56: Zhu Yuanzhang: The tomb of the lonely army, in the later life, is more mysterious than the tomb of the Qin Emperor and Horse Army?

On the eighth day of the sixth month of the twenty-fifth year of Daming Hongwu, Ying Tianfu.

It has been more than twenty days since Jinyiwei was sent to Hanzhong, and Zhu Yuanzhang's side has been anxiously waiting for news!

Of course, after deducing Zhu Yunjiang's life, he knew that it was almost ~ impossible to expect these brocade guards to find Lao Jiu!

But he still thought that he could analyze some traces of the existence of Lao Jiu through the news brought back by these Jinyiwei!

Whatever one may say, he - needs a result!

And Zhu Yuanzhang is now almost certain that the so-called master who led to that purple light before is actually Lao Jiu himself!

"System! In Zhu Yunjiang's life before, what was the kind of lonely army commanded by Lao Jiu? "

"The tomb of the lonely army you are talking about, shouldn't it be the mausoleum that Lao Jiu built in Dingjun Mountain?"

In the imperial study room, Zhu Yuanzhang was still thinking back to the people he had seen in the dream picture when he deduced Zhu Yunjiang's life that day, and the lonely army was not a ghost!

At that time, he also asked about the system, but unfortunately the national transport system did not give him a clear answer!

Later, his mind was not above this lonely army!

Looking back, it still feels incredible!

He wanted to know what kind of existence this lonely army was!

[If the host wants to know about the Tomb of the Silent Army, it can consume 1000 National Fortune Points! ] The system can reveal the situation of the Silent Army Tomb to the host after deduction! 】

The national transport system adheres to the usual style, no rabbit does not spread eagles!

But if the key issues need to be explained in detail, Zhu Yuanzhang must pay the price of national fortune value!

"1,000 points worth of national fortune? Why don't you grab it? "

"It's just a lonely military tomb, and our ten-day check-in national fortune value will be in vain!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched!

This national transport system is also too black-hearted, right?

However, compared to the previous two times when you wanted 3,000 points of national transport value at every turn, these 1,000 points of national transport value can be regarded as polite!

[The host can rest assured that this 1,000 national fortune value can let you know the entire Silent Army Tomb in detail! ] Definitely makes you great value for money! 】

The national transport system once again said to Zhu Yuanzhang in a seductive tone.

This set again?

The last time I deduced Zhu Yunjiang, this national transport system seemed to have said such things!

What can you say that you can also enjoy content worth more than 3,000 national fortune points!

However, that deduction did not make Zhu Yuanzhang feel that the vernacular national fortune value, if it were not for that deduction, he would really be confused to support Zhu Yunjiang to the throne, I am afraid that it will be too late to cry at that time!

More importantly, he also got the truth of Lao Jiu's fraudulent death, and this alone is worth 3,000 national fortune points!

[In addition, this system can also come with some news related to King of Han! ] The host will definitely be interested! 】

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang hesitated whether to spend the 1,000 points of national transport value, the national transport system continued to add.

"Okay, 1,000 points of national fortune value, we have it for you!"

"You hurry up and tell us that there is still news about Lao Jiu in this lonely military tomb!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately gritted his teeth and decided to spend this 1,000 points worth of national fortune!

Isn't it ten days?

It's worth it to get more information about Lao Jiu!

[The so-called Silent Army Tomb is a kind of burial place that can raise corpses derived from the feng shui techniques of the Taoist lineage of Han King Zhu Li! ] 】

[It's not just that anyone who can become a lonely army after death, it must..."

The national transport system directly began to explain the origin of the tomb of the lonely army!

"In other words, these lonely troops are all Hanzhong Army generals who once died on the battlefield!"

"And as long as they have been sleeping in that lonely military tomb, after a hundred years and a thousand years in the future, they can even give birth to spiritual intelligence!"

After listening to the explanation of the national transport system, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was even more shocked!

This is the rhythm that the dead can come back to!

Zombies can give birth to spiritual intelligence, what kind of corpse king, corpse fairy existence, and what is the concept?

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang calmed down again!

Lao Jiu can cultivate immortals, can fly with swords, and rub heavenly thunder in his hands!

This special thing such as corpse king and corpse immortal does not seem to be a difficult thing to accept!

[In theory, this is true, but the tomb of the lonely army in Hanzhong obviously uses living sacrifices to shorten the growth time of these lonely army! ] 】

The next words of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned again.

"Live sacrifice?"

"What do you mean?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked curiously.

[According to the information deduced by the system, the host should also have seen from Zhu Yunjiang's dream life that the strength of those lonely armies has basically reached the level of a hundred year corpse general! ] 】

[If you calculate according to the normal time, by the Jianwen year, these lonely troops will be buried in the lonely army tomb for more than ten years at most! ] 】

[More than ten years can achieve the effect of a hundred years, except for means such as living sacrifice, there is no other reason to explain! ] 】

The national transport system went on to explain.

"After talking for a long time, what exactly is a living sacrifice?"

The more Zhu Yuanzhang listened, the more surprised he became, in more than ten years, these lonely armies have the strength of a hundred years of corpse generals, and they can be invincible?

What kind of means is this living sacrifice, and it is so powerful?

[It's literally! ] The so-called living sacrifice is to sacrifice these lonely troops with the bones and blood of living people every month! 】

The national transport system went on to explain.

"What? Are you saying that Lao Jiu used living people as tribute to these lonely troops? "

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his face completely changed!

Where does this look like the work of the immortals?

It's a bit like an evil demon!

No, that's the evil devil way!

[The host can rest assured that the living sacrifice of the lonely army is conditional, and the people of the same clan cannot be sacrificed, it is their own compatriots! ] 】

The explanation followed by the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned again!

"You mean, our people of Daming can't be used for sacrifice, not Han people?"

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately understood!

At the same time, I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart!

As long as it is not to use the common people of Daming to sacrifice the tomb of the lonely army, everything else is easy to say!

[That's right, and the northwest land seems to have no shortage of living sacrifice tributes, and the Vara tartar, which often goes south, is the best living sacrifice in the tomb of the lonely army! ] 】

The words of the national transport system immediately made Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes light up!

That's right!

No matter how Lao Jiu was, he would not use the blood of his own people to do such a thing!

If you use the Vara tartar, what about the death or life of the tartar that Zhu Yuanzhang will manage?

It's good to be dead and clean!

"So it is! Using those tartars as sacrifices is no big deal in our opinion! "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slowly.

[Theoretically, as long as the cemetery is large enough, a large number of lonely soldiers can continue to be placed, so in the next few hundred years, the number of lonely soldiers in the lonely army tomb will continue to grow! ] 】

[There are only a few thousand people now, and in hundreds of years, there will be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands!] And these lonely armies will also become the last barrier to guard the rivers and mountains of the Han people, which can keep the Ming Dynasty safe for hundreds of years, and there will be no foreign enemies to worry about! 】

The national transport system continued to be introduced.

"This... Can the Silent Army Tomb actually be expanded? "

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was even more shocked!

[Not only that, such as Geng Qing, Qin Wu, Yang Hui and other famous generals in Hanzhong will all be buried in the tomb of the Silent Army in the next hundred years! ] 】

[Including King Zhu Li of Han himself, he will also be buried in the tomb of the Silent Army after his death! ] That is, since the generation of the King of Han ascended the throne and became emperor, most of the emperors of Daming, except for a few, were also buried in the tomb of the lonely army, in order to be able to permanently guard the mountains and rivers of Daming! 】

[In later generations, the tomb of the lonely army is also equivalent to the existence of the mausoleum of the first emperor, and even for the common people in later generations, the tomb of the lonely army is more mysterious than the tomb of the first emperor! ] 】

The words immediately followed by the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned on the spot!

What's the thing?

Almost all of our Daming emperors were buried in the tomb of the Ming Army, guarding the Daming mountains and rivers? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The tomb of the lonely army in Hanzhong is even more mysterious than the mausoleum of the first emperor?!

That's an exaggeration, isn't it?

[Now the host should understand what kind of existence this lonely military tomb is, what is its significance to the Ming Dynasty and the entire Han nation, right? ] 】

There was actually a hint of pride in the tone of the national transport system!

"You're done talking about the Silent Military Tomb, what about Lao Jiu? Didn't you say there was also a bonus message? "

Zhu Yuanzhang was silent for a moment, and after the shock in his heart calmed down a little, he asked in a sharp tone.

[The bonus information about King Zhu Li of Han is mainly about Taoism! ] 】

[Since his accession to the domain, King Zhu Li of Han has been spreading Taoism in Hanzhong and establishing a Taoist system...]

The national transport system immediately introduced the contribution made by King Zhu Li of Han to the promotion of Taoism!

"This Taoism can also be regarded as the native sect of our Han people, and now it can't do Buddhism, and it actually relies on Lao Jiu alone to support the Taoist system!"

After listening to the introduction of the national transport system, Zhu Yuanzhang sighed in his heart again!

[In fact, after the Han King Zhu Li took power, Taoism also achieved unprecedented prosperity in Daming and opened the road to rejuvenation! ] 】

[In the future, Taoism will inevitably become the state religion of the Ming Dynasty! ] 】

The national transport system continued.

"Establish Taoism as the state religion?"

"Well, Lao Jiu's Daoist and ability really need to be inherited, these are all incredible inheritances, and they must not be buried!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned at first, but then reacted, and nodded his head in understanding.

It turned out that Zhu Yuanzhang did not believe in these at all, what Taoism, Buddhism and the like, in his opinion, are fooling the people!

But the existence of Lao Jiu, and everything that happened to Lao Jiu, made him realize that Taoism should definitely not be underestimated!

Even Zhu Yuanzhang wondered if he could first establish Taoism as the state religion?

At this moment, someone suddenly came to the imperial study room!

Zhu Yuanzhang's side also ended the conversation with the national transport system.

"Your Majesty, the Jinyiwei sent to Hanzhong is back!"

Jiang Ying appeared in Zhu Yuanzhang's imperial study and reported respectfully.

"Oh? After so many days, there is finally news! Have you brought back the person we are looking for? "

Zhu Yuanzhang's tone had a hint of eagerness in it, but he actually knew from Jiang Ying's reaction that even if Jin Yiwei really brought back someone this time, it couldn't be Lao Jiu!

Otherwise, Jiang Ying would not have been so calm!

"Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei did bring back an old Taoist priest, and it is said that it is the worldly master who attracted the purple light to appear!"

"People are now in the Ministry of Rites, waiting for the Holy Driver's summons!"

Jiang Ying hurriedly explained.

"Quick, summon that Dao Elder into the palace, remember to receive it with the highest etiquette, just use the gift of a national teacher, let the people in the Ministry of Rites be smart!"

Zhu Yuanzhang already knows that now the Taoist incense in Hanzhong is flourishing, and the national transport system also says that many Taoist masters basically have a very stable Taoist inheritance in Han!

So Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking, is Jin Yiwei mistaken?

They casually brought back a Taoist priest in Hanzhong who also had a Taoist inheritance and also had some skills?

If this is really the case, Zhu Yuanzhang does not care!

Because at this moment, after listening to the introduction of the national transport system, Zhu Yuanzhang also began to have a yearning for Taoism!

What if this old Taoist priest who was brought back really had the ability, even if he was honored as a national teacher?

Not long after, Li Xiuyuan, who had followed a few brocade guards into Beijing from Hanzhong Mansion, came to the Fengtian Hall and saw Zhu Yuanzhang!

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the cow-nosed old road in front of him who seemed to be a fairy wind Dao bone, and he couldn't make up his mind for a while!

"System, is this old Taoist priest in front of me a true Taoist priest or some kind of charlatan?"

Zhu Yuanzhang simply asked about the national transport system directly!

[Well, the host can rest assured that this Dao Elder in front of him is indeed a Dao Master with a Dao lineage, and his age is already 105 years old! ] 】

The national transport system quickly gave Zhu Yuanzhang a clear reply!

"What? This old Taoist priest looks only sixty or seventy years old, not much older than our Zhu Yuanzhang, and he is actually 105 years old? "

After Zhu Yuanzhang heard the words of the national transport system, his face was even more shocked!

How do all the cultivators live so long?

It is rumored that Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang that year, also lived to be more than a hundred years old, but later no one knew the whereabouts of this Zhang Sanfeng, and this news did not know whether it was true or false!

But this old Taoist priest in front of him was standing alive in front of him Zhu Yuanzhang!

[But this old Taoist priest in front of him is also in the realm of Daoist masters, not in the realm of real people, maybe he is one step away from a half-step real person, and whether he can break through in the future depends on chance! ] 】

[Many people can only cultivate to the Dao Master realm to the top of the sky in their entire lives, and half-step real people need great opportunities to achieve! ] 】

The national transport system followed suit.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was somewhat disappointed!

Only the realm of the Dao Elder is more than one grade worse than Lao Jiu!

Lao Jiu was already a half-step real person back then!

This old Taoist priest didn't know if he could break through to a half-step real person in his life!

Of course, Lao Jiu estimated that he was already the first in the world, and he was unparalleled!

According to the system, the existence of this long level is also one of the few in Daming, and it can be regarded as indeed a superior person!

"Poor Dao Li Xiuyuan, Dao number clear breeze, I have seen Your Majesty!"

After Li Xiuyuan saw Zhu Yuanzhang, he was also neither humble nor promiscuous, and practiced Taoist etiquette!

"Chief Li has worked hard!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was very polite!

He also knows that Jinyiwei can't really invite Lao Jiu back, after all, the national transport system has said, Lao Jiu has blocked his own heavenly machine, can find talent strange!

But what Zhu Yuanzhang didn't expect was that Jinyiwei could actually invite back such a Daoist who also had a Dao inheritance, which was also a surprise!

Moreover, this Li Xiuyuan has a fairy wind Dao bone temperament, which makes Zhu Yuanzhang look at him very pleasantly, and he can't help but increase his good impression of Taoism a lot!

This may be a feeling given by Taoist masters?

[Host, remind you that the few brocade guards who came back with this old Taoist priest have been controlled by someone and have been subjected to a trick, it seems that this trip to Hanzhong should have encountered hard stubble! ] 】

At this moment, the national transport system reminded Zhu Yuanzhang again!

"What did you say?"

"Our brocade guard was controlled by someone using a trick?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was even more surprised!

[That's right, and the other party's technique is very clever, at least the existence of Miao Xiang Saint Girl level can cultivate such a powerful worm! ] If the host wants to unravel it, it only needs 3,000 national fortune points! 】

The national transport system continued to explain.

3000 points worth of national fortune?

Just to unravel the worms on these wastes?

Zhu Yuanzhang was directly speechless, and decisively shook his head and refused!

Are you kidding?

Just these few wastes are also worthy of us consuming so much national transport value?

But what made Zhu Yuanzhang wonder was, who did this?

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