36: Lao Jiu still resents us Zhu Yuanzhang until death!

Zhu Yuanzhang really hadn't thought about this before!

First of all, I was stimulated by the matter of the blue jade case!

Immediately after that, there was the news that the second man was poisoned!

Imagine that the three brothers were all asserted by Lao Jiu to die young, and two of them really fulfilled, how much psychological pressure would they have to bear when it was the turn of the third head?

Such a sense of fear can directly destroy people!

Moreover, the blue jade case, to put it bluntly, is not something he must do in order to pave the way for the new monarch?

If Biao'er is dead, then Blue Jade, these arrogant and domineering Huaixi nobles, will definitely not be able to stay, and it will become inevitable that the heads of the court will roll!

[Since then, your physical condition has been getting worse and worse, until the thirty-first year of Hongwu, you suddenly fell seriously ill, and on the day of March 12, you finally couldn't support it, and died in the Taiyuan Jin Royal Mansion at the age of 41! ] 】

[After my father learned the news of your death, he was even more shocked and mourned, and gave the lord 'Gong', it was for King Gong of Jin! ] In the same year, you were buried on Black Camel Mountain, 10 kilometers southeast of Taiyuan City! 】

[The life of King Zhu Hui of Jin is over! ] 】

As the voice of the system fell, this deduction was over!

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the dragon bed!


The third elder, Zhu Huan, really died young!

This time, Zhu Yuanzhang already had a psychological expectation, and after experiencing the two stimuli of Zhu Biao and Zhu Shu, he also calmed down a lot, at least he would not be as gaffed or even fainted as the last two times!

But even so, such a fact still made Zhu Yuanzhang unacceptable!

Sure enough, just as Lao Jiu said before his death, all three of our Zhu Yuanzhang's sons died young!

"System, do you say that Lao Jiu really died young because he leaked too many heavenly machines, and as a result, he was punished by heaven before dying young?"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but ask about the national transport system.

He has now confirmed that Lao Jiu is indeed a person with great skills, and his Dao method has been cultivated to a very profound level!

How could such a person suddenly die violently?

If it is explained by heaven's punishment, it may make more sense!

[Sorry host, Han King Zhu Li's heavenly machine is blocked, and the system can't tell you this problem! ] 】

The explanation of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang only dry stare!

Although the national transport system could not give him a definite answer, Zhu Yuanzhang himself was more inclined to such a possibility!

Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain that Lao Jiu will actually die violently!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that the most sorry was Lao Jiu!

Lao Jiu estimated that he was still resentful of us for not trusting him until death, and he might be extremely cold until death!

As soon as he thought of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was a pang of colic!

It's a pity that Lao Jiu is already dead, even if she Zhu Yuanzhang wants to make up for it, there is no chance!

As soon as he remembered that after Lao Jiu died, the Yang family took the son of the Han king, Zhu Xianqiu, into Beijing to report his funeral, and when he came in from Xihuamen, the mother and son were so lonely and helpless, Zhu Yuanzhang's tears couldn't help but fall!

He is sorry for Lao Jiu, and he is sorry for the mother and son of Yang and Zhu Xiangqiu!

In the second half of his life, the only thing he Zhu Yuanzhang may be able to do is to count these debts and compensation on the body of Zhu Xianqiu, the son of the King of Han!

"Hongwu died of illness at the age of thirty-one years, which means that we can at least live until that time, at least until we are more than seventy years old!"

"We still have time to make up for the mistakes of that year, and we all have to make up for Qiu'er's grandson!"

Remembering that he still had at least six or seven years to live, Zhu Yuanzhang was slightly relieved!

Although our Zhu Yuanzhang is already a tardy old man, we still have the strength to do it!

We can't fall down so early, we must make up for Lao Jiu's family, we also have to find a qualified heir for Daming, and then personally help him to the throne!

Although he thought like this, when he thought of the end of his three sons, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was uncomfortable!

However, the situation of the third does not seem to need to worry too much!

Because Biao'er is still alive, the Blue Jade case will not happen for at least two or three years, so it is even more impossible to involve him!

And the fate of the second eldest has also been changed by us!

Change his fiefdom, just in Huai'an, it can be regarded as under our noses, so he won't be killed by three poisonous women again, right?

If none of this happens, there is no possibility that the third man will be afraid and affect his body!

Among these three brothers, the problem of the third is the easiest to handle, at most send a few more powerful imperial doctors to the Taiyuan Jin Royal Mansion, and help the third to adjust his body on weekdays!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's originally hanging heart can be regarded as letting go a lot.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang obviously didn't have much intention of going to the early dynasty!

Early in the morning, Zhu Yuanzhang came to the imperial garden, followed by the crown prince Zhu Biao.

The father and son walked together, and at the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang was also telling Zhu Biao about the dream life of the third man deduced last night.

After learning that the third elder, Zhu Huan, would also die young as Lao Jiu said before his death, Zhu Biao was even more shocked.

Even if you are mentally prepared, you can't help but be surprised when you get confirmation!

Fortunately, Zhu Huan's situation is better than that of him and his second eldest son, and at present, there should be no problem!

After the fate of him and the second eldest was changed, the fate of the third eldest was also changed!

"Father, if the sons and daughters... Will you really get rid of Lan Yu and their gang of Huaixi Xungui? "

Zhu Biao's heart was somewhat unpleasant.

After all, Lan Yu, this group of Huaixi nobles, can also be regarded as the iron support of his Zhu Biao, a proper princeling!

It is said that people go to tea and cold, he Zhu Biao just died, the old man in order to pave the way for the new monarch, he slaughtered the blue jade and them, is it too unkind?

"If there really was a day, we would do that!"

"Don't complain about us, we can't help it!"

"Unless the future new monarch can suppress the arrogant generals of Blue Jade, otherwise..."

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally knew what Zhu Biao was thinking, this prince is good at everything, but sometimes it is too easy to be kind!

This is true for their own brothers, and for the officials below!

This is also the reason why the Manchu Dynasty is looking forward to the crown prince Zhu Biao being able to ascend the throne as soon as possible and become emperor!

When Zhu Biao became the emperor, it was possible for them to live a good life!

Of course, this is also the effect that Zhu Yuanzhang has been deliberately pursuing!

He wants to let Zhu Biao, the prince, ascend the throne and become the expectation of everyone!

He Zhu Yuanzhang has already done this, but who would have thought that Zhu Biao would actually die young?

He can't wait for the day when he ascends the throne!

................... The dividing line........................

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