61: National Fortune System: When Zhu Li was a hundred years old, Dao Xing had reached the realm of Heavenly Master

The national transport system was directly shut down by Zhu Yuanzhang's words!


Directly dug the grave of King Zhu Li of Han?

This is also what normal people can think of?

[Host, do you know where King Han's tomb is?] 】

The national transport system reminded.

"Isn't it in Dingjun Mountain?"

Zhu Yuanzhang subconsciously interfaced, but soon realized something, and his face suddenly became blue and white for a while, so ~ wonderful!

[The host also knows that it is Dingjun Mountain! ] Of the thousands of lonely soldiers in the tomb of the lonely army, is the host ready to dig them all out? 】

In the words of the national transport system, even Zhu Yuanzhang has a feeling of numbness in his head!

Dig up those thousands of lonely troops?

Is that okay?

Those lonely troops are all zombies, maybe they are already decades old now!

Although at this stage, there is no spiritual intelligence, at most, only a trace of spiritual wisdom is preserved, and this trace of spiritual wisdom can only let them know the master of King Han!

But Lonely Jun doesn't know him, Zhu Yuanzhang!

To dig the tomb of the lonely army is equivalent to digging a hole for ourselves!

[The host has imperial dragon qi and the blessing of national fortune, these lonely armies may not pose a direct threat to you, but it is difficult for others to say! ] You don't want to be ruined, do you? 】

The national transport system continues to remind.

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned again when he heard this!

"You mean, we'll be fine if we run into the Silent Army?"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't expect that he could still be so bullish!

[It's not a question of whether something will happen, if you have nothing to provoke them, the host will definitely regret it!] They just won't take the initiative to attack you, it doesn't mean that you have to do something to them, they will also be tied up! 】

[In addition, there are only two situations that can suppress the lonely army! ] 】

[One is the power of the great general, which can suppress the lonely army, because the corpse talisman attached to those coffins is written on the edict of the great general here! ] 】

[For example, Geng Qing, the general of that Hanzhong, has the power of a general, and can suppress those lonely troops to a certain extent, but it cannot be completely suppressed, at most, let them maintain relative calm! ] 】

[Another situation is that the prince general like the King of Han, or the emperor like the host! ] It is also impossible to completely suppress it, and it can only allow them to eliminate hostility and maintain relative calm! 】

[Unless someone can completely control these lonely armies with secret methods like Han King Zhu Li, or wait for these lonely armies to be fully born with spiritual intelligence and be able to obey orders! ] 】

An explanation of the national transport system directly made Zhu Yuanzhang lose his temper!

The tomb of that kid in Lao Jiu is the tomb of the lonely army!

When he went to dig Lao Jiu's grave, it was equivalent to digging the tomb of the lonely army, isn't this outrageous?

"We just said angry words, how can we really dig up the tomb of the lonely army?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's tone was somewhat helpless.

[In fact, the host can also work hard in one direction, maybe there will be unexpected effects! ] 】

The national transport system reminded at this time.

"What do you mean?"

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly asked.

[The host should have guessed the reason for the fraudulent death of King Zhu Li of Han back then, which should be similar to the analysis of the system! ] 】

The national transport system continues to remind.

"We... We have not supported Lao Jiu's cultivation path back then, and we have been misunderstanding him and preventing him from cultivating! Presumably, it was also because of this that he simply lied to death, hid so that he could continue to cultivate in peace, right? "

When Zhu Yuanzhang talked about this, he couldn't help sighing.

This was the most reasonable explanation he had ever thought of, but if this was the case, that was to say, the reason why Lao Jiu was fraudulently killed was forced by him Zhu Yuanzhang!

[To put it simply, it is the host's original attitude towards Taoism! ] You don't recognize Taoism, which led to the Han King Zhu Li having to cheat to death! 】

The National Transport System concluded.

"You mean..."

Zhu Yuanzhang vaguely understood the meaning of the national transport system at this time, but his brain had not been able to organize the language all of a sudden!

[Start with Taoism itself, let Han King Zhu Li realize that you have changed your attitude towards Taoism, and will no longer oppose him to continue cultivating, maybe he may appear and recognize you! ] 】

The national transport system directly told Zhu Yuanzhang his thoughts.

"That's right, you have a point!"

"We have decided that after the Taoist Temple for Li Xiuyuan is built, we will announce to the world and establish Taoism as the state religion!"

"In this way, it is time for Lao Jiu to change his prejudice against himself, right?"

"And we will also bring Concubine Zhou to Hanzhong together!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded again and again in deep thought, and at the same time planned that the father-son relationship would not work, so he directly used the mother-son relationship, in short, he must let Lao Jiu appear!


When we have time, let's go to Renshou Palace and tell Concubine Zhou about Lao Jiu being alive!"

She is also Lao Jiu's biological mother, and she also has the right to know Lao Jiu's current situation!

Maybe knowing that Lao Jiu is not dead, she will be able to change her attitude towards herself immediately!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart became even more eager!

So far, in addition to the insiders on Lao Jiu's side, anyway, Ying Tian's side knows that Lao Jiu is still alive, and there are only two people, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao!

"Children see the emperor of the father!"

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang was still thinking about how to find Lao Jiu, Zhu Biao's voice suddenly sounded behind him!

"Biao'er, why are you here?"

Zhu Yuanzhang turned his head to see Zhu Biao and asked with some surprise.

"Before the father and the emperor moved the liver fire in the court, the children were a little worried, so they specially came to take a look. Please don't get angry, lest you hurt your body! "

Zhu Biao said to Zhu Yuanzhang with concern on his face.

"Don't worry, let's do it!"

"Let's not hurt our bodies for this matter!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's originally bad mood was also calmed down because of Zhu Biao's concern.

"The minister will be relieved!"

Seeing this, Zhu Biao also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the morning, when the old man was angry in the court, he was also shocked!

Although the matter of road construction is indeed very important, but there is no rush for this moment or three, the past three years have passed, do you still care about these days?

Sometimes the old man just loves to drill into the horns, and he has to worry!

"By the way, Biao'er, how is the Taoist temple going now?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly remembered Li Xiuyuan's bull-nosed old way, so he asked Zhu Biao.

"The Ministry of Works has allocated funds, and the Ministry of Works has already started construction!"

"The construction style of the Taoist Temple and the places that need attention, Governor Li Daoist has also personally explained, there should be no mistakes!"

"According to the Ministry of Engineering's estimates, it will be completed in about two to three months!"

Zhu Biao hurriedly explained.

Fortunately, Hube and the announcement of the Taoist Temple did not make any moths, otherwise Shen Yan and Yan Zhen would have been unlucky today!

"Hmm! It's even that they can do something practical for us! "

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, now the Taoist Temple has not yet been built, and Li DaoChang has always liked to be quiet, and the Hongluo Temple is mostly made up of Fanbang envoys, and there are many noisy people, so the children arranged a secluded small courtyard for Li DaoChang to live in temporarily!"

"This matter has not yet had time to report to the emperor!"

Zhu Biao suddenly changed his tone at this time.

"Well, you did a good job in this matter, since Chief Li likes to be quiet, the noisy place of Hongluo Temple is really not suitable for settlement, you have a heart!"

"Exactly, we also want to go to that Li DaoChang now to have a good chat, you can accompany us for a trip!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also wanted to meet Li Xiuyuan, and by the way, talk about Taoism, and by the way, inquire about the situation of Taoism in the northwest!

He had indeed pondered for a while before, and felt that since the Northwest Taoist Sect was raised by Lao Jiu, a Taoist master like Li Xiuyuan, there was no reason not to know Lao Jiu, maybe there was still a certain connection between him and Lao Jiu!

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang also lost the tone to probe Li Xiuyuan, he did not expect to know the exact whereabouts of Lao Jiu from Li Xiuyuan's mouth!

But even if he could just ask some information about Lao Jiu's past, it would be a gain for him! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When Zhu Biao heard this, he naturally readily agreed.

For seeing Li Xiuyuan, Zhu Biao was still very positive!

He also likes to talk more with this old Taoist, and he can also grow some things he didn't know before, and he can also make himself more aware of Taoism!

Zhu Biao's mind is actually not much different from Zhu Yuanzhang, since he knew that he had wrongly blamed Lao Jiu and misunderstood Taoism before, now Zhu Biao is also the same as Zhu Yuanzhang, and he is very interested in Taoism!

And his life can continue to live until now, thanks to that half-finished life extension pill!

In the end, I still have to thank Taoism for such a method of alchemy!

In the future, who will dare to preach that teaching is to deceive the world and steal fame?

"By the way, Father Emperor, have you already taken the semi-finished Life Extension Pill that Li DaoChang gave you before?"

On the way out of the palace with Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao remembered the matter of Yanshou Dan, and couldn't help but ask with concern!

Zhu Yuanzhang slowly shook his head.

"Let's not be in a hurry for the time being, anyway, our life expectancy is still long, at least longer than yours!"

"This semi-finished life extension pill, we plan to keep it first, in case of emergency!"

Although Zhu Yuanzhang was very excited about increasing his lifespan for two more years, his own restraint was also extremely strong, and he was not to the point where he couldn't wait to swallow this longevity pill!

In case there is anything that needs this life extension pill to save your life in the future, and you can't take it out, then you really regret that you can't find a place!

So for the sake of safety, Zhu Yuanzhang still decided to save that longevity pill for emergency use!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao went out of the palace to find Li Xiuyuan, but on the East Palace side, the mother and son of the Lu family and Zhu Yunjiang were a little worried!

It is worth mentioning that the fact that Li Xiuyuan offered the Longevity Pill to Zhu Yuanzhang on the same day also reached the ears of the Lu family in the East Palace!

This crown princess was really envious, but she also knew very well that she was not qualified to be able to match an elixir like the Longevity Pill!

Unless she becomes an empress one day in the future, or even an empress dowager, he won't even think about it!

This is also a little self-aware of this woman!

If she knew that Zhu Yuanzhang used this longevity pill for emergencies, I don't know if she would be happy?

This shows that she still has a chance in the future!

As long as Zhu Biao can become the emperor, then she still has a chance to get the Longevity Pill!

What the Lu family is worried about now is Zhu Biao's physical condition, and I don't know how long Zhu Biao can hold out!

She even thought about whether to pry Zhu Biao and persuade the old man to take the throne early, at least to ascend the throne first!

Then she is also the righteous queen!

But she doesn't have the guts yet!

Although she knew that as long as Zhu Biao really made such a request, with Zhu Yuanzhang's love for Zhu Biao's character, Eighty Percent would agree, but this kind of thing was not something she could casually participate in as a woman!

If one is not good, it is a disaster!

And Zhu Yunjiang was entangled in his imperial grandfather's attitude towards him!

These days, Zhu Yunjiang obviously noticed that his imperial grandfather's attitude towards him was not as good as before, and he even looked at himself with a trace of disgust in his eyes!

Although there is nothing on the face, it is precisely because of the lack of performance that it looks alienated and produces a lot of sense of distance!

He could clearly feel that Zhu Yuanzhang was not even very happy to deal with him!

Every day when he went to the Fengtian Temple to say goodbye, Zhu Yuanzhang sometimes even said that he was too busy, and he directly let him go back before he saw anyone!

This has never happened before!

"Mother, the son feels that Grandpa Huang seems to dislike his son recently, and even his eyes have changed when he looks at his son!"

"Did my son do something wrong and make Grandpa Huang unhappy?"

Zhu Yunjiao racked his brains and didn't understand what was wrong with him, which caused Grandpa Huang's attitude towards him to suddenly change sharply, and he could only cry and ask Lu Shi.

"You kid, are you mistaken? Your imperial grandfather has recently been in a hurry because of the road construction, and his attitude towards anyone is not very good! "

When Lu Shi heard this, he didn't pay too much attention to it!

In her opinion, the East Palace is also the two imperial grandsons of Zhu Yunjiang and Zhu Yunxi who can be candidates for the crown prince!

She is still quite confident in her son Zhu Yunjiang!

As long as the old man is not old and dizzy, or has a problem with his head, he should not choose Zhu Yunxi who has no brain!

Therefore, for Zhu Yunjiang, the old man is definitely the most important!

"It's not!"

"I always feel like Grandpa Huang has been deliberately avoiding me recently!"

Zhu Yunjiang looked at Lu's completely inappropriate appearance, and suddenly became anxious.

"This... Can you be sure? "

"In this way, you will go to test it again in the past few days to see what kind of attitude your imperial grandfather has towards you, and you will tell me when you come back!"

Lu Shi looked at Zhu Yunjiang's eager appearance, and a trace of uneasiness surged in his heart, and he hurriedly instructed Zhu Yunjiang.

"Okay then, wait for tomorrow my son to try again!"

When Zhu Yunjiang heard this, he could only nod and agree.

It's just that some of the current Zhu Yunjiang have been hit, and they are even a little afraid to go to the Fengtian Temple to greet Zhu Yuanzhang again!

On the other side, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao, who had already left the palace, had changed into civilian clothes and walked on the road of Yingtianfu!

Secretly, there were Jiang Ying and other brocade guards accompanying him.

This father and son have not been out of the palace on weekdays, so they are familiar with the streets of Yingtianfu!

"Not far ahead is the small courtyard arranged by my son for Chief Li!"

Zhu Biao pointed to the area at the end of Moling Street at this time and said to Zhu Yuanzhang.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his heart moved!

He remembered that the national transport system had told him that this Li Xiuyuan was already 105 years old!

It seems that these cultivators have a long lifespan?

"System, Lao Jiu is also a cultivator, so his lifespan should not be low, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the national transport system on a whim.

[That's right, King Zhu Li of Han can also live to be more than a hundred years old, and at the age of a hundred, Dao Xing has already reached the realm of Heavenly Master! ] 】

The national transport system replied slowly!

Heavenly Master Realm?

A trace of surprise and curiosity flashed in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart!

Before, he had also heard the national fortune system mention the five realms of Taoism, and the last one was the realm of Heavenly Master, but Lao Jiu was just the realm of real people, so he had not asked about the specific situation of the realm of Heavenly Master!

This realm sounds lofty!

The so-called Heavenly Master, Zhu Yuanzhang has only seen it in some book records, but there is really no specific concept of this Heavenly Master realm!

"System, how powerful is this Heavenly Master realm?"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but ask curiously!

PS: Ask for flowers!! Ask for a monthly pass!! Ask for evaluation votes!! Door!.

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