58: National Transportation System: Zhu Li's Daoist system is a sword cultivation, which can open the sky with a sword

As the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang has seen anyone like him, but there are few people like Li Xiuyuan!

Just like Zhu Yuanzhang's greatest disgust is corrupt officials and mediocre officials!

But he also knew very well that almost none of the Manchu dynasty civilization and military were clean!

This kind of thing as Qing Guan is definitely a scarce thing here in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Either the name of the picture, or the figure of profit!

Isn't it for the sake of profit after ten years of cold windows, taking the examination for fame, and then entering the dynasty as an official?

How many of them are really officials for the sake of the world and the common people?

Even those corrupt people who are full of benevolence and morality, do they fancy the life and death of the common people?

They only see their own reputation!

Fame and fortune! Fame and fortune have always been linked!

Throughout the ages, as long as it is a normal person, who doesn't like it?

However, today, let Zhu Yuanzhang encounter a person who is not greedy for fame and fortune, but only wants to spread the inheritance of the Taoist system, no wonder Zhu Yuanzhang has such a big emotion in his heart!

"Well, since Li Immortal Master said so, the matter of the National Master is over!"

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it, smiled bitterly and nodded, but his hands were very honest and directly took the half-finished life extension pill from Li Xiuyuan's hands!

This is an elixir that can increase his Zhu Yuanzhang's life span for more than two years!

No matter how stupid Zhu Yuanzhang is, it is impossible to refuse such a good thing!

Of course, he knew that Li Xiuyuan still had one on him, but he couldn't be too greedy, as far as he was concerned, he could only take one, and taking one more would have no effect!

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't do it either, because there was already some extra for him, another half-finished life extension pill to offend the old Taoist priest in front of him!

And it's short!

Zhu Yuanzhang was a little more polite to this old man next!

Who makes people so sensible!

As soon as it comes up, who can withstand this?

"Immortal Master does not dare to be a master, Your Majesty can call it an old way!"

Li Xiuyuan hurriedly said.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, but his head was somewhat puzzled.

Since this Li Xiuyuan is not willing to be a national teacher, why would he return to Ying Tian with these brocade guards?

With his ability, if he wants to escape, even these brocade guards may not be able to treat him, right?

Is it just a simple desire to open a Taoist temple in Yingtianfu to store incense?

But no matter what 06 was for, Zhu Yuanzhang agreed!

As long as this old Taoist priest is still in Yingtianfu, he Zhu Yuanzhang can go to see him whenever he wants, whether he is in the palace or not, it doesn't matter if he is not this national teacher, as long as he is in Yingtian!

"Then let's call you Chief Li!"

"Daoist Li wants to establish a Taoist temple in Yingtianfu and teach the Taoist inheritance, we agree with this and will definitely support you!"

"But this position of national teacher does not seem to conflict with the establishment of Taoist temples by Daoist Li and the spread of Taoist inheritance! Wouldn't it be a pity to resign like this? Do you want to think again? "

Zhu Yuanzhang also pretended to be heartbroken, as if he still wanted to fight for it!

"National Master or something, for the old way, it is also a false name, but it is actually meaningless!"

"The people outside Fang still keep their hearts good, and please ask Your Majesty to agree!"

Li Xiuyuan still insisted.

"Maybe, since Daoist Li is so sincere, if we are stronger, it will be ours!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded reluctantly and agreed.

At this moment, the wine and dishes prepared by the dining room have also been delivered!

Zhu Yuanzhang took the crown prince Zhu Biao to personally accompany Li Xiuyuan to eat, and this treatment specification is high enough!

It is estimated that the entire Daming, except for that individual noble, no one has enjoyed such treatment, let alone that the person who enjoys such treatment is actually a Taoist priest!

However, just for this half-finished life extension pill that Li Xiuyuan had just offered, he deserved this treatment!

"Chief Li, don't look at us as the emperor, we don't eat any mountain and sea delicacies on weekdays, just let the imperial dining room simply get a few wines and dishes, and please don't dislike Governor Li!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's words are not pretentious, although he is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he climbed up step by step from the lowest common people, and he understands the sufferings of the people even more!

Even after becoming the emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang did not change his hard-working temperament, and his life style was very simple, and when he ate alone, at most, it was just a meat and a vegetarian soup!

"I have long heard that Emperor Hongwu has always been thrifty and put his mind on being diligent and loving the people, and when I saw it today, it was indeed so! Old way admired! "

Li Xiuyuan was also very face-saving, and directly put a high hat on Zhu Yuanzhang!

Not to mention, Li Xiuyuan's words directly entered Zhu Yuanzhang's heart!

Don't look at this old Taoist priest, he really listens to his words!

With this kind of affection, it's really a pity that this is not a national teacher!

"Ashamed! Although we have been thinking about the people, the people of Daming are not having a good time today, and we still have a lot to do! "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slowly, but his heart was very useful to Li Xiuyuan's words!

After all, he Zhu Yuanzhang is also a person with a good face!

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang is also a person who knows mistakes and can correct them!

After he really realized that he had done something wrong, he might not admit his mistake in front of the Manchu Dynasty, after all, he was the emperor, he couldn't pull this face, and he had to maintain his majesty!

But what should be done, the measures that should be remedied, then Zhu Yuanzhang absolutely implemented it in place, and there was no less!

When Zhu Yuanzhang admitted his mistake, it was more reflected in actions than words!

This is also a manifestation of pragmatism!

"Daming can have an emperor like His Majesty, it is a blessing for Daming, a blessing for all the people!"

Li Xiuyuan also did not expect that Zhu Yuanzhang would actually review himself, and he also had a different feeling for this Hongwu Emperor!

In fact, if Zhu Yuanzhang was just Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Xiuyuan would not feel anything at all!

He has lived for more than a hundred years, and many things have already been looked down upon!

Li Xiuyuan's more concerns about Zhu Yuanzhang actually came from the Han King Zhu Li, the head of the Daoist system!

Who let Zhu Yuanzhang be the biological son of Zhu Li, the king of Han!

Even if you don't give face to the emperor, this boss's father has to give face, right?

It is not so much that Li Xiuyuan cares about the identity of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, but that this layer of identity of Zhu Li's father makes him pay more attention!

Zhu Yuanzhang was so polite to him, Li Xiuyuan naturally returned the favor!

I really want to pretend to be forced in front of Zhu Li's Laozi, and I am afraid that I will be happy and sad when I turn back!

"By the way, Daoist Li, you said that you want to build a Taoist temple in Yingtianfu, and we fully support you!"

"If you want the land, let's let the household department approve you, and if you want money, if you need anything, Chief Li Daoist can open his mouth, and any request can be made to the imperial court!"

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang mentioned the issue of Li Xiuyuan building a Taoist temple.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's view, this Taoist temple must be built, and it must meet Li Xiuyuan's requirements as much as possible!

As long as you can keep this old Taoist priest in Yingtianfu, it is definitely worth the cost!

Moreover, he is teaching the Taoist system in Yingtianfu, maybe he can train more Taoist masters for Daming in the future, which is definitely a stable investment for the royal family of the Zhu family!

"Then the old way will thank Your Majesty first!"

When Li Xiuyuan heard this, he was not polite with Zhu Yuanzhang!

Although he pushed off the position of national master, this Taoist Temple is a must, and he also knows very well that if he comes and leaves, Zhu Yuanzhang will probably not release people, and it will cause a lot of trouble!

More importantly, Zhu Li's purpose in letting him come to Ying Tianfu was to let him stay here!

Of course, the money for the construction of the Taoist Temple can only come out from Zhu Yuanzhang's side, after all, he is a person outside the square, and he really can't get so much money to come out!

Not to mention the land in Ying Tianfu City, there is no household department to approve it, I am afraid that he does not even have the money to buy the land!

During the meal, Zhu Yuanzhang also frequently gave Zhu Biao a look, asking him to look for various topics and Li Xiuyuan!

The main thing is to let Zhu Biao have a good relationship with this old Taoist!

Zhu Biao naturally understood it, and also showed considerable respect for Li Xiuyuan!

And he felt that this Li Xiuyuan in front of him might have some connection with Lao Jiu! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course, he just guessed in his heart, and did not directly say it, let alone tell Zhu Yuanzhang such an idea.

Everything had to wait until he got acquainted with this old Taoist priest, and then slowly looked for clues, or put the words out of his mouth!

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang also hit this idea!

As an emperor, he has too many things to do on weekdays, and he really can't get involved with this old Taoist!

But Zhu Biao is different!

Zhu Biao does not need to supervise the country at present, although Zhu Yuanzhang agreed to let him go to the early dynasty, at most, it is to participate in the discussion of some political affairs, and a lot of tedious work will not be handed over to him, let him come to deal with this old Taoist priest is the most appropriate!

Moreover, Zhu Biao is the crown prince, and his identity is placed here, which reflects the importance that the royal family of the Zhu family attaches to the old Taoist!

At the same time, it is also easier to get close to him than Zhu Yuanzhang!

His identity as Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang is somewhat sensitive!

"In this way, the matter of helping Chief Li Daoist prepare to build the Taoist Temple will be the responsibility of our prince for the time being!"

"Biao'er, you have to do your best, ask DaoChang Li's opinion more, and try to help DaoChang Li get things done!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also pretended to instruct Zhu Biao.

"Father Emperor rest assured, the sons and daughters should help Daoist Li build this Taoist Temple with their hearts!"

Zhu Biao even understood it in his heart, and quickly nodded and agreed.

This meal, the food is also with their own thoughts, but the atmosphere is quite harmonious on the surface!

After drinking and eating, Li Xiuyuan was picked up by the officials of the Ministry of Rites, and first went to Hongluo Temple to live temporarily, waiting for him to move in after the Taoist Temple of Yingtianfu was completed in the future!

Zhu Biao even personally sent Li Xiuyuan to the gate of the palace on behalf of Zhu Yuanzhang, which is enough to see how much this father and son attach importance to Li Xiuyuan!

After sending Li Xiuyuan away, Zhu Yuanzhang was somewhat emotional!

Recalling the experience of meeting Li Xiuyuan, as well as the words he said, all of them showed his Taoist master's attitude!

This is a real outsider!

It seems that our previous prejudices about Taoism are a little deeper!

True Taoism is two different things from those swaggering charlatans on the rivers and lakes!

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang also felt that it was necessary to give Taoism a proper name, and at the same time carry forward Taoism that truly has a Taoist inheritance!

Lao Jiu's side has already risen in the northwest, and he Zhu Yuanzhang's side can't lag behind!

It seems that Daming wants to make Taoism the state religion, and it is necessary to advance a little earlier!

Thinking about it, Zhu Yuanzhang took out the half-finished longevity pill that Li Xiuyuan had just offered him, and then began to look at it unceasingly, with a hint of fiery in his eyes!

As long as he swallowed this semi-finished life extension pill in front of him, he Zhu Yuanzhang would be able to increase his life span for at least two and a half years!

In other words, he could only live until the thirty-first May of Hongwu, but he could at least live until the end of the thirty-third year of Hongwu, right?

Don't underestimate the time of more than two years, it is enough for him, the emperor, to do a lot of things!

Zhu Biao had already swallowed a semi-finished life extension pill before, and swallowing a semi-finished life extension pill would not have any effect!

Naturally, he wouldn't think of giving this pill to Zhu Biao!

And even if it is a real life extension pill, such as that longevity pill, if it is given to Zhu Biao, according to the system, it can only increase the life expectancy for about another four years at most!

Because Zhu Biao, who took a semi-finished life extension pill, he has a trace of immunity to the medicinal properties of life extension pill!

At this time, Zhu Biao, who had just sent Li Xiuyuan away, also returned!

When he saw Zhu Yuanzhang looking at the half-finished life extension pill in his hand, Zhu Biao probably guessed the old man's thoughts!

"Father, this semi-finished life extension pill, you should keep it for your old man to take by yourself, and it is useless to give it to your son!"

Zhu Biao said to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Good boy!"

"Let's not hide from you, this semi-finished life extension pill is really useless for you!"

"To say that we don't want to swallow this Life Extension Pill, it must be fake!"

"As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, we also want to live a few more years!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the sensible Zhu Biao in front of him, and nodded with mixed feelings.

These things, although their father and son have something to say, there is no need to hide them!

"The minister will be relieved!"

When Zhu Biao heard this, he was also relieved and smiled heartily.

On this day, Zhu Biao stayed in the Fengtian Hall until the evening before leaving!

Zhu Yuanzhang mainly explained to Zhu Biao, how to deal with that Li Xiuyuan, how to deal with this bull-nosed veteran and other things.

Zhu Biao hesitated for a moment, still not saying what he guessed that this Li Xiuyuan was probably related to Lao Jiu!

Because Zhu Yuanzhang may not have noticed a loophole before, that is, this semi-finished longevity pill, since it was not refined by Li Xiuyuan himself, who would refine it?

Zhu Biao felt that the probability was Lao Jiu!

This is just Zhu Biao's subconscious intuition!

Because his first reaction when he saw the Longevity Pill was to think of Lao Jiu!

Maybe the old man has too many things to do, and he hasn't thought of this detail, but when he looks back and thinks carefully, maybe the old man will also realize this!

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for Li Xiuyuan!

But anyway, let's take it one step at a time!

After Zhu Biao left the Fengtian Temple, Zhu Yuanzhang finished handling government affairs and returned to his palace to rest.

Lying on the dragon bed, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at his current national fortune value again!

He thought about whether to simulate and deduce the life of Zhu Xianqiu, the son of the King of Han?

Through the life of Lao Jiu's son, perhaps he can see many details about Lao Jiu himself!

Who let Lao Jiu's heavenly machine be blocked, and even the national transport system could not be directly deduced?

Then you can only start with the people around him, or those who have a relationship with him!

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang temporarily abandoned the idea.

The main thing is that this Zhu Boxqiu's life simulator requires too many national fortune values, and he still feels that it is not too late to deduce Zhu Boxingqiu's life after saving a little more national fortune value!

After all, the system this thing, ask a question to deduct the national transport value, sometimes the number is not easy to accumulate the national transport value, click to use it!

This is also the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang was not willing to spend the value of the country to waste on a few Jin Yiwei who were deceived before!

A few brocade guards are really not worthy of him Zhu Yuanzhang wasting national fortune value on them, but it's just a few dogs he raised!

But as soon as he thought of Zhu Yunjiang's dream, Zhu Yuanzhang became extremely interested in Lao Jiu again!

"System, according to what Chief Li said, the Dao system is divided into many types, there are alchemists, refining instruments, and talismans, so what about Lao Jiu? Is his Daoist just alchemy? "

Zhu Yuanzhang asked at this time.

[This is not clear, after all, there is no way to directly deduce Zhu Li's own heavenly machine, but from Zhu Yunjiang's dream life, it can be seen that Han King Zhu Li is still a sword cultivator, very powerful, but a sword can open the gate of heaven! ] 】

The words of the national transport system immediately lifted Zhu Yuanzhang's spirits!

Sword repair?

Can you still open the gate of heaven with a sword?

This made Zhu Yuanzhang unconsciously think of the picture of the old Nine Royal Sword flying, and then gasped!

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