37: We have a more suitable candidate for emperor than the fourth old!

Looking at Zhu Biao at this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was also full of mixed feelings.

Now Zhu Biao's face is getting better and better, and when he just returned from the northwest, it is simply like two people!

Every day when he had time, Zhu Yuanzhang always asked about Zhu Biao's physical condition and took him for a walk in the imperial garden.

However, unlike Zhu Biao's getting better and better, Zhu Yuanzhang has obviously become much haggard in recent days, and he looks even more muddy!

Zhu Biao, the big filial son, naturally saw it in his eyes, and also hurt in his heart.

He knew that the old man became like this because he was worried about the affairs of their brothers, and at the same time he was moved in his heart, he also had a deep sense of powerlessness!

Because in this regard, he couldn't help the old man at all, but could only let the old man try his best to help him!

Only if he lives and lives better can the old man really rest assured, right?

"In our life, the corpse mountain and the sea of blood have killed all the way and established the current Daming! We are accustomed to life and death, look down on human nature, but what we can't face is the life and death of our own family! "

"First our good grandson, then it's our sister's turn, your bitter mother, and then Lao Ten Zhu Tan, followed by Lao Jiu Zhu Que, and Lao Eight Zhu Zi!"

"We've got through it all!"

"But we will also feel bad in our hearts!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a bitter face, with endless exhaustion in his voice!

Looking at the old man's appearance, Zhu Biao was even more panicked!

The white-haired person sending the black-haired person, the old man has not experienced it, Hongwu's twenty-two years is that the two sons are gone within a year!

First the old ten zhutan, and then the old nine zhu oak!

Immediately after the twenty-third year of Hongwu, it was Zhu Zi, the king of Tan!

It is worth mentioning that Zhu Zi, the king of Tan, died by self-immolation with the princess because he was involved in the Hu Weiyong case!

Princess Tan's brother Yu Hu was implicated in it, and although Yu Xian, the father of the princess, was dead, he was also chased to Hu Weiyong's remnant party because of his son!

At this moment, Zhu Zi couldn't sit still, just like Zhu Hui who deduced before, his own princess's family was involved in a big case, for fear that the old man would blame his own head, and even make a fuss!

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang also specially arranged for an envoy to go to the Tan King Mansion to comfort Zhu Zi, let him relax, and also summoned him to the palace!

As a result, it was bad to summon him to the palace, and it made Zhu Zi, the king of Tan like a frightened bird, almost frightened, and finally directly took the princess and died by self-immolation, only twenty-two years old!

Also because Zhu Zi, the king of Tan, did not have any heirs when he died, the fengguo and title were also directly removed!

To put it bluntly, this product is scared to death!

This situation is too similar to everything that was going to happen to the third man!

No, to be precise, it should be everything that was going to happen to the third man, too much like a replica of everything that happened to Zhu Zi!

However, the third is undoubtedly lucky, and now it seems that there is no need to repeat the mistakes of the past!

In addition, the cause of death of Old Ten Zhu Tan is exactly the same as Old Jiu Zhu Oak in name!

Because the old ten Zhu Tan is because of the pursuit of immortality, obsessed with elixirs, and finally died of drugs!

Under such circumstances, followed by another old nine!

You wonder if Zhu Yuanzhang could stand it at that time!

When he learned the news of Lao Jiu's sudden violent death, Zhu Yuanzhang was originally very sad, but after hearing that Lao Jiu took pills to kill himself, he immediately exploded!

But now that the misunderstanding has gradually been solved, whether it is Zhu Yuanzhang or Zhu Biao, they both know that Lao Jiu is indeed capable, and the situation with Lao Ten Zhu Tan is completely different!

Fortunately, Lao Jiu's situation is much better than Lao Ba Zhu Zi!

At least one more son Zhu Xianqiu can inherit his Han King title, so that he will not be cut off after this vein is broken!

And Zhu Zi, the king of Tan, is directly extinct!

Not counting the eldest Zhu Biao, the second Zhu Shu and the third Zhu Tang, he Zhu Yuanzhang has already sent away his three sons when he lived to this age!

The result of this white-haired person sending a black-haired person is not something that anyone can bear!

As a result, this national transport system told him that his eldest, second and third eldest would also die young one after another, that is, when he Zhu Yuanzhang was alive, he would send away his six sons!

This is undoubtedly a huge psychological blow to Zhu Yuanzhang!

This is also the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang's state has become so poor!

But fortunately, Prince Zhu Biao, and the second Zhu Shu have changed their fate, and even the fate of the third Zhu Zhu has basically changed!

The only thing that is uncertain is whether Zhu Biao will have other ways to continue his life in the future!

After all, this semi-finished life extension pill can only guarantee that he will live for two and a half more years!

According to the time calculation, that is, around October of the twenty-seventh year of Hongwu!

"Biao'er, if... For the time being, if we die one day, and you as the prince also die, where should this great Ming Dynasty go? "

"If the second and third elders are also gone according to the system, then the fourth Yan King of Beiping will have any thoughts about our position?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly turned to Zhu Biao and asked at this time.

Things have happened for so long, he has always avoided talking to Zhu Biao about similar topics before, but now Zhu Biao's state has also improved a lot, and this topic has never been avoided!

Choosing a suitable person to take Zhu Biao's position was the result that Zhu Yuanzhang was unwilling to face, but he had to do it!

But if he really wanted to do this, he would like to be able to involve Zhu Biao himself!

It is best to choose someone that Zhu Biao can also identify with to inherit his position!

However, Zhu Yuanzhang's question is really difficult to answer for Zhu Biao!

If their three oldest brothers died, then only the fourth Zhu Di and the fifth Zhu Yi were left among the concubines!

And Zhu Yu is also a man of letters, intoxicated with medical Tao, let him be a doctor, it is basically no drama to be an emperor, and he himself will not have such great ambitions!

Therefore, among their five concubines, only the old fourth Yan King Zhu Di is the most suitable position!

Moreover, the fourth Zhu Di himself can be regarded as both civil and martial, and he should also be able to take on a big responsibility and be alone!

"Father, the sons and daughters feel that if the three of us who are brothers are gone, it is a matter of course that it will be the turn of the fourth elder!"

"After all, the rules for establishing a concubine are also set by you, and at that time, he will also be the eldest son who is still alive among the kings of the Daming Domain!"

"And the fourth elder also has this ability!"

Zhu Biao pondered for a long time before he slowly spoke.

"Wrong! We have a more suitable candidate than the fourth old! "

Zhu Yuanzhang directly interrupted Zhu Biao's words, slowly shook his head and said.

................... The dividing line........................

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