55: Zhu Li: Father Emperor has doubts about the vision of heaven and earth in Dingjun Mountain?

However, Zhu Li does not like the feeling of passivity, since Jin Yiwei has appeared, then something must have happened, at least you have to figure things out!

After thinking about it, Zhu Li left the Taoist Temple directly.

"Blue girl, go out with King Ben!"

In front of a medicine garden, Zhu Li smiled at a girl in seedling clothes who was taking care of the herbs.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The girl agreed respectfully, and then followed Zhu Li directly down the mountain.

Soon, the two came to the area where Zhang Cheng and other Jinyiwei were trapped, and saw Zhu Li pinching with one hand, and then all the scenes around him were strangely distorted for a moment, and then several embarrassed Jinyiwei appeared in front of him!

To say that Zhang Cheng and his few brocade guards have suffered a lot in the past few days, because they have walked in the desert of that illusion for three days, it can be said that they have died nine lives!

How could Zhang Cheng and the others have thought that they were just sneaking into Dingjun Mountain, and they would actually appear in the desert inexplicably!

Everything that happened was so bizarre!

Moreover, the desert in that fantasy realm seems to be boundless, no matter how they go, they can't go out!

Just when they were about to collapse and were ready to wait for death, Zhu Li's side removed the formation!

Before the few people who returned to Dingjun Mountain could catch their breath, they were startled by the sudden appearance of Zhu Li in front of them!

"You... Are you His Royal Highness King Han? "

Zhang Cheng even recognized the identity of King Zhu Li of Han at a glance, and his bloodless cheeks were full of shock!

Didn't King Zhu Li of Han die three years ago?

Why do they still appear alive in front of them?

Or are they actually dead?

Is this a goodbye to the King of Han in the prefecture?

However, before these brocade guards could react, Zhu Li raised his hand to a few talismans, directly hitting the bodies of these brocade guards, and instantly controlled several people!

"Blue girl, I have to trouble you this time!"

Zhu Li said to the woman in Miao Yi beside him!

The woman in Miao Yi only nodded slightly, and saw that above her slender jade hand, there were actually several ugly insects squirming in her palm!

As if realizing something, Zhang Cheng and the others showed fear in their eyes!

However, they had already been controlled by Zhu Li with a talisman, but they could only stand there obediently, and there was no room for resistance at all!

The Miaoyi woman was very relaxed and directly fed the wriggling little insects into the mouths of these brocade guards!

Until these insects were completely swallowed by them, the woman in Miao Yi retreated to Zhu Li's side, as if she had just done a small thing with insufficient power.

With a wave of Zhu Li's hand, the talisman attached to Zhang Cheng and the others was uncovered, and their actions were once again free!

"You... What did you give us to eat? "

Zhang Cheng pointed at the woman in Miao Yi with a frightened face and asked angrily.

However, in the next second, a drilled pain came from the abdomen, so painful that these brocade guards rolled all over the ground, just a breath of effort, cold sweat had already soaked their clothes!

"All right, Your Highness!"

The Miao-clothed woman then showed a bright smile at Zhu Li.

"Hard work!"

Zhu Li nodded in satisfaction, and then walked slowly in front of Zhang Cheng and the others!

"Humble position, see His Royal Highness King Han!"

Zhang Cheng and the others, who were waking up like a dream, hurriedly bowed down towards Zhu Li!

"Give them a few bottles of water!"

Zhu Li's side just ordered lightly, and then a few Han Zhongjun ran forward, took out a few kettles and handed them to Zhang Cheng and the others!

If you don't give these guys water, it is estimated that these guys will die of thirst!

Although it is only an illusion, all the perceptions in the fantasy territory are real, which is equivalent to Zhang Cheng and they really walked in the hot desert for three days, and at this moment, I am afraid that they have reached the edge of running out of oil!

After drinking a few sips of water, Zhang Cheng and the others finally eased up, and at the same time thanked Zhu Li for Dade!

"You're all from Ying Tianfu?"

"What did Your Majesty send you to Hanzhong specifically?"

Only then did Zhu Li ask.

Zhang Cheng and the others, who had already swallowed the worm, had already been controlled, and they did not dare to disobey Zhu Li's words at all!

"Back to Your Highness, the order received by the lowly rank is..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Chengcheng told Zhu Li all the tasks and arrangements of their trip, and all of them were 1510!

"As King Ben guessed, the old man really already knows what happened here!"

"It seems that the previous blind wandering of the Zixia Wonders has aroused the suspicion of the old man!"

Zhu Li showed such a look.

I didn't expect that the vision of heaven and earth would reach Ying Tianfu at such a fast speed!

That's not right!

In Zhu Li's impression, even if Zhu Yuanzhang knew the vision of heaven and earth in Dingjun Mountain, it is estimated that he would just listen to it, because he himself did not see it with his own eyes, that is, he heard it with his eyes and ears, how did he know that there were still masters born on Dingjun Mountain?

Actually directly photographed Jin Yiwei to look for a master?

Does this old man know something?

Thinking of this, Zhu Li's brows twisted into a pimple!

If that's the case, then the problem is a bit tricky!

If you don't get yourself tricked, you may be exposed!

"Looks like I have to find someone to impersonate this born master!"

But soon, Zhu Li had a plan in his heart!

Didn't Zhu Yuanzhang want to find this master?

Then send him a superior person over!

There are so many Daoist priests in Dingjun Mountain, find one that looks like that, and a little Taoist directly let Zhang Cheng and others take it back to regain their lives!

Moreover, there is a Taoist priest who went to Yingtian's side to become a national teacher or something, even if he also has an internal application in the imperial court on his side, it will be easy to do things at that time!

"Girl Lan, please go and call Elder Li over!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Li ordered again to the woman in Miaoyi on the side.

Not long after the Miao-clothed woman left, an old man wearing a gray Taoist robe and a goatee came to Zhu Que!

"Chief, why did you call Lao Dao over?"

Li Xiuyuan asked at Zhu Li.

At present, these Taoist temples near Dingjun Mountain, although they seem to be unrelated to each other, in fact, the Taoist inheritance belongs to King Zhu Li of Han!

And these Taoist priests also regarded Zhu Li as the head of their own Daoist system!

"There are good things, let you go to Yingtianfu to become a high official!"

Zhu Li looked at Li Xiuyuan and said with a smile.

However, when Li Xiuyuan heard this, he directly shook his head into a rattle!

"Your Highness, don't joke with the old way! Lao Dao is a person outside the Fang who is dedicated to the Dao, just to cultivate the Dao, and he is not interested in being a great official, let alone running to Ying Tianfu! "

Li Xiuyuan felt that there was a big pit in front of him, and he definitely couldn't jump down!

He also didn't understand what this boss really thought?

He actually let him run to Ying Tianfu to be an official?

Isn't that a joke?

"You should do King Ben a favor!"

"In this way, as long as you are willing to go, King Ben will give you a Qi Yuan Pill every month, as well as your apprentice, King Ben will also pass on the Dao of Xuanhuang Purple Qi to him!"

Zhu Li had no choice but to start taking benefits to lure!

He knows that these bull-nosed veterans are very rigid and stubborn, and if they don't give them some good conditions, they can't be moved!

What kind of unwilling outsider?

Isn't it desire to pursue the Great Avenue wholeheartedly?

As long as you ask for something, you will be pinched by him!

This seemingly principled old Taoist priest in front of him is naturally no exception!


Sure enough, as soon as he heard the conditions opened by Zhu Li, this Li Xiuyuan immediately hesitated! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He naturally didn't want to be involved in the imperial court in his heart, but in the last thought that his precious apprentice could accept the Xuanhuang Purple Qi Dao system on Zhu Li's side, he still sighed secretly and directly compromised!

"Okay then, I just hope that the boss can talk!"

"I wonder what the boss is going to do with the old way?"

Li Xiuyuan asked squarely at this time.

"Don't worry, since King Ben said it, he will definitely do it!"

"What you have to do is actually very simple, the current emperor is looking for a worldly master, and you will be the worldly master who led to the purple light, and you will also return to Yingtianfu with these brocade guards!"

"After arriving at Yingtianfu, the emperor will most likely give you a national master as a national master!"

Zhu Li explained with a smile.

After listening to Zhu Li's words, Li Xiuyuan couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth!

Good fellow, this is the rhythm of making him a scapegoat!

The person the emperor is looking for is obviously you, but you pushed the old way out!

If the matter is revealed, according to the decisive nature of the Hongwu Emperor of Dang (AGCB), he will not be able to kill himself alive?

"Chief, this is a national master or something, I really can't do it!"

"What if something bad happens to you? How about you find another one that is more reliable? "

Li Xiuyuan asked with a bitter old face.

"In King Ben's opinion, you are the most suitable candidate!"

"Don't worry, King Ben won't let you stay in Ying Tianfu for ten years at most!"

"Ten years later, you can still come back!"

"In addition, you don't have to worry about being exposed, here are two semi-finished life extension pills, one should be your reward, and the other you keep on your body in case of emergency!"

"If the imperial court needs you to refine any elixir or magic weapon, you can send a message back to King Ben!"

"King Ben will find a way to help you get it!"

Zhu Li directly took out two semi-finished life extension pills and handed them directly to Li Xiuyuan!

"This... Thank you for the gift! "

Li Xiuyuan originally had complaints in his heart, but after seeing these two longevity pills, he immediately changed his attitude!

The pursuit of the Avenue of Eternal Life, that is also supported by life!

The avenue was hung up before it was pursued, and no one was willing!

Therefore, the Longevity Pill taken out by Zhu Li, even if it is only a semi-finished Longevity Pill, is definitely a treasure-like existence for Li Xiuyuan!

Although each person can only take one, and the semi-finished life extension pill can only extend his life for more than two years at most, who thinks that his life is long?

And for more than two years, that's a lot!

As for the other one, it was no longer effective for him, and the reason why Zhu Li gave him the purpose was to deal with Zhu Yuanzhang, which Li Xiuyuan knew very well!

"Elder Li, then Ying Tianfu will trouble you!"

Zhu Li also arched his hand at Li Xiuyuan!

"In that case, let's take a trip to the old way!"

In fact, Li Xiuyuan didn't have a bottom in his heart, how did he know what the emperor was going to do to find this national master?

If it's just for elixirs like the Life Extension Pill, then it's no problem.

Even if he can't refine it, he can directly ask for it from Zhu Li's side!

"Actually, Elder Li went to Ying Tianfu this time, if he can really become a national master, it will also be a good thing for us Daomen!"

"Your Majesty may also establish Taoism as the state religion at that time, and after Elder Li becomes a national teacher, he will be able to better spread our Taoist culture!"

Zhu Li looked at Li Xiuyuan's uninterested look, and said with relief.

Upon hearing this, Li Xiuyuan also nodded with deep understanding.

When others said this, Li Xiuyuan wanted to put a question mark, but Zhu Li was different!

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Buddhism has flourished, but Taoism has gradually declined!

On the northwest side, only King Zhu Li of Han carried the banner of the Daomen, pulled up Taoism, established many Taoist temples, and made the incense of these Taoist temples flourish!

Who does Li Xiuyuan suspect, he will not doubt the sincerity of King Zhu Li of Han who wants to make Taoism flourish!

And this face of Han King Zhu Li, Elder Li will definitely give it!

"What the head said is good, but it makes the old way ashamed!"

"Don't worry, after Lao Dao goes to Yingtianfu, strive to become a national teacher, and then carry forward our Taoism!"

Li Xiuyuan nodded solemnly and said.

Hearing this, Zhu Li's heart was also secretly happy, he didn't expect this bull-nosed old way to be so easy to fool, a few words of kung fu, this old Taoist priest has already been set!

In this way, this purple light appeared in the matter, and Li Xiuyuan helped him fool over!

After Zhu Yuanzhang saw Li Xiuyuan over there, and the half-finished Longevity Pill in his hand, shouldn't he have any doubts?

Of course, Zhu Li was not sure if Zhu Yuanzhang had already suspected him!

After getting Li Xiuyuan, Zhu Li also explained to Zhang Cheng's group of brocade guards.

At this moment, these brocade guards have been controlled by him, and naturally they will cooperate with all of Li Xiuyuan's actions!

With the cooperation of these Jinyiwei, coupled with Li Xiuyuan's own Daoism, it should not be a problem for Zhu Yuanzhang to believe that he is the newly born hidden master!

Seeing Zhang Cheng and the others gradually moving away with Li Xiuyuan, Zhu Li withdrew his gaze and returned to his Taoist temple!

Zhu Li decided to use his existing Dao method to calculate the overall fortune of the Ming Dynasty!

In fact, this ethereal thing of national fortune is impossible for ordinary people to see or touch at all, but Zhu Li has a way to perceive fortune!

With his current Dao, it cannot be said that there is no strategy, but it can still be done to calculate the general direction of the future of the Daming Dynasty!

But soon, with Zhu Li's deduction, his face gradually became solemn!

The development of Daming's fortune has begun to become a rhythm that he can't understand!

It seems that it is still the transformation that began after the day he broke through, after the purple light appeared!

Even many people's lives have been changed because of this!

For example, Zhu Yuanzhang, such as Zhu Biao, Zhu Shu and others!

But Zhu Li couldn't figure out what the problem was, just because his current practice was not enough!

Maybe one day, when he breaks through to the realm of the Heavenly Master, he can truly calculate everything!

"That's it... Since it is not clear, then it is not counted! "

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat is naturally straight to the bridge!"

"King Ben also wants to see what the future of this Ming Dynasty will become?"

In the end, Zhu Li gave up continuing to deduce, and his mentality gradually began to lie flat!

With his current realm of real people, he dare not say that he is invincible in the world, but at least self-preservation should be no problem!

He can even guarantee that the people he cares about and his family are safe, which is equivalent to making him invincible!

Of course, no matter how the national fortunes of the Ming Dynasty change, what he should do will continue anyway!

The sacrifices of the Silent Army Tomb every month can not be less!

That was something that he had spent a lot of effort to establish, and there was absolutely no room for error!

And Zhu Li has already laid the foundation under Dingjun Mountain, waiting to build the Tower of the Dragon Emperor, the Protector Artifact, in the future!

Of course, Zhu Li did not know that his fraudulent death had now been exposed!

Not only Zhu Yuanzhang knew, but even his good eldest brother Zhu Biao!

I don't know what kind of expression this Li Xiuyuan will have after really replacing Zhu Li to Ying Tianfu and let Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao see it?

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