's requirements are not too high, as long as he can make three carriages parallel to the width at the same time!

Zhu Yuanzhang directly said his thoughts!

"Your Majesty, are you ready to take out all the profits from the salt revenue to build roads? This silver is untouchable."

"You also said before that this silver is used to supplement military salaries, and in case the war breaks out again, hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Daming are still counting on this money to go to war!"

Shen Yan was even more anxious after hearing that Zhu Yuanzhang actually wanted to use the profits earned from salt to build the road!

"We're not discussing with you, but we've already decided, you just need to follow our instructions!"

"And then the reward of this road construction, can't you see it? What is it that Hanzhong Mansion can develop to where it is today? "

"Do you know how much the cement road in Hanzhong and Xi'an has driven the local economy?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's words directly left Shen Yan speechless!

"This... All right! "

"However, Your Majesty must guarantee that the proceeds obtained after this road construction can no longer be squandered!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shen Yan actually didn't want to build roads!

As Zhu Yuanzhang said, the benefits obtained by Hanzhong and Xi'an because of road construction, he is not blind or foolish, how can he not see it?

But mainly because the investment in road construction is too large, if one does not get it right, it is easy to empty the treasury!

And once there is a little more war in Daming, then there will really be no silver to pay the military salary, and the fun will really be great!

"Don't worry, after the road is repaired, this income will still be from your household, and no one can take it away!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also knew that he had to give Shen Yan a reassuring pill, otherwise this old boy might have to fight with himself!

"Then there will be no problem with the old minister! His Majesty wants to build a road, then repair it! "

When Shen Yan heard this, he began to laugh.

"You old boy is also a master who does not see rabbits and does not spread eagles!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Shen Yan's appearance, and couldn't help but laugh and scold speechlessly.

But anyway, the problem of road construction has finally been temporarily solved, as long as the Hubu side agrees to take this money out, the rest of the things will be easy to do!


Seven days later, Hanzhong Mansion!

The Yang Clan reappeared in the Taoist Temple of Dingjun Mountain!

"Why did Concubine Ai come over in person today?"

Zhu Li was lying in the courtyard Ge You, when he saw Yang Shi who was coming over by the dust servant, he got up and stretched and asked.

"There is news from Yingtian's side!"

"It is said that the imperial court has allocated funds for the construction of cement roads, and now that the money is in place, it is waiting for the construction to begin!"

Yang Shi said straight to the point.

Not to mention, Yang was still quite surprised when he just got the news!

Hubu, who has always been an iron rooster, actually took out the money for road construction so painfully this time?

Not only the Yang family, but Zhu Li was also a little surprised after hearing this news!

You know, just because the imperial court has been scrutinizing the funds for road construction, the current road from Hanzhong to Yingtianfu has only been repaired near the Sanmen Gorge!

At that rate, it is estimated that in a few years, whether this road can be repaired to Luoyang is a problem!

And what Hubu has always thought about is to let Hanzhong make a big head!

Not only cement needs Hanzhong, but even manpower needs Hanzhong to come out!

This made Zhu Li quite disgusted with Hubu all along!

You want empty gloves white wolf together, right?

Could it be that the money of Hanzhong Mansion was blown by the wind?

You must know that in order to repair the cement road from Hanzhong Mansion to Xi'an Prefecture, Zhu Li also asked many merchants to donate money before he died, and finally made it together!

At the beginning, he was also kind and proposed to let the imperial court pay for the construction of the road, as long as the imperial court paid for it, the Hanzhong side could send out an engineering team!

But the imperial court is not satisfied!

At that time, Zhu Li was so angry that he almost picked the pick!

Later, it was also due to the face problem of the imperial court, and finally continued to cultivate, but the progress was very slow!

The engineering team on Zhu Li's side also belongs to the rabbit and does not spread the eagle!

How much money you give me, then I will do as many things!

After three years, he has only cultivated to the vicinity of Sanmenxia!

Plus build a road, thankless not to mention, but also to be disliked by the old man in all kinds of ways, impeached by the ministers, Zhu Li simply put it on the ground, and simply cheat to death!

Cultivate his way well, and never care about this messy thing outside the window!

But this time, Hubu was willing to take out so much silver to build the road, which surprised Zhu Li, and at the same time, he also felt that the old man had finally opened up!

"'This road construction is a good thing, no matter what, it is a measure for the benefit of the country and the people!'"

"Since the imperial court has already taken out the money, let the engineering team continue to repair!"

Zhu Li didn't think much about it, so he directly said what he meant.

"I also think so, since the imperial court has already paid for it, this road reconstruction still has to be repaired!"

"And if this road is built, it will also be of great benefit to Hanzhong, and it can open up the trade road from Hanzhong to the Jiangnan region!"

Yang nodded thoughtfully.

Originally, there was no cement road, although it would also trade, but that efficiency and having cement road is not a concept, can not be the same!

"By the way, there is another news, it is about Chief Li!"

"It is said that after Li Daolong arrived in Yingtian, His Majesty did not embarrass him, but also made him a national teacher!"

"It's just that Daoist Li refused, and in the end he only asked to establish a Taoist temple in Yingtian City, which can be used to teach the Taoist system and accept incense!"

After talking about the road construction, Yang Shi changed his tone again and mentioned Li Xiuyuan's encounter in Yingtianfu.

"This (De Zhao) is a cow nose, and he will really hide from it!"

"King Ben told him before that he should go to Yingtianfu to be a national teacher, but he resigned directly!"

"Well, since it didn't arouse the old man's suspicion, it can be considered that his task is half completed!"

"It's good to establish a Taoist temple in Yingtianfu, it seems that the old man is not repulsive to Taoism now!"

Zhu Li was stunned when he heard this, and then scolded with a smile.

"Why not reject! It is said that His Majesty treats Daoist Li very much, and this matter of establishing the Taoist Temple is still ordered for the crown prince Zhu Biao to personally supervise it, which shows that he attaches great importance to this Daoist Li! "

Yang continued.

"Oh? Could it be that the old man and the eldest brother already suspected that this Li Xiuyuan had a connection with King Ben? "

When Zhu Li heard this, he frowned!

He didn't understand a little, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao were emperors and princes, which was a little too much for Li Xiuyuan, right?

"I don't know!"

"However, it is said that Li Xiuyuan presented a semi-finished life extension pill to His Majesty!"

Yang added with a slow shake of his head.

"So it is!"

"If it's because of the Longevity Pill, it makes sense!"

When Zhu Li heard this, he nodded abruptly.

Mainly because Zhu Yuanzhang followed the advice of the national transport system and did not deal with these Jin Yiwei, who had been controlled by Zhu Li's side!

So Zhu Li's side doesn't know for the time being, the old man actually knows that he defrauded death, and also controlled the matter of Jinyiwei!

If Zhu Yuanzhang really made a move on those brocade guards, even if she was thousands of miles away, the Miao girl in Hanzhong, as a slander, would also be able to sense the news transmitted back by the worm!

So Zhu Yuanzhang still chose to continue with everything, as if he didn't know what to do!

Both father and son have already started playing Infernal Affairs!

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