43: In the realm of real people, King Zhu Li of Han is a peerless master!

This vision of heaven and earth must have been made by Zhu Li!

If you want to say that it is the vermilion oak manifestation, there is actually nothing wrong with it!

Yang's heart was also curious, what happened in Dingjun Mountain?

Or did Zhu Li break through his own realm again?

But in any case, this is undoubtedly good news, and it also means that the day when the family will live a normal life is not too far away!

She only hopes to be able to live with Zhu Li and Zhu Xianqiu like a normal family of three!

Of course, the Yang family also knows that with Zhu Li's urine sex that can be closed for ten days and a half a month at every turn, even if she doesn't have to hide it anymore, she doesn't have to cheat to death anymore, and there is definitely not much time to really accompany her and her son all the time!

But at least I don't have to see my husband again, I have to hide, and I am careful for fear that I will be discovered, right?

Although this vision of heaven and earth is likely to expose some things and bring some trouble to Zhu Li, it is also good news!

It's one step closer to the kind of life you want!

To Yang, she is also a woman, an ordinary woman!

She also wants to be like other women, marry and follow her husband and live with her husband in peace!

She is not as strong as she seems!

She also longs to be pampered by her husband all the time!

It's just that the current situation does not allow her to expect this, so she can only choose to wait and wait for that day to come as soon as possible!

It was also because of the vision that appeared in Dingjun Mountain that a large number of unknown people began to gather in this direction.

Some people want to enter Dingjun Mountain to see what happened!

Fortunately, the range of Dingjun Mountain has long been stationed by the Hanzhong Army!

And after this vision of heaven and earth appeared, Geng Qing, Qin Wu and the others had already controlled the entire Dingjun Mountain at the fastest speed, not allowing any common people to approach!

"Qin Qianhu, is the situation of Dingjunshan today to be reported to the imperial court in time?"

That Liu Baihu of Jinyiwei appeared at Qin Wu's side at this moment, looking at the purple light in the sky above Dingjun Mountain, with a touch of shock in his eyes!

"This vision of Dingjun Mountain has not only been seen by you and me, but also by all the common people in Hanzhong, and it must be impossible to hide it! If you don't report it, it won't be long before you'll be in trouble! "

"Just report it directly and truthfully, His Highness will naturally have a way to deal with it!"

Qin Wu pondered for a moment, then instructed Liu Baihu.

When Liu Baihu heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

If he had to hide it, or delay the time for the imperial court to know the news, then he could only risk it, but once the East Window incident happened, maybe all of them, the brocade guards in the Hanzhong, would be unlucky!

It's not that they are afraid of death, but if something happens to them, the imperial court will definitely send other brocade guards over, maybe it will spoil the Han King's big thing!

Since it can be reported truthfully, there is no need to think about it so much, and there is no risk of exposure!

"You say, what is His Highness doing on the mountain?"

"The movement made by this retreat is also a little too big, right?"

Yang Hui looked at the location of the Dingjun Mountain at this time, and asked with a hint of envy in his tone.

"Could it be that His Highness has really become an immortal? Such a vision of heaven and earth does not seem to be possessed by mortals! "

Qin Wu guessed even more exaggeratedly.

"Don't guess, it's not reliable at all!"

"What happened, when His Highness withdrew the big array, you will know when you go in and ask!"

Geng Qing directly interrupted the speculation of the two and solemnly reminded.

They are guarding outside, not because they are afraid that there will be ordinary people who do not know the truth to really break into Dingjun Mountain, mainly because they are afraid that the isolation array set up by Zhu Li, once triggered by those ordinary people, it will not be good if any deaths and injuries are caused!

When Zhu Li had not yet withdrawn the Great Array, not to mention ordinary people, even the three of them could not enter Dingjun Mountain!

Inside the Dingjun Mountain, in the Taoist Temple!

Zhu Li, who had been sitting cross-knee for several days, finally opened his eyes!

At this moment, a clear stream was flowing into his dantian, and his sea of qi was expanding I don't know how many times than before!

At this moment, he has broken through to the realm of real people!

"Finally it worked!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Zhu Li's face showed a look of satisfaction.

Now his power is obviously much higher and deeper than before, and sure enough, the realm and heaven of the cultivator are not just talking about fun!

Walking out of the Taoist Temple, Zhu Li looked at the purple light clouds shrouded in the sky, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Thanks to him, he had specially arranged an isolation array before, but he didn't expect it to cause such a vision!

I'm afraid that the entire Hanzhong Mansion people have seen it, right?

"It's just breaking through the realm of a real person, and actually made such a big move!" In the future, if you really want to break through to the realm of the Heavenly Master, you can't send down a thunder tribulation to help you? "

Zhu Li couldn't help but let out a sigh!

He had never seen such a vision even himself, and today was the first time!

Zhu Li was also not sure if there was anyone like him in this world!

But the realm of real people, even in the records of ancient books, seems to have not appeared for about two hundred years!

He used to look for many strange and strange priests, such as many Taoist priests, all of whom are real Taoists, the kind that have orthodox Daoism, but unfortunately their realm is not high!

Moreover, often the really capable masters have always cared least about the interests of the mortal world, they seem to prefer to live in seclusion, hide in the deep mountains and old forests, and enjoy their pure and unwilling monastic life!

Of course, there are exceptions!

For example, some hidden masters who have also been recorded in many wild histories hide in the deep mountains and old forests when the world is peaceful, and when the world is in chaos, they jump out and help the so-called destiny people fight the world, so as to earn some vested interests!

Like Liu Ji Liu Bowen, who followed the old man at the beginning, this is almost the nature!

It's just that Liu Bowen's Taoism is really not enough to see here in Zhu Li!

This sincere uncle is not a cultivator of the Eight Classics!

There is another one, that Daoyan monk beside Yan King Zhu Di!

This monk, commonly known as Yao Guangxiao, is proficient in what the three schools of Confucianism and Taoism have learned, and it is not sure how profound Zhu Li is, but it is not a general, barely half a master!

And this Yao Guangxiao should also have some Qi Huang techniques, give people a look, estimate a fortune or something, there should be no big problem!

Of course, Yao Guangxiao's little deeds are really not enough to see in front of Zhu Li, and he is not a real master!

................... The dividing line........................

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