57: Zhu Yuanzhang: Li Guoshi, is there a Taoist system of Dingguo Anbang?

This gang of brocade guards has been controlled by someone with magic tricks!

This result surprised Zhu Yuanzhang, and at the same time, he was naturally the first to suspect Li Xiuyuan, who followed these brocade guards into Beijing!

Of course, Li Xiuyuan's suspicion must be the greatest!

[The host doesn't need to think about it, the person who is inferior is still in Hanzhong, not this old Taoist priest in front of him! ] Moreover, people are Taoist inheritors, and they can't be related to demagoguery! 】

A sentence from the national transport system immediately ruled out Li Xiuyuan's suspicions, and also made Zhu Yuanzhang secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

If it was really this old Taoist priest in front of him who did it, then maybe he would have one more heart!

Since it is not him, who will it be?

Or did these rice buckets go to Hanzhong and offend anyone?

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang negated such an idea!

Who among ordinary people would have the courage to use such a means against Jinyiwei?

To control Jinyiwei, it seems that only Lao Jiu, the smelly boy, has such a means in this Ming Dynasty!

"Then you say, the group of brocade guards we sent to Hanzhong to keep an eye on Lao Jiu before were also controlled by demon magic?"

Last time Zhu Yuanzhang was in the dream picture, he only knew that the Jinyiwei in Hanzhong was controlled by Lao Jiu with unknown means, but he didn't know what means he used!

[That's right, the two sets of brocade guards are the same means! ] 】

[It is almost certain that the reason why this batch of brocade guards in front of them will be controlled by people is absolutely inseparable from Han King Zhu Li! ] 】

The national transport system answered very crisply this time!

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't expect that he really guessed correctly!

"That's not right! Aren't you talking about people who are not compatible with tricks? "

But Zhu Yuanzhang soon found a place of contradiction!

This person should not be Lao Jiu!

[King Zhu Li of Han may not be able to do magic, "six seven zero", but there should be no shortage of such strange people around him! ] 】

The national transport system reminded.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his heart moved!

That is to say, Lao Jiu is not only powerful, but also a group of very powerful masters around him!

It can also be said that this conversation once again refreshed Zhu Yuanzhang's understanding of Lao Jiu!

"Your Majesty is polite, although I have been practicing for many years, I am not a master, and I never thought that I was directly brought to Ying Tianfu by these benefactors!"

Li Xiuyuan would have paid so much attention and politeness to him, don't look at his lightness on the surface, but in fact, he was still a little apprehensive in his heart.

After all, what he wanted to see was the famous Hongwu Emperor, this generation of emperors who had been killed from the corpse mountain and the sea of blood, just the powerful aura on his body was not comparable to ordinary people!

He was even prepared to be coldly looked at by Zhu Yuanzhang, or even embarrassed, who would have thought that Zhu Yuanzhang would actually treat him with such courtesy?

"Li Dao is too humble, you can cultivate to such a realm at an advanced age of more than a hundred years, if you are not a master, then how many masters are there in this Ming Dynasty?"

"We have already decided to make Chief Li Daoist a national teacher, and also ask Chief Li Daoist to have a talk in the Fengtian Temple, and we have already prepared for the fasting meal!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed, and then took Li Xiuyuan's hand very affectionately, and led him directly to the Fengtian Hall.

This intimate energy almost directly killed Li Xiuyuan!

Is this still the Hongwu Emperor he heard of who killed decisively?

Fake, right?

"Oh... There is actually nothing taboo about poor roads! "

Li Xiuyuan, who reacted, opened his mouth to say this.

The main thing is that although he cultivates, he is not like those sanctimonious charlatans, he has to learn to eat fast rice for monks, and wine and meat should also be eaten and drunk!

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this, but then laughed loudly, so he ordered the imperial dining room to withdraw the fasting meal and prepare wine and dishes for Li Xiuyuan!

"You said that this old Taoist priest actually has a life extension pill on him?"

Zhu Yuanzhang also continued to communicate with the national transport system in his mind.

[Yes, this old Taoist priest has two semi-finished life extension pills on him, as well as several other pills! ] 】

The national transport system went on to explain.

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart shook again!

Good fellow, there are actually so many panaceas on this old Taoist!

Other pills aside, that longevity pill, even if it is only a semi-finished longevity pill, is enough to make Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes hot!

The semi-finished longevity pill before was directly given to Prince Zhu Biao!

The one on the second Zhu Shu's body, he was reluctant to take it out, and lied to us that he ate it!

We are also embarrassed to rob the elixir with our son!

But on this old Taoist priest...

Zhu Yuanzhang's mind suddenly came alive.

In his attitude towards Li Xiuyuan, Zhu Yuanzhang can be said to be much more respectful than when he treated Liu Bowen!

The reason is also simple, just for the two longevity pills on Li Xiuyuan's body, it is enough for Zhu Yuanzhang to give such a courtesy attitude!

But how to bring the topic to this longevity pill?

For a while, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but make a mistake!

Directly opened his mouth to ask for it, he is such an emperor, he is a little unable to pull his face!

As for doing that kind of murderous business, it is also the idea that can only be moved after there is really no way, and he will also feel diaphragm in his heart!

"It seems that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been made by chance?"

However, at this moment, Li Xiuyuan's words made Zhu Yuanzhang's heart move!

This time to receive Li Xiuyuan, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally will not leave Zhu Biao behind, this prince of the dynasty also came out to accompany!

And Li Xiuyuan only saw Zhu Biao's current state after looking at Zhu Biao twice, and he broke the Dao with a word!

"Did the National Master see the problem with the prince?"

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly asked.

"Yes, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince should have taken a half-finished life extension pill when the oil ran out of lamps, so that he could extend his life, right?"

Li Xiuyuan did not beat around the bush, and nodded directly to the point.

Zhu Biao's heart was also shocked, and then the father and son couldn't help but look at each other!

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang was also quite shocked!

Can you see this?

"It's a pity that this chance creation can only be short-lived, and it is a pity that the root cause is not cured!"

Li Xiuyuan suddenly shook his head and sighed lightly.

Zhu Yuanzhang's side was just worried about how to lead the topic to this longevity pill, but he didn't expect this old Taoist priest to be so good at the Dao, and he raised it himself!

Well, no headache!

"Then the national master has a way?"

"Or can the National Master also refine the Life Extension Pill?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was very excited, and this topic finally led to the Longevity Pill!

"Let Your Majesty down, I can't refine pills!"

However, Li Xiuyuan shook his head directly and decisively!

Where can he go to refine pills?

And it's still a top-level elixir like the Longevity Pill?!

He hadn't even seen the Danfang, where to go to refine the Dan?

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was surprised!

This national fortune system had just told him that this Li Xiuyuan had two longevity pills on his body, but he was told that he would not refine pills?

What about playing?

Or is it deliberately concealed?

"Not all cultivators can refine pills! Because the Dao system is different, there is a Dao system of talismans, a Dao system of formations, a Dao system of refining instruments, and a Dao system of alchemy! "

"Generally speaking, any kind of Dao system is enough for people to cultivate and study for a lifetime, how can they have the energy to disperse to cultivate other aspects of the Dao system?"

Probably seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang's face was a little wrong, Li Xiuyuan continued to explain.

[He's right, this old Taoist priest really doesn't have alchemy, so he didn't lie to you! ] 】

The national transport system also helped Li Xiuyuan confirm at this time.

After Zhu Yuanzhang was confirmed by the national transport system, he suddenly realized! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It was precisely because of this that Zhu Yuanzhang admired Li Xiuyuan more and more in his heart!

If this is replaced by other charlatans, he may put gold on his face, take out a few pills and start to cheat and deceive!

Those charlatans must not boast about how strong they are, and then use alchemy to obtain glory and wealth?

"Then I don't know what the Taoist system of the national teacher is? Is there a way to secure the country? "

Zhu Yuanzhang did not look down on him because Li Xiuyuan could not refine pills, but became even more curious about the Daoist in him!

As long as this old Taoist priest in front of him is indeed a master with great skills, it is worthy of his Zhu Yuanzhang's courtesy!

"The Dao system of the old Dao master is a refining instrument!"

"Moreover, the old Dao refining Dao system does not dare to vainly call it the Dao system of Dingguo Anbang!"

Li Xiuyuan did not hide it, and slowly said his Daoist system!


That's a good thing!

Zhu Yuanzhang was even more happy when he heard this!

If this old Taoist priest can help him refine a few sharp magic weapons, then it will be okay!

[That's right, this old Taoist priest is indeed a refining Daoist system, and he has several magic weapons that he has refined himself! ] 】

The national transport system once again confirmed.

After being confirmed by the national transport system, Zhu Yuanzhang was even more looking forward to it!

"Moreover, the magic weapons refined by the old Dao are all magic weapons used by Taoists to descend demons and eliminate demons, and only cultivators can use them, I am afraid that they will not be able to help His Majesty a lot!"

However, Li Xiuyuan's explanation immediately followed made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned for a moment!

Good guy, are you happy with yourself?

Only cultivators can use it, that is, if they take this magic weapon themselves, it is no different from waste?

"Does the National Master know other Dao techniques?"

"For example, the rumored Thunder Spell Art and Fireball Technique?"

Zhu Yuanzhang continued to ask without dying.

He can indeed make Li Xiuyuan a guest and a national teacher, but this old Taoist priest must be really valuable and have real materials!

This magic weapon can only be used by Taoists, how much is not enough, if you want to use it in the future, you can only invite this old Taoist priest!

"What Your Majesty said is also some basic Dao magic techniques of their respective Dao systems, but it's a pity that the old Dao talent is dull, and he only understands a little about it!"

Li Xiuyuan nodded very modestly0...

Of course, in Li Xiuyuan's eyes, he really only knows a little about this means!

Because above him, there is also the pervert of Han King Zhu Li!

This leader has never played cards according to the routine, it seems that all kinds of Dao arts are very proficient, and because Zhu Li is good at alchemy, his fire control technique is very powerful!

[The host should still dispel your thoughts! ] A master cultivator like Li Xiuyuan has a characteristic, if you let him use Daoism as a juggling trick to perform for you, the other party is very likely to turn his face and think that you don't respect him! 】

[Are you really these capable bull-nosed veterans, like those charlatans on the street, I want everyone to know his skills, and show them to you?] 】

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but want to open his mouth and let Li Xiuyuan demonstrate the thunder magic technique to himself, the voice of the national transport system sounded again in time!

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned again when he heard this!

How do you say that?

I'm just curious, I can't even take a look?

If you perform it, you won't turn your face on the spot, right?

However, the national transport system has said so, even if Zhu Yuanzhang is curious in his heart, he can only suppress his curiosity again!

However, he also thought that as long as he could keep this old Taoist priest, he would always have a chance to see this skill in the future!

"National Master, since you can also use these techniques of Taoism, although you can't refine pills, you must know more than us mortals!"

"You have also seen our Biao'er's situation, what can you do to help our Biao'er continue to live?"

Zhu Yuanzhang then led the topic to Zhu Biao's body!

No matter what, whenever there is a slightest opportunity, Zhu Yuanzhang will also have to find a way to continue to give Zhu Biao his life!

"This... Please forgive Your Majesty for the incompetence of the old way! "

"The situation of the prince, the old way is also powerless!"

"And there may be people who can help the prince today, but they may not be able to find it!"

Li Xiuyuan glanced at Zhu Biao again and sighed a little helplessly.

In fact, he knew very well that if King Zhu Li of Han was willing, it should not be a problem to help Prince Zhu Biao continue his life for a few more years, but he couldn't help Zhu Li decide!

"The national master may find such a master?"

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly asked.

"Lao Dao can only say that he will do his best, if he encounters such a superior person in the future, Lao Dao will definitely convey it on behalf of His Majesty, but whether he can really meet it, Lao Dao cannot guarantee!"

Li Xiuyuan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to sell Zhu Li directly, and he could see that the reason why Zhu Li arranged for him to come to Ying Tianfu was to back the pot!

Give him a back pot of oaks!

But Li Xiuyuan couldn't figure it out, why was this Han King Zhu Li, who was previously willing to use a half-finished longevity pill to renew the life of Prince Zhu Biao, but now he was hiding?

What is the hidden secret in this?

Of course, such a thought only flashed in Li Xiuyuan's mind, and he was quickly thrown to the back of his mind!

The matter about Zhu Li is not something he can speculate about!

"2.7, then there can only be a labor master, and the national teacher will do his best!"

Although Zhu Yuanzhang was a little disappointed, he nodded very politely.

"Your Majesty, Lao Dao has a reluctant request here!"

At this moment, Li Xiuyuan suddenly spoke.

"National teacher, but it doesn't hurt!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and said cheerfully.

"Although Lao Dao can't help His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Lao Dao also has a half-finished life extension pill on him!"

"This semi-finished life extension pill can allow His Majesty to also extend his life for more than two years!"

"Lao Dao is willing to offer this half-finished life extension pill to His Majesty, I only hope that His Majesty can agree to Lao Dao's resignation as a national teacher, and at the same time allow Lao Dao to open a Taoist temple in Yingtianfu, teach the Taoist system, and accept incense!"

"And His Majesty wants to find a master to continue the life of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the best way is also to promote Taoism, if the old Dao teaches the Taoist system in Yingtianfu, it may be able to attract many Taoist masters to come to preach, and it may not be possible to find the master who can save His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Li Xiuyuan slowly took out a semi-finished longevity pill, presented it directly to Zhu Yuanzhang, and said slowly.

Looking at this longevity pill in front of him, Zhu Yuanzhang was directly stunned in place!

Even the few words that Li Xiuyuan said later, he didn't care anymore!

This old Taoist priest actually wanted to give him a semi-finished life extension pill?

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang reacted, and his gaze towards Li Xiuyuan became even more surprised!

You must know that the position of national teacher, the power is monstrous, and the glory and wealth are endless!

As a result, Li Xiuyuan offered a semi-finished longevity pill, but in order to directly resign the position of this national master?

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but look up to Li Xiuyuan a little!

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