54 Zhu Biao was dumbfounded: Lao Jiu is not dead, why is he hiding to cultivate immortals?

Zhu Yuanzhang's words directly shocked Zhu Biao to the point of being incomparable!

He never expected such a result!

Since this time, not only the old man is full of guilt for Lao Jiu, why is this not the case with him as a big brother?

Even he thought about the reason why such a powerful person as Lao Jiu suddenly died violently, was it to save these brothers, leaked too many heavenly machines, and suffered the punishment of heaven to suddenly die young?

The result is that he thinks too much?

Lao Jiu did not die young at all, but fraudulently killed himself and secretly hidden!

And still hiding to cultivate immortals?

This result made Zhu Biao a little dumbfounded!

"This... Lao Jiu actually didn't die! "

"But why did he cheat to death?"

For a long time, Zhu Biao reacted, and at the same time sent out the same soul torture as Zhu Yuanzhang!

Zhu Yuanzhang said in his heart that we must know the answer to this question and will not have a headache!

He can only guess now that Lao Jiu deliberately deceived him to death in order to be able to cultivate immortals with peace of mind!

Who let us Zhu Yuanzhang never see this son cultivating before, and he had to control him everywhere?

Maybe it's because our old man manages too much?

"Let's go to find Lao Jiu, and then make it clear to Lao Jiu in person!"

"We know that we misunderstood him before and did not allow him to cultivate! But not only will we not stop him now, but we will also support him! "

"In this way, Lao Jiu shouldn't have to cheat to hide from us, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang thought very well, and directly told Zhu Biao his decision!

"This... Can it work? "

Zhu Biao is still a little blindfolded!

The main thing is that since Lao Jiu has already chosen to cheat death, will he easily appear?

"We can definitely find him, and we must find him!"

"Lao Jiu is still alive, and we suspect that he is the master who led to the purple light a few days ago! If he can continue refining the Life Extension Pill, then you have hope to continue to live!" "

Zhu Yuanzhang said in a firm tone.

When Zhu Biao heard this, his heart was also hot!

Oh, yes!

If Lao Jiu is still alive, then he has hope to continue living!

"That's not right, Father! If Lao Jiu was still alive, it would be impossible for him to hide for so many years! "

"Isn't there a brocade guard arranged by you in Hanzhong? Did they not find anything strange at all? "

"And the Yang family, do they all know? With so many people under Lao Jiu, how many of them are in the know? "

Soon, Zhu Biao thought of something, he felt that even if Lao Jiu was fraudulently killed, there was definitely someone in the know, at least someone he could trust should be in the know!

Otherwise, a big living person is fraudulently killed, and it is impossible that no one finds out!

He couldn't have jumped out of the coffin after he was buried, right?

"You don't know, Hanzhong Jinyiwei has long been controlled by Lao Jiu!"

"This stinky boy actually has demagogic means! The Jinyiwei we sent to Hanzhong have all become puppets controlled by him! "

"It's a pity that we have been letting the Jinyiwei on the Hanzhong side pass the news back, and the news on our side doesn't know how much it has been revealed to Lao Jiu through the mouth of Jinyiwei!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he was somewhat angry!

His own brocade guard, that is the Son of Heaven's pro-army!

Who would have thought that one day they would be controlled by a clan king!

And Zhu Yuanzhang was helpless, even if he changed a batch of brocade guards, Lao Jiu could still use his means to continue to control!

In other words, how many people to stare at him is just useless!

Even through these brocade guards, Lao Jiu can control him Zhu Yuanzhang, only let him Zhu Yuanzhang see what Lao Jiu wants to show him, and listen to what Lao Jiu wants to show him!

In addition, he will be like a blind man to Hanzhong!

No wonder......

No wonder these old nine have been hiding so deeply, and his side is not aware of it at all!

This stinky boy is really able to hide!

After listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's explanation, Zhu Biao was also speechless!


Even Jin Yiwei has become Lao Jiu's person?

That is to say, the group of brocade guards sent by the old man to the northwest to investigate Ziguangxia before also have a high probability of being controlled by Lao Jiu?

In this way, when the time comes, won't the things that these brocade guards report back become a bunch of nonsense?

Or in other words, the few brocade guards who were previously installed in Hanzhong wrote back to the imperial court every month, and basically they were all how Lao Jiu asked them to report, how to report?

The more he thought about it, the more shocked he became, and at the same time, Zhu Biao also silently prayed Jiang Ying in his heart!

If the old man is reasonable, Jiang Ying's head is not to blame for this matter!

But if it is unreasonable, then Jiang Ying, the brocade guard, is definitely the first to suffer!

But now it seems that the old man obviously has no intention of delving into this issue!

That's right, the first priority now is to find Lao Jiu, and other things don't seem to matter!

"Father, tell us first, what happened after Yun Jiao cut the clan.!"

"Why did Lao Jiu suddenly appear?"

At this time, Zhu Biao brought the topic back to Zhu Yunjiang's dream life yesterday night.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not hide it, so he slowly told everything he saw in the dream picture!

Including how Lao Jiu came with the sword and controlled the passage of thousands of Hanzhong Lonely troops to defeat the imperial court army and the Yan King army!

Zhu Biao was even more like listening to a mythical story, and his mouth opened wide and never closed!

If everything is really as the old man said, then is this ninth brother really the ninth brother he once knew?

This is really going against the rhythm of the sky!

Before the old man said that Lao Jiu was cultivating immortals, Zhu Biao should also exaggerate!

But now it seems that this is specifically cultivating immortals!

The imperial sword flies, controls thousands of zombies in the lonely army, and can also wave your hand to find the heavenly thunder, which one is not a means only of the immortal family?

"In the end, although Lao Jiu won the imperial court army, he did not kill Yun Jiao!"

"Who knew that Geng Bingwen would actually die in the hands of this little beast Zhu Yunjiang in the end!"

"And the fourth... Lao Jiu did not embarrass him, but only cut off the military power in his hands, and let him go back to being his own Taiping King! "

"Compared with Lao Jiu's means, Zhu Yunjiang is simply... Alas..."

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he was like a cattle in his throat!

Mainly in front of Zhu Biao, he is not easy to say too badly!

After all, Zhu Yunjiang is his Zhu Biao's own son!

"It is precisely because Zhu Yunjiang has not killed Geng, almost all the martial generals' hearts are cold! Who else would want to give him his life? "

"Originally, this kid did not have many supporters in the imperial court, and it is no wonder that Li Jinglong would eventually rebel against the imperial court and join the Hanzhong army!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he also looked helpless.

And Zhu Biao was even more shocked after listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words!

"Biao'er! You should understand the purpose of telling you this, right? "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Biao's shocked appearance and slowly asked.

"Father Emperor wants to say that Yun Jiao is not suitable to be a prince at all, and if he becomes an emperor, Daming will inevitably have internal strife?"

Zhu Biao's heart couldn't help but feel a little bitter!

In fact, after Zhu Yuanzhang said everything that would happen in Zhu Yunjiang's life, Zhu Biao had already realized that there would be such a result!

In fact, don't say it's Zhu Yuanzhang, even he now feels that Zhu Yunjiang is really not suitable for that position!

The inferiority and cowardice in this kid's bones supported his apparent strength!

In fact, it is just a false appearance, love to drill the horns!

Such a person is useless!

Even if Zhu Yuanzhang didn't say so, he would definitely have to suggest that Zhu Yuanzhang choose a new candidate!

"This is just one of them, more importantly, as long as Lao Jiu is still alive, it is entirely possible for you to continue to live, as long as you are still alive, if you become the emperor in the future, presumably Lao Jiu will not be able to rebel against you!"

"So... It doesn't matter if Yun Jiao is the emperor or not! "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Biao's lost look, and couldn't help but feel distressed, and hurriedly reminded.

Zhu Biao was stunned again when he heard this!

"Father, you honestly say that even if Lao Jiu refines the life-extending pill you mentioned, it can only give us another six or seven years to extend our life!"

"Our body... In the end, it's still not arguing! "

Zhu Biao's tone was full of bitterness!

"It won't... We will definitely let Lao Jiu find a way to refine the real life extension pill!" "

"Inferior longevity pills can extend their lives for six or seven years, and the real longevity pills will only be more!" Maybe you can extend your life for a decade or two! "

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly said. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"What about Father?"

Zhu Biao soul torture again!

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

Oh, yes!

If Lao Jiu can refine the real longevity pill, and Biao'er eats it, then do you want to eat it?

If he also extends his life, when will Biao'er inherit the throne?

"It's really not okay, let's abdicate early to become the emperor, and give the throne to you early!"

Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth and said.

When Zhu Biao heard this, his body was shocked again!

He knew that the old man's words were definitely not for fun, but really capable!

He knew the hopes and expectations that the old man had pinned on him, but...

"Father, why do you have to hold your children with an obsession?"

"It's already great luck that the sons and daughters can live a few more years now, and they really dare not expect too much!"

"Even if you abdicate early to your children's ministers, with your children's physical condition, how many things do you think your children can do, and how much can you insist on being a teenager?"

Zhu Biao smiled bitterly and shook his head to remind.

For a while, Zhu Yuanzhang was choked by Zhu Biao's words!

From a rational point of view, there is nothing wrong with what Zhu Biao said!

Even if he really took the Life Extension Pill, which allowed Zhu Biao to live for a few more years, it would not be able to fundamentally change this result!

When he becomes the emperor at that time, he can't continue to control the imperial government, and he can't bear to let Zhu Biao do anything, right?

But let Zhu Biao do this emperor, it's too hard, how can this already weak body and bones be eaten?

It's almost an unsolvable puzzle!

"That's it... Anyway, let's find out Lao Jiu's smelly boy first! "

"Didn't you say last time to let Concubine Zhou go to Hanzhong?"

"We agreed! And not only let her go, we also have to go in person! "

Zhu Yuanzhang said his thoughts!

Expect Jin Yiwei to find Lao Jiu?

That's almost impossible!

Zhu Yuanzhang understood that if he wanted to find Lao Jiu, he had to go to Hanzhong himself!

"Father, you want to go to Hanzhong in person?"

Zhu Biao was also taken aback by Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts!

"That's right, the question we are thinking about now is when will it pass, should I take you with me?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slowly.

An emperor, a prince, wants to leave Jingshi and run to Hanzhong, thousands of miles away, that is not a small matter!

Hearing this, Zhu Biao couldn't help but fall silent.

Frankly speaking, he definitely wants to go to Hanzhong to have a look, and he also wants to meet Lao Jiu!

But can he and Zhu Yuanzhang really leave Yingtian at the same time?

"'Well, let's think about what we should do!'"

Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Biao's appearance and knew that he should also want to go, but this kid is sensible!

If he was left in Yingtianjian Kingdom, Zhu Yuanzhang was afraid that he would be tired, and it was really a contradictory thing!


Ten days later!

Dingjun Mountain, twenty miles northwest of Hanzhong Mansion!

Several brocade guards wearing flying fish suits appeared at the foot of the mountain!

In fact, when these brocade guards had just entered Hanzhong, Zhu Li had already received the news, but he did not pay attention to it!

After all, when these Jinyiwei came, they also took over with the Jinyiwei surnamed Liu, and the movements of these people can be completely controlled by Zhu Li's side!

And these brocade guards were all ordered to come over to investigate the worldly masters who led to the purple light!

"Liu Chuan, that guy said that he had already searched in Dingjun Mountain, except for some Taoist temples and a big tomb, there was nothing!"

"It seems that the worldly master should be living in seclusion in these Taoist temples!"

The leading Jinyiwei, named Zhang Cheng, was observing the environment of Dingjun Mountain at the moment, and silently opened his mouth to analyze.

"But there are so many Taoist temples on this mountain, where should we start looking?"

"Who knows what that worldly master looks like?"

Another hundred households named Ma Ming reminded with a frown.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, the boat is naturally straight to the bridge, first find a way to watch the situation, if you can find a little clue, it will be better!"

Zhang Cheng thought for a moment, but decided to enter Dingjun Mountain first to touch the reality!

So a few Jinyiwei directly entered the range of Dingjun Mountain!

However, just as they were about to go up the mountain, everyone felt as if they were being targeted by something, and there was a coolness behind the neck!

Everyone unconsciously shrank their necks!


Zhang Cheng was the first to discover the Hanzhong army that was still patrolling near Dingjun Mountain, and hurriedly pulled a few people to hide in a hidden corner!

At the same time, Zhu Li was in retreat in the Taoist temple!

Zhu Li, who was sitting cross-kneeled, was staring at a Dan furnace (Li Zhao's) in front of him at this time!

After successfully breaking through the realm of real people, he thought of refining some pills to test his current strength!

When he sensed that an unknown person had entered at the foot of Dingjun Mountain, Zhu Li just flicked his fingers and activated the large array of Dingjun Mountain, instantly trapping all those Jinyiwei who had mixed into Dingjun Mountain into the illusion!

Now Zhu Li still has to concentrate on refining this elixir in front of him, and he really doesn't have the strength to deal with these intruders!

Three days later!

A strong medicinal smell wafted out of the Taoist temple, and then the medicinal smell transformed into a vanilla smell!

And in Zhu Li's hand, there are also five more longevity pills!

This is a real longevity pill, although it is only a second-class longevity pill, it is not a semi-finished longevity pill that can be compared!

If there really is a thousand-year-old ginseng, it means that Zhu Que has the ability to refine a perfect longevity pill!

It's a pity that this thousand-year-old ginseng is extremely difficult to find, and the current second-grade longevity pill is already the limit!

In fact, there are already a lot of semi-finished longevity pills, and for him, as long as he wants to spend time, he can refine a large team!

Anyway, he is not short of ginseng for hundreds of years!

"I almost forgot, there are still a few Jin Yiwei locked up in the Illusion Array!"

"It's been three days, I'm afraid I've suffered enough!"

Only at this time did Zhu Li remember the previous intrusion of outsiders, and a faint smile appeared on his face!

"It seems that when he broke through the realm of real people that day, he had already detected it by Ying Tianfu's side!"

Zhu Li knew very well that these brocade guards were not out of nowhere, and Ying Tian sent a group of brocade guards over again, just for the sake of Ziguangxia!

But Zhu Li didn't take it seriously!

It's just a few brocade guards, he can easily send them off, and even let them forget everything that happened in the past few days, re-enter a memory into them, and let them go straight back!

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