60: We Zhu Yuanzhang are going to Hanzhong, and Lao Jiu will dig his grave before he dies

June is the season to eat melons, and as soon as summer arrives, a large number of melons and fruits are on the market in Hanzhong!

Every melon fruit is a fine product in the world, sweet, crisp and soft!

This time, the Yang family came to Dingjun Mountain, and it also brought a lot to Zhu Li!

"In addition, I brought you some melons and fruits that we grew ourselves, and you didn't bother to eat anyway, so I brought you some!"

Yang Shi said to Zhu Li while asking the people below to send all kinds of melons and fruits to the Taoist Temple.

"Don't bother so much next time. King Ben has everything he wants to eat here, and he can't bring it with the laborers! "

Zhu Li was unimpressed, and he was a little crying and laughing.

Because he has a supermarket system, not to mention these most common fruits in later generations, what he wants to eat and when he wants to eat it is just a matter of Zhu Que's mood!

"It's different!"

Yang Shi insisted on saying.

Zhu Li could only be helpless, he understood what Yang meant, this was not just a matter of eating or not eating these melons and fruits, mainly Yang wanted to come here to see him often for various reasons!

And these melons and fruits also represent Yang's relationship with themselves!

"Concubine Ai is right! Then the king will stay and eat! "

Zhu Li had no choice but to compromise, and he didn't want to make Yang feel uncomfortable because of this little thing.

"That's right!"

"Also, the luxury carriage I told you about before has already been built with a sample, which is the design drawing I drew with my own hands before, you see!"

Yang Shi smiled with satisfaction, and at the same time handed his design drawing to Zhu Li with a smug look.

"Well, King Ben said at the beginning that you must have a talent for design, which is not false at all!"

"Your carriage design is quite good, let's start mass production directly, and send a few more to Yingtian!"

"But for the old man and the prince's eldest brother, remember to treat it differently, after all, one is the emperor and the other is the crown prince!"

Zhu Li looked at the Yang family's design drawings, praised it without hesitation, and ordered at the same time.

"I don't see what emperor and prince you would put in your eyes!"

Yang Shi was also speechless when he heard this!

What does this all say?

After all, one is the emperor, and the other is the prince, so it must be treated differently?

When did he really care about these superficial identities?

"What is sent to Hanzhong every month is also a big expense!"

Yang sighed helplessly, but she also knew that there was no way around it.

Even if Zhu Li doesn't care, she still cares, and the entire Hanzhong Mansion also cares!

What should be given to the imperial court every month can only be 127 more and not less!

In fact, there are many distinctive things in Hanzhong, and there are many luxury brands that have been operated by Yang's!

Just like porcelain, chili sauce, and distilled liquor with sauce technology!

The brand "Hanzhong Fine Wine" has now become popular in the entire aristocratic circle of Daming!

This wine brand is very expensive in Hanzhong, because it is a brand specially supplied to the royal family!

Generally, only those with noble status, and some gentry and wealthy families can afford to drink, and if anyone can take out a bottle of Hanzhong wine during the New Year festival, it is also the most face-saving thing!

However, ordinary aristocrats and rich people can only buy ordinary colors of the same brand, just like glasses and color-changing cups, which are divided into several grades!

Those specially used by the royal family, but you can't buy good things with money!

Of course, these are all due to Yang's series of marketing methods!

It's like the Moutai wine of later generations, do you say he is delicious?

Whether it's good or not, it's expensive!

And it is sold so expensive, there are still people who buy it, why?

Just because this is a luxury brand!

No matter what era there is no shortage of rich people, when they drink, they drink more not the wine itself, but a face!

Of course, such an expensive wine, the quality and taste must not be bad!

But to say how good and great value for money is, it's pure!

Like the business community where the brand effect is dominant in later generations, high prices are often higher on a brand, and if you really want to say quality, it is really not worth the price!

For example, a belt costs up to several hundred, but it is possible to put a luxury brand trademark on it and sell it for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands!

In the same way, if everyone knows that the emperor and those princes will ride in this kind of carriage when they travel together, then the value of this luxurious carriage will also be greatly increased!

This is also why Zhu Li specially asked the Yang family to send a few more to Ying Tianfu!

Will the old man and the prince lack a carriage?

What Zhu Li wants is for the entire Zhu family royal family to give free advertising to Hanzhong!

Modern people like good face, and ancient people are the same!

Especially with the identities of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao, then the issue of face should be paid more attention!

The carriage you give them must be distinguishable from everyone else, and it must be the kind that no one else can use, and money can't buy!

"And the fine wine made in the Hanzhong, also send some to the palace, give the old man a taste!"

Zhu Li thought for a while, and then added. (AGFD) This wine, Hanzhong side brews only 5,000 bottles a year, and it is still on sale in limited quantities!

Therefore, even if you don't drink this wine, you can appreciate it when you collect it!

"Well, it's all up to you!"

"Now everyone thinks that Hanzhong can have today, it is all the credit of my little woman, but they don't know that behind this, it is still you, His Royal Highness the King of Han, who is taking the idea!"

Yang Shi covered his red lips and smiled.

"This is not true, Hanzhong can have today, absolutely inseparable from the efforts and hard work of the concubine, to say contribution, you are much more than this king!" I have to thank you! "

Zhu Li shook his head seriously and said.

"Then how is His Highness going to thank you?"

Yang Shi stared at Zhu Li with a look of anticipation in his eyes!

"Then use King Ben's own way!"

Zhu Li smiled, and then hugged a princess of the Yang family and walked in towards the Taoist Temple!

The Yang family basically comes to Dingjun Mountain once or twice a month, and no one will suspect anything, after all, the dead husband, when the wife comes to guard the spirit sacrifice, every month to visit that is also a thing, in the eyes of outsiders, the Yang family is definitely a virtuous and loyal woman!

It's rare to come once, as long as there are no special circumstances, the things that should be done between the husband and wife still have to be done!

After the Yang family left satisfied, Zhu Li's side began to ponder the matter of building the road again!

The imperial court was uncharacteristic this time, and the iron rooster also began to pluck its hair, which can be regarded as a rare hemorrhage!

Moreover, regular funds will be allocated for road construction every month, so that in more than a year, the cement road that can allow three carriages to be parallel at the same time can be repaired to Yingtianfu!

Not only that, Zhu Yuanzhang also plans to start a small area of road construction in the Jiangnan area!

From Yingtian to build roads, one finger to the Huguang area, as well as Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas are also to be repaired!

What made Zhu Li feel strange was that the old man was willing to spend money like this now?

It's not like his original style of searching and searching!

In fact, this cement road is not difficult to build, after all, unlike those modern high-grade roads, it also has to meet the passage of some large trucks with tens of tons, so the road surface is not so troublesome!

In the Ming Dynasty, at most, it was a horse-drawn carriage, so the cost and requirements of road construction would not be too high, and it was basically easy to get it!

Even in wartime, at best, siege artillery is considered a relatively heavy thing!

But the concrete pavement is also enough to cope!

Of course, even if it is to lay such a fake and cheap cement road, in this era, it is extremely expensive and labor-intensive to want to lay a large area!


Ying Tianfu.

Li Xiuyuan, a bull-nosed old Daoist, was accompanied by several officials from the Hubu to inspect a piece of land selected for him, which was specially used to build a Taoist temple for him!

In addition, the overall layout, style, etc. of the Taoist Temple, as well as what kind of facilities are needed, also need Li Xiuyuan's instruction and nod in person before the construction can officially begin!

For the matter of the cultivation temple, the Hubu and the Ministry of Works did not dare to snub, after all, it was Zhu Yuanzhang who personally ordered, and also let the crown prince Zhu Biao focus on supervising the project!

These officials are even more not ordinary politeness to Li Xiuyuan, a bull-nosed veteran!

The things that happened to the purple light in the northwest before were also known by the officials of Ying Tianfu, and they also knew that Li Xiuyuan was the worldly master brought back from the northwest by Jinyiwei!

Whether they were in awe or disagreed, at least on the surface, no one dared to offend this so-called worldly master!

Behind the people, there is the emperor and the prince standing behind them! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"So be it, trouble the officials!"

"I just don't know how long it will take for this temple to be built?"

Li Xiuyuan's side probably said the Taoist temple pattern he needed, and after everything was determined, he asked the group of officials.

"Construction starts tomorrow, and it will be completed in two or three months at most!"

"This is a project specially ordered by His Majesty and the Crown Prince, whether it is the Ministry of Household Affairs or the Ministry of Engineering, do not dare to snub, and please rest assured that Chief Li Dao!"

Officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Works hurriedly spoke up to assure.

"Then there are all the workers!"

Li Xiuyuan nodded with satisfaction, and said in his heart that two or three months is not too long, and he can afford to wait!

On weekdays, I come over and watch the progress of construction!

But the officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Works do not dare to grind foreign workers in this matter, but it does not mean that other things will not go wrong!

It's like building roads!

Since Zhu Yuanzhang discussed the road construction with Shen Yan, he has been waiting for the exact news from the Hubu and the Ministry of Engineering!

With his personality, he must always pay attention to the construction progress of this road!

The next day, morning up!

After most of the imperial government had been discussed, Zhu Yuanzhang thought of building roads!

"Shen Yan, it's been another half a month, right?"

"How's the concrete road going?"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly asked.

"Back to Your Majesty, the money that should be allocated this month has already been sent to the Ministry of Work, as for the specific progress of the project, you have to ask Yan Shangshu of the Ministry of Work!"

Shen Yan hurriedly explained.

When Shangshu Yan Zhen of the Ministry of Works heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Yan Zhen, come on!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately named him directly.

"Back to Your Majesty, although the funds from the Ministry of Work have been sent to the Ministry of Work, the Ministry of Works is short of manpower, and it takes a lot of time to count and process these funds, and it is also necessary to talk about the implementation and distribution of these funds..."

Yan Zhen hurriedly explained, his face somewhat ugly.

The main thing is that Shen Yan, this old boy, is not particular about ah, so much money is directly given to the Ministry of Work, even if it is finished!

Although road construction is indeed the responsibility of the Ministry of Work, it still needs to be audited on the Hubu side, just like a matter of money, it should also be the responsibility of special officials from the Hubu side!

Hubu poured well, directly became a palm cabinet, and after the money was given, it didn't matter at all!

"What do you mean that the money for this road construction has been given to your Ministry of Engineering, and you have not even given us a mile to repair it after so many days?"

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his face immediately became gloomy to the extreme!

He kind of understood that these two departments were now here to play the ball for themselves!

"Your Majesty Mingjian, the officials of the Ministry of Works are not good at auditing and coordinating the work in terms of money, and in the past, there were such projects, and they were all audited by officials sent by the Ministry of Household Affairs, so we just do the work when we announce it!"

Yan Zhen's face changed, and he hurriedly explained.

"Yan Shangshu, you can't say that!"

"The Hubu side really can't transfer manpower, after all, there are not one or two officials who need to be audited for this road construction, and there are only a few people in my household that can be used?"

As soon as Shen Yan heard this, he immediately stopped working, and directly tore up with Yan Zhen in the court!


"What we want to hear now is not the responsibility of any of you, there are not enough people, you have to find a way for us!" In short, the money has been given, and this road must be given to us! "

"You are a household secretary, a Ministry of Works shangshu, if this matter is not handled well, let us go back to the pension as soon as possible, and we will replace you with an officer!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly shouted angrily, and then warned with an unkind face.

This time, Zhu Yuanzhang really moved the liver fire!

God knows how much he attaches importance to the matter of road construction now, who knows that this household and the Ministry of Works still kick leather balls in front of themselves, and get so many moths out!

Upon hearing this, Shen Yan and Yan Zhen's faces changed at the same time, and they knelt down in unison, how dare they continue to make excuses?

"Let's give you three more days in the end, and if you can't handle this shit thing after three days, and you still use the lack of manpower to fool us, then just roll us up and go home!"

Zhu Yuanzhang warned Shen Yan and Yan Zhen with an unkind face, and then directly retreated angrily and left the Fengtian Temple, leaving a group of sub-ministers to look at each other one by one!

Zhu Yuanzhang, who came down, came directly to the imperial garden!

He is now full of anger, and all he thinks about is the cement road!

Mainly after seeing the benefits of the cement road from Zhu Yunjiang's dream picture, Zhu Yuanzhang was completely worried, who dares to trip him Zhu Yuanzhang in this matter, isn't that purely to make him unhappy?

Shen Yan and Yan Zhen also just hit the muzzle this time!

The main thing is that the cement road has been repaired, and he is still waiting to go to Hanzhong in person!

The construction progress of this cement road is naturally the sooner the better!

This also shortens the time wasted on the road and makes it easier to go back and forth!

"By the way, the system, you said that if we Zhu Yuanzhang personally went to Hanzhong to find Lao Jiu, would Lao Jiu still hide and refuse to come out to see us?"

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about going to Hanzhong, so he couldn't help but ask the national transport system again.

[It's really possible!] Since King Zhu Li of Han chose to cheat death, he will not show up easily, and the host still needs to be mentally prepared! 】

The answer of the national transport system is more direct.

This is not the answer Zhu Yuanzhang wants to hear!

If Lao Jiu refuses to come out and continues to avoid him, then what should Zhu Biao do?

In the end, Biao'er is still waiting for Lao Jiu's longevity pill to save his life!

Theoretically, Zhu Biao still has two years at most, and within two years, he must let Lao Jiu come out with a second-class life extension pill before he hopes to let Zhu Biao extend his life for another four years or so!

As for the perfect longevity pill, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't dare to think about it for the time being, and he couldn't hope for it!

So the most important thing is to find Lao Jiu!

"Then let's spend it with him to the end!" If we are all in Hanzhong, and Lao Jiu still hides and refuses to come out, we will go directly to dig his tomb!" "

Zhu Yuanzhang directly gritted his teeth and said viciously!

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