25: King Zhu Shu of Qin actually died young!

What do these brocade guards eat?

The two clan kings are close in private, and they are about to wear a pair of pants!

However, the situation that he Zhu Yuanzhang knew was limited, and it was only some superficial things!

For example, the two people worked together to build salt merchants, and also built a cement road from Hanzhong Province directly to Xi'an Province!

It is impossible for Zhu Yuanzhang not to know such a thing, after all, it is definitely impossible to hide it!

Moreover, this cement road is the width of four parallel cars, and it is also the most spacious and convenient road in the entire northwest region, which can be regarded as a project that benefits the country and the people!

Zhu Yuanzhang even planned to let Hanzhong also contract the cement road in Daming in the future, and this cost is too big, Hanzhong has not been willing to let go, plus the Hubu side has been crying poverty, so it has been delayed until now, and this road construction has not progressed!

No way, the officials of the household department belong to the iron rooster, and the national treasury has always only entered and exited!

The amount of money it takes to build a road is so much that it's an astronomical amount!

After all, if he Zhu Yuanzhang wants to build a cement road, it is not like Hanzhong to Xi'an, but the entire state capital of Daming must be built!

The officials of Hubu felt that the King of Han was rich, and even thought about letting Hanzhong give away most of the money for road construction!

But this is certainly something impossible!

Let the Hanzhong side take the big lead and be responsible for building roads for the entire Daming?

Then the common people of Hanzhong Mansion don't have to eat?

However, if such a cement road can be built between Lao Jiu and Lao Er, it is enough to see that the relationship between the two brothers is still very close!

And if you think about it, you can actually understand!

After all, the second and the ninth are not only brothers, but also formed a friendship on the battlefield!

Sometimes people born and died together will make you trust more than your own brothers!

Just like Xu Da, Tang He, Chang Yuchun and others back then!

Thinking like this, Zhu Yuanzhang was not so angry in his heart, he was mainly depressed that these two stinky boys actually had secret contact in private, making it look like they didn't dare to see people!

Especially Lao Jiu!

He always felt that Lao Jiu seemed to have been deliberately hiding something?

Originally, in the deduction, the King of Qin, Zhu Shu, only had a very close relationship with the King of Han, Zhu Li, and he met frequently, and there was nothing for Zhu Yuanzhang!

As long as these two sons get together and don't discuss how to create his rebellion, can he, who is an old man, really do what his own son does because of this matter?

But the next picture made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned again!

Because he saw that after the two met in private again, Lao Jiu Zhu Li actually gave Lao Jiu Zhu Shu some pills before leaving!

What kind of elixir it is, it is not explicitly said, but in the picture, Zhu Shu seems to have known that Lao Jiu is a truly capable Taoist master!

Obviously, the second elder also knows a lot about Lao Jiu!

Even more than his eldest brother Zhu Biao knew!

Seeing that the second elder Zhu Shu also carefully put away those pills given by Lao Jiu, and would always carry them with him, treating them like treasures, Zhu Yuanzhang affirmed his guess!

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was shocked!

On this second old, there is actually a pill given by Lao Jiu!

And there are not many pictures of dreams, who knows if Lao Jiu only gave Lao Jiu such a pill?

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang was a little unsure!

Zhu Shu is now being detained by him in his introspection residence!

When you turn back, you must ask this kid clearly!

[However, accidents always come very suddenly, when Hongwu was twenty-two years old, you suddenly got the news of the violent death of King Zhu Li of Han! ] There are rumors that he smashed his elixir to death, but you scoffed! 】

[If you think about it, the death of King Zhu Li of Han must have other hidden secrets, but you can't talk about such a thing! ] 】

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart moved even more when he saw this!

Oh, yes!

Since Lao Jiu is a Taoist master, he does have the true ability to refine pills, and the refined pills can help Zhu Biao continue his life!

How could he possibly eat his own elixir to death?

Now thinking back to the cause of death nine or three years ago, it seems that another thick fog has begun to shroud!

[Not long after King Han's sudden violent death, you received your father's will, perhaps because you have performed well in recent years, and you yourself are still the second son, so your father directly appointed you as a sect order, and led the Zongren Mansion to manage the affairs of the royal family! ] 】

[You are very happy in your heart, knowing that your father's attitude towards you has finally begun to change! ] However, before you can be happy, the East Window incident in the twenty-fourth year of Hongwu happened, and this time my father was angry and directly recalled you to Yingtianfu, and sent the crown prince Zhu Biao, that is, your eldest brother to tour Xi'an Mansion! 】

[You spent several months in Yingtianfu's introspection residence, and it wasn't until Hongwu was twenty-five years old that you were released under the intercession of Zhu Biao, the eldest brother who returned to Yingtian, and was able to return to the fiefdom! ] 】

[And this time, you have finally learned a lot, and what you do on weekdays has begun to converge! ] 】

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but sigh!

It seems that this time summoning the second elder to return to Beijing for a few months still has an effect!

At least this kid has realized the mistake in his body, and he also knows to converge after returning to the fiefdom!

[In March of the 28th year of Hongwu (1395), you accidentally ate three poisonous women and died of food poisoning from poison, and the princess of Qin was martyred, and your eldest son, Zhu Shangbing, the king of Qinyin, inherited your title! ] 】

[However, because of what you did during your life, your father was very sad, although he also punished the poisonous woman who killed you, he also scolded you for dying, and gave you a funeral ceremony "stunned". 】

[This is the end of the deduction! ] 】

Zhu Yuanzhang was dumbfounded!

What kind of stuff?

Before he saw that the second eldest was in good health, there were no major diseases, and even minor illnesses were rare!

What's more, he also had the elixir that Lao Jiu gave him, so he let go of his heart!

As a result, the final ending was actually poisoned by three poisonous women!?

"Second !!"

"Our second eldest actually died!!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly woke up from his dream!

How is this possible?

How dare those poisonous women?

Aren't we afraid that we will know the Nine Tribes?

Zhu Yuanzhang was really furious this time!

He was the Hongwu Emperor, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

Although he is close to the people and loves the people like a son, he is also a very partial person, especially for his family, which is notoriously partial!

Even if Zhu Shu is heinous, it is his own son!

I was actually poisoned alive!

When he woke up, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly burst out, didn't even wear shoes, and directly got up and quickly pushed open the door of the dormitory!

"Summon us that rebel son of King Qin!"

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang was angry!

................... The dividing line........................

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