42: Dingjun Mountain Zixia shocked the world, and the King of Han appeared?

Now the development of Hanzhong Mansion is basically in the hands of the Yang family alone!

For Yang, this workload is still quite large, enough for her to be busy every day!

What is rare is that she also has to take enough time to accompany and educate her son Zhu Xianqiu!

After returning from the factory, Yang went directly into the study, and also had to check the account books sent by the porcelain factory and the glass factory!

Today, the largest industries in Hanzhong are salt, porcelain, glass, cement and red bricks!

The first three are consumables, but the cement and red bricks in the back are necessities for infrastructure!

For example, the salt industry does not need Yang to worry too much, because this technology for refining refined salt is only available in Hanzhong House, and it is also directly cooperated with the imperial court, and thirty percent of the refined salt of Hanzhong Prefecture every year must be provided to the imperial court, so that the imperial court can seize a certain market share.

To put it simply, only thirty percent of the refined salt in Hanzhong is operated by the Han King Mansion, and the other benefits are all distributed!

It is precisely because of this that the salt industry in Hanzhong can continue to develop without being seen by others, especially the imperial court!

In addition, such as porcelain and glass products, these are also high-end luxury!

When the Yang family first wanted to start this luxury brand made in Hanzhong, they consciously linked it directly to the royal family of the Zhu family!

For example, a high-grade porcelain cup produced is divided into five grades!

Imperial suit!

Gonghou suit!

The best set!

Boutique set!

Standard set!

The first two just look at the name, you know that it is not for the emperor or for the prince general, and the grade is directly full at once!

If you want to create the image of a luxury brand, what faster way than directly related to the royal family?

Moreover, the imperial suit and the prince suit are both special grades, and the things that can only be used by this specific group of people are also the best products that ordinary people cannot buy with money!

And what really does not set a threshold is the three grades of excellent, boutique and standard!

As long as you can get the money, you can sell it directly!

Don't look at your identity, just money!

Ordinary dignitaries, although they can't buy the level of emperors and princes, but holding the ultimate suit can also play the effect of pretending to compare!

The richer the person, the more he loves face!

They have subconsciously regarded the use of this cup made in Hanzhong as a symbol of status!

Who let the cup made in Hanzhong be used even by the emperor and the prince?

I have to say that Yang has read a lot of modern economics books, and this marketing strategy is still quite successful!

And the business of porcelain and glass products in Hanzhong is naturally getting better and better, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as daily jin doujin!

Even Zhu Li once praised that the Yang family is born to rush the material, and he can learn it as soon as he learns!

Until he finished his trivial matters, Yang put down the pen in his hand and thought of going to the study next door to see how Zhu Xianqiu was studying today.

For Zhu Xiangqiu's daily studies, Yang Shi can also be regarded as dedicated!

No matter how busy she is, she has to find time to teach!

"Report! Princess Wang, a purple light suddenly appeared on Dingjun Mountain! "

"Visual inspection stretches for at least ten miles!"

Just as Yang Shi opened the door, someone hurriedly came to report, with a thick shocked look on his face!

As soon as Yang Shi heard this, his face suddenly changed!

The main thing is that this place of Dingjun Mountain is too sensitive!

She also knew that Zhu Li practiced in the Taoist Temple on weekdays, no matter what things he refined, or when he refined his own realm, he would produce a certain vision of heaven and earth!

But this time, the plane of heaven and earth vision is also a little too big, right?

The purple light that stretched for at least ten miles covered the sky?

And at this moment, the Hanzhong Mansion has completely boiled!

The vision in the sky in the direction of Dingjun Mountain was soon discovered, and countless people began to pour into the streets, all beginning to marvel at such a scene!

Looking at the sky above Dingjun Mountain, above the clouds, there was a purple light, like a spectacle, which also amazed everyone!

Yang Shi also quickly came to the courtyard, and his beautiful eyes looked in the direction of Dingjun Mountain!

When she saw that the purple light in the sky was still pervasive, a flash of worry flashed in the depths of her eyes!

Such a big movement, I am afraid that everyone is shocked!

This may not be a good thing for Zhu Li!

"Is this the Father's manifestation?"

At this moment, Zhu Xianqiu also ran into the courtyard of the palace, looked at the direction of Nadingjun Mountain, and asked in an excited tone.

Although he didn't know about Zhu Li's fraudulent death, he knew that his father was buried on Dingjun Mountain!

And the place where the purple light appeared was in the Dingjun Mountain!

For his father, Zhu Xianqiu's impression is already very vague, after all, he was only two years old back then, plus the passage of these three years, he can't even fully remember his father's appearance!

And what makes Zhu Xianqiu remember the most is when his father just died, and his mother Yang took him to Beijing to report his funeral!

That almost became a scene that Zhu Xianqiu could not forget for the rest of his life!

Especially the old man in the dragon robe, who should have been an incomparably majestic existence, but in the face of their mother and son, his mouth was crying about Lao Jiu, and Zhou Guifei, who cried until he fainted!

But the old man in the dragon robe later learned that his father died because of drugs, and he threw things in anger!

Even if Zhu Boxingqiu was not yet old enough to remember, that scene was clearly imprinted in his mind!

At that time, Zhu Xiangqiu was still not sensible, and he didn't know what his father's death meant to him!

It wasn't until three years later that he grew up!

After Zhu Xianqiu began to understand things, he knew what it was like to lose his father!

And he finally understood that the old man who was wearing a dragon robe and had teary eyes back then was his imperial grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang!

After that, he inherited the title of King of Han, and he was surrounded by servant guards every day!

I also lived a worry-free life every day, and received the best education!

Even those who were usually high-ranking gentry must obediently kneel and salute after seeing him!

However, deep in Zhu Xiqiu's heart, he hoped that his father was still alive!

He has an instinctive dependence and yearning for his father!

He began to learn about his father from Yang's mouth, understand what kind of person his father was, and also wanted to follow his father's example!

Of course, the Yang family did not tell Zhu Xianqiu about Zhu Li's cultivation path!

Unless Zhu Li has the idea of letting Zhu Xianqiu cultivate in the future, this kind of thing cannot be easily immersed in it, so as not to take a detour!

"That's right, it's indeed your father who has appeared!"

Yang Shi looked at Zhu Xianqiu with a complicated face, reached out and touched his little head, and said softly.

................... The dividing line........................

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