53: Biao'er, Lao Jiu is not dead at all, he is hiding and cultivating immortals

Of course, everyone didn't know that this was entirely because Zhu Yuanzhang had seen the final rebellion of Yan King Zhu Di from Zhu Yunjiang's dream life!

Moreover, even if Beiping lacks grain and grass, it is impossible to lack such a big loophole!

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally couldn't follow the meaning of the old fourth Zhu Di, how much he wanted over there, how much he would give here!

On the contrary, the officials of this household department raised an objection, which was exactly what Zhu Yuanzhang wanted!

"If it's okay, just retreat!"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't bother to talk nonsense with everyone, and his mind was not above this early dynasty!

Seeing this, Bai Guan didn't say anything more, and everyone immediately retreated!

After retiring from the dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang came directly to the imperial garden, full of thoughts, or what he saw in Zhu Yunjiang's dream life yesterday!

The main thing is that at the end of the dream, I only know that Lao Jiu became the emperor, and I didn't say what happened after Lao Jiu became the emperor!

Also, why did Lao Jiu cheat death?

This is also what Zhu Yuanzhang can't figure out the most!

In addition, the purple light that appeared on the Northwest Dingjun Mountain a few days ago is also related to Lao Jiu?

Or is that so-called superior person actually Lao Jiu?

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang's head was full of question marks, but unfortunately no one could give him an answer!

Especially this national transport system is the most mental, he feels that this system must know more, but just don't tell him!

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang almost guessed correctly!

That master is really Han King Zhu Li!

It's a pity that this son is still avoiding him now!

Since it is a fraudulent death, it is naturally impossible to easily emerge!

"It seems that we still have to discuss this matter with Biao'er, and find a way to find out Lao Jiu!"

Zhu Yuanzhang had already made a decision at this time!

He must find Lao Jiu!

Because if Lao Jiu is really alive, wouldn't it mean that there is still a longevity pill?

If Lao Jiu is really that master, then he will definitely refine the Life Extension Pill, and then Biao'er's life can be saved!

Zhu Zhang's way of thinking about problems has always been simple and rude!

After all, he is an emperor, and in some things, he is accustomed to acting arbitrarily, and he has no mind to bend!

"Wang Chen, let the imperial dining room 06 stop busy with lunch, let's go to the East Palace for lunch at noon today!"

After thinking about it, Zhu Yuanzhang said to the prince on the side, and walked straight towards the direction of the East Palace!

Walking on the way to the East Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang was still pondering about Lao Jiu and Longevity Pill in his mind!

Lao Jiu's ability to refine a semi-finished life extension pill is a sure thing, after all, the semi-finished life extension pill that gave Zhu Biao a life extension pill was refined by Lao Jiu back then!

If Lao Jiu was really the master who attracted the purple light a few days ago, then it was very likely to refine the real Life Extension Pill as the National Fortune System said!

When he thought of the Longevity Pill, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was hot!

Hongwu is thirty-one years old, and his old Zhu is about to die, which means that he has six years to live at most!

He Zhu Yuanzhang also thought that he could live a few more years!

"System, you said that the life extension pill, even if it is a semi-finished product, can we eat it to extend life for two and a half more years?"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but directly wake up the national transport system and began to inquire.

[That's nature, the efficacy of the Longevity Pill is beyond doubt, Prince Zhu Biao is the best example! ] However, this system still has to remind the host that the longevity pill is extremely precious, and refining is even more difficult, but it is not a cabbage on a rotten street! 】

[The most important thing is that since the Han King Zhu Li is determined to cheat death, and can still have perseverance and perseverance to hide until the time of Emperor Jianwen, if it is not for the danger of Hanzhong, perhaps he can continue to hide! ] Whether you can find out Han King Zhu Li now, that's all a question! 】

The reply of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang speechless!

Oh, yes!

Lao Jiu is deliberately deceiving death, hiding from the world!

And with this kid's magical means, if he wants to hide, who can find it?

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but feel upset!

When the son's hide from others, it is okay, but also hide from his own father!

If he hadn't misunderstood Lao Jiu and could have been better to Lao Jiu, wouldn't Lao Jiu have avoided us?

Our daddy is really a failure!

Wait a minute!

We are his father, Biao'er is his eldest brother, will he hide from our father and son, can he still hide from his own wife and children?

And he also has a mother!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang's mind suddenly flashed, remembering what Zhu Biao had proposed before, let Zhou Guifei also go to Hanzhong!

It seems that if you want to find out Lao Jiu at the moment, the best way is not to come hard, but to start with the people around him, starting from the people he cares about the most, it is possible to lead Lao Jiu out!

As soon as he thought of this, Zhu Yuanzhang quickly made up his mind, no matter what, whether it was for himself or for Zhu Biao, he would go to the northwest, personally go to Lao Jiu, and then face him and ask why he wanted to cheat to death!

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang is not the purpose of Xingshi to ask for guilt, but after figuring out the reason, solve the concerns in Lao Jiu's heart, ease the relationship between father and son and brothers, and let Lao Jiu continue to provide them with a longevity pill!

Moreover, with Lao Jiu's magical means, even if he Zhu Yuanzhang wants to hold it, he is afraid that it is unrealistic!

And he didn't think about pinching Lao Jiu, after all, this is his own son!

In layman's terms, that is, his son can have such a presence and ability, and he Zhu Yuanzhang's face also has light!

If Lao Jiu's ability really announced the world, it would be a matter of giving him the face of Old Zhu's patriarch!

The fraudulent death did make Zhu Yuanzhang angry, but it was just anger!

But if Lao Jiu is really the newborn master, then he Zhu Yuanzhang, it should be said that the entire old Zhu family, has picked up the treasure!


Just go to Hanzhong to find Lao Jiu, and directly bring Zhou Guifei!

Let's bring your birth mother with us, I don't believe that you Lao Jiu can still hide and not come out!"

Thinking like this in his mind, Zhu Yuanzhang soon came to the East Palace!

"The daughter-in-law has seen her father-in-law!"

As soon as he saw Zhu Yuanzhang's arrival, the Lu family immediately stepped forward and said hello respectfully, that look is to be as virtuous as the courtesy!

However, Zhu Yuanzhang frowned!

Not to mention that he had greatly reduced his impression of the Lu family because of the events since he fainted last time, just the picture he saw yesterday night in Zhu Yunjiang's dream life was enough for him to drive the Lu family into the abyss!

In Zhu Yunjiang's dream, although the Lu family did not appear in many scenes, this woman played a lot of dishonorable roles after Zhu Biao's death!

Especially after Zhu Yunjiang took the throne, the person who supported the Cutting Domain, she Lu Clan can also be regarded as one!

After all, Zhu Yunjiang is accustomed to filial piety, and he is even more obedient to the words of this empress dowager!

But if the Lu family can be smart and know how to have a good relationship with these little uncles of himself, they will not let Zhu Yunjiao lose the country in the end!

Zhu Yunjiang is a waste fool, and this woman of the special lady is even more stupid!


Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly with the anger in his heart, and he didn't pay attention to Lu's meaning at all, and directly bypassed her!

This is already Zhu Yuanzhang's restraint enough, otherwise he may have to really embarrass this woman in person!

And Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude suddenly made Lu's face stunned!

She never expected that she would happily run to take the car, but she was actually dumped by the old man!

She hasn't provoked the old man in the past few days, let alone done anything wrong!

To say that this Lu family is also very good at coming, because Zhu Yuanzhang's people have not yet arrived in the East Palace, the Lu family has already received a notice from the eunuch, saying that Zhu Yuanzhang is going to eat in the East Palace at noon!

Lu Shixin said that his opportunity to perform in front of the old man had finally come!

So today, the Lu family is ready to cook by himself to show filial piety!

But who would have thought that Zhu Yuanzhang's side had just entered the door and let her touch a soft nail!

At the same time, Zhu Biaozheng and Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai discussed the education of Zhu Yunjiang, Qi Tai also entered the court from the East Palace subordinate official, unlike Huang Zicheng, Qi Tai has entered the military department, and it can be regarded as a thread buried for Zhu Yunjiang in the military department in the future, and it will inevitably be promoted in a few years!

And Huang Zicheng specializes in the role of teacher Zhu Yunjiang!

Especially after Zhu Yuanzhang promised himself that he would definitely pass on the position of Crown Prince to Zhu Yunjiang, Zhu Biao was even more concerned about Zhu Yunjiang's education, so he specially found these two guys to discuss the issue of focusing on cultivating Zhu Yunjiang as a monarch in the future! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As the three were talking, Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai also expressed their own opinions and showed their loyalty.

One by one, they patted their chests and promised that they would definitely assist Zhu Yunjiang and the like well in the future!

Coincidentally, he was listened to by Zhu Yuanzhang, who was walking in the door!

It is said that the enemy is very red when they meet, and Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai are not enemies, but when he thinks of everything that happened in his dream yesterday, Zhu Yuanzhang felt a wave of anger rushing from his backbone to the heavenly spirit cover!

Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai, who were facing away from Zhu Yuanzhang, didn't know that someone behind them had come in, and just as they were talking, they suddenly felt a cold chill hit the back of their necks, which made both of them subconsciously snort!

"Father, why are you here?"

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang come in with a black face, Zhu Biao hurriedly got up, and he didn't understand what was wrong with the old man, it felt as if a volcano was about to erupt!

"Wei Chen see Your Majesty, Holy Bow Jin'an!"

Only then did Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai react, and the two got up together and hurriedly bowed to Zhu Yuanzhang.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze was staring at the two coldly, and if there was substantial killing intent, he almost didn't scare Huang Zicheng to Qi Tai on the spot!

They all reached Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze full of endless murderous intent, and the confusion in their hearts could be imagined!

The heart said that we didn't seem to have done anything heinous, nor did we commit any cases, right?

What kind of trouble is this Majesty trying to make?

However, what Zhu Yuanzhang thought in his mind was everything he saw in his dreams!

Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai, these two dog things, instigated Zhu Yunjiang to kill our sons, or killed the most happily!

The deposed deposed, the killed killed, all these two dog things are instigating!

Wrong...... Also missed a Fang Xiaoxiao who is still teaching in the countryside!

Because that old dog is the most hateful!

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang still suppressed this anger!

Even if he wanted to kill Fang Xiaozi, Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng, it was not now!

After all, he Zhu Yuanzhang is an emperor, not an executioner, let alone a murderer!

Even if you want to kill, you need to find a suitable reason!

This inconsistency directly kills some can't be said!

But if you really want to get rid of these three people, he Zhu Yuanzhang also has a way!

And at the moment, he can't make Zhu Yunjiang a prince anymore, but there is no need to put too much thought into this matter, clean up the opportunities of these three people, there will be in the future!

"You guys retreat first!"

Zhu Biao also saw that the atmosphere was wrong, and hurriedly waved his hand at Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai!

As if amnestied, the two hurriedly retreated!

It wasn't until they came to the courtyard that Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai felt a chill in their backs, and it turned out that they had long been soaked in cold sweat!

"Father, has something happened to you again?"

Only then did Zhu Biao boldly step forward and ask.

"We just have something I want to say to you."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded.

Zhu Biao was secretly relieved to see that Zhu Yuanzhang had returned to normal, and at the same time remembered that there was something in the early dynasty about the old fourth asking for grain and grass.

"By the way, Father Emperor, the sons and daughters were also about to ask you, why did you suddenly agree to reduce the supply of grain to the fourth elder in the early dynasty?"

Zhu Biao asked directly.

The main thing is that the attitude of the old man who went up early is a world away from yesterday!

"The military salary is still given to the fourth according to the previous standard, you can also rest assured that the soldiers in Beiping will definitely not die of hunger!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand, slowly shook his head and said.

Zhu Biao: "..."

What is this called?

What is it that the soldiers of Peiping must not die of hunger 627?

Do you want to starve them on purpose?

Something is wrong with the old man today!

"Biao'er, we came to you today, mainly because there is something I want to talk to you about!"

"Let's go, go to your study!"

Zhu Yuanzhang went straight to the point at this time.

The father and son directly entered Zhu Biao's study, and at the same time asked Jiang Ying and others to guard outside, not allowing anyone to approach.

Looking at this battle, Zhu Biao also realized that what his father wanted to tell him was absolutely not simple!

Sure enough, when Zhu Yuanzhang said that yesterday's evening and dream deduced, Zhu Biao also showed a sudden look!

It should be that the old man saw some things happening in the future in his dream, and then thought of the eyes of the old man who just looked at Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai...

Shouldn't it be that these two goods did something bad in the future, so that the old man gave the unknown prophet?

But gradually, the more Zhu Biao listened, the more wrong he became!

The old man told what happened to his son Zhu Yunjiang when he became emperor in the future!

When he heard that Zhu Yunjiao had just taken the throne, after Fang Xiaozi, Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai were instigated to cut the domain, Zhu Biao's face suddenly changed!

He had a faint premonition in his heart.

But he did not interrupt Zhu Yuanzhang's words, but chose to continue listening!

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang talked about Zhu Bai, the king of Xiang, who died by self-immolation with his family because he was humiliated!

"This bastard beast, how dare he?"

Zhu Biao directly broke the defense at this moment, and the anger surged up in an instant!

Xiang King Zhu Bai is his Zhu Yunjiang's twelfth uncle, and he is still the same age as him, and he still plays together in the palace, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he grew up together!

If Zhu Yunjiang just deposed the title of the prince of the domain, Zhu Biao was not so angry!

But where is this shave?

This is clearly forcing those of his own uncles to death!

"Biao'er, what we want to talk about next may be a little strange, but don't get excited!"

Zhu Yuanzhang changed his words at this time, sighed a little helplessly, and gave Zhu Biao a preventive injection in advance!

"Could it be that Yun Jiao did something big against the grain?"

Zhu Biao's heart suddenly clicked!

What can actually make the old man explain so solemnly, and let himself not be excited?

"We also know one thing from Yun Jiao's life, that is, Lao Jiu is actually not dead, and in the end, he turned against Zhu Yunjiang like Lao Fourth! It is also called a beautiful name, Fengtian Jing difficulty, Qing Jun side! "

"Over the years, Lao Jiu has actually been deceiving to death, and has been secretly hiding to cultivate immortals!"

Zhu Yuanzhang explained slowly.

Zhu Biao: "..."


That's a bit informative!

Lao Jiu was actually fraudulent!

And in the end they rebelled!

The opposite is still his son Zhu Biao!

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