24: King Zhu Shu of Qin was actually calmed by Lao Jiu!

Soon, that intense drowsiness hit again!

After the first deduction process, Zhu Yuanzhang's second deduction can be regarded as a familiar road!

[Qin King Zhu Shu's dream life duration: 40 minutes! ] 】

[The deduction officially begins...].

In the hazy dream, the system's prompt sounded again!

And everything in front of Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes began to become gradually clearer!

40 minutes?

It's a little more than the standard, but it's not much!

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang saw this duration, he immediately had a feeling of egg pain!

According to the urine nature of the previous deduction, the system will summarize everything that happened from birth to the deducted target, and also play many details!

Although the second kid does some bullshit things, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, there should be a record!

According to the system, although the national fortune value is linked to the influence of the target person, both good influence and negative influence are also influence!

With the second eldest who can toss his temperament, I am afraid that the things recorded in the dream life must be indispensable!

But why is time so short?

[In November of the sixteenth year of Yuan to Zheng, you were born in Jiqing, which is later Yingtianfu! ] Your father is Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the later Daming, and your biological mother is the Empress Ma of the later Daming! 】

[You are the second son, because above you, there is also an eldest brother Zhu Biao, who is more than a year older than you! ] And in the next few years, you have three more mothers, a total of five brothers, and you are the second oldest! 】

As the dream life of the King of Qin Zhu Shu began to advance, Zhu Yuanzhang also got his wish and saw Empress Ma again!

Even if he couldn't have any communication and interaction with his sister in this dream life, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were still red, and he couldn't help but throb in his heart!

Although this is just a dream deduction, this dream and my own dreams are two different things!

Everything you see in front of you is too real, as if the young queen Ma can touch it by reaching out!

But when Zhu Yuanzhang really wanted to reach out and try to touch, he found that everything, including Empress Ma herself, was like an illusion, and could directly penetrate his palm!

"Girl! We...... I really miss you! "

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was full of bitterness, and he said to himself unwillingly.

[In the third year of Hongwu, he has already ascended the throne in Yingtianfu as emperor's father, and at the same time canonized a total of nine of your brothers as lords of the domain, and when you each become an adult, you will go to the fiefdom to become a domain! ] 】

[And you have been smart since you were a child, Yan Yi and heroic, so that your father was very satisfied with you, left the best fief Xi'an Mansion to you, and named you the first King of Qin of Daming! ] 】

When he saw this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but nod.

When Hongwu was three years old, he started with the second Zhu Shu and continued to the tenth Zhu Tan!

At that time, Old Ten Zhu Tan had only been born for two months!

As for the eldest Zhu Biao, Hongwu had already been canonized as the crown prince by him in the first year, so naturally he didn't need to be canonized again like his nine brothers!

[In May of the eleventh year of Hongwu, you who were still training the guards in Fengyang Mansion with King Zhu Di of Jin and Zhu Di the King of Yan received an order from the imperial court, and at the same time as the third Zhu Hui were in the fiefs of Xi'an and Taiyuan Provinces! ] 】

[And after you arrived in Xi'an Mansion, you exposed your true nature, and without the shackles of your father, you began to run amok and do evil in the fiefdom! ] After learning about these things, my father reprimanded you, but you did not think so, and there was a tendency to become more serious! 】

The corners of Zhu Yuanzhang's mouth twitched unconsciously!

This is completely taking our words as Lao Tzu as a wind on deaf ears?

Think that the Heavenly High Emperor is far away, and we can't control his head?

This is the rhythm of completely letting go of yourself!

Even if these things had already happened, Zhu Yuanzhang knew it, and he had reprimanded Zhu Shu for this, but now looking back, he still couldn't help but be angry!

[You began to build civil fortifications in the Qin King Mansion, labor the people and lose money, such a disobedience to your father's orders also attracted a reprimand from your father again! ] 】

[In order to curry favor with Concubine Deng, you even bullied his wife Wang Shi with him, and imprisoned her, giving her only some leftovers and rotten fruits on weekdays! ] 】

[You also tortured the palace people with Deng for pleasure, and in order to please Deng, you also exceeded the etiquette system, gave her a service that only the queen can wear, and carved your bed with a five-clawed golden dragon! ] 】

[After my father learned the news, he directly ordered the death of the Deng family in a fit of anger, hoping that this would make you wake up and change your past mistakes! ] 】

When he saw this, Zhu Yuanzhang also sighed helplessly!

Hate iron is not steel!

[You seem to have converged a lot since then, but secretly you still can't change your nature, bullying the people happens from time to time, and if someone goes to Beijing to file a complaint, they will be intercepted by you halfway and directly disposed of! ] 】

Unfilial son!

How dare this villain?

Not to mention, Zhu Yuanzhang really didn't know about the matter of robbing and killing the common people who filed a complaint in Beijing halfway, otherwise he wouldn't have let Zhu Shu, this kid, still have been idle for so many years!

This is simply killing people's lives!

Even if you torture people in the palace, you dare to kill the lives of ordinary people?

[In the nineteenth year of Hongwu, in the Hanzhong Mansion, not far from your fief, there was another clan king! ] This time it was your half-brother Zhu Li who came to be your neighbor! 】

Old Nine!

Before Zhu Yuanzhang could get angry, he suddenly saw the news about Lao Jiu Zhu Oak, and his expression moved again!

[At first, you can still play majesty in front of your younger brother as the second brother, and when the Vara Tatar went south to fight the grass valley, you still wanted to compete with this young clan king for military merit! ] 】

[However, what you didn't expect was that on the battlefield, your ninth brother seemed to have changed as a person, as if he was a god of war who fell from the sky, and even the state after the killing began, even you felt palpitations! ] 】

Zhu Yuanzhang is angry and funny!

This second old man was actually calmed by Lao Jiu!

[Once you and the Han King Zhu Li sent troops to deal with the Walla people going south, and you were almost surrounded by the enemy and almost injured your life, but at the critical moment, your ninth brother was like a divine soldier descending from the sky, saving you from under the knife of the Vara people! ] 】

[Since then, you have completely changed your opinion of this ninth brother, and while you are full of gratitude to him, you are also quite admired! ] 】

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was full of surprise!

What's going on?

Did these brothers still have such a dangerous situation on the battlefield?

Why didn't he know anything?

Or did both of their brothers consciously hide it and did not report it to the imperial court?

................... The dividing line........................

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