41: Yang's contribution to the development of Hanzhong!

Hearing Qin Wu's words, Yang Shi shook his head and smiled bitterly!

"It would be a good thing if we could really prepare the Hanzhong Army in large quantities, but unfortunately the current production of rubber is limited, and the rubber in our hands at present, even if all of them are used to make such slingshot guns, can only make up to three thousand!"

Yang's words were a little helpless, but this is only temporary, after all, there will be a steady stream of rubber sent to Hanzhong in the future!

If you want to equip the whole Han Chinese army, it is only a matter of time!

"I didn't expect this rubber to be so useful!"

"Only then did the last general understand His Highness's painstaking efforts to plant rubber trees in Yunnan!"

When Qin Wu heard this, he couldn't help but show admiration!

You must know that this rubber tree was planted by the King of Han and the Princess of Han five or six years ago!

In order to plant rubber trees, he also negotiated a lot of conditions with the Yunnan Mu family at that time and gave a lot of gifts!

At that time, most people felt that this was a loss-making transaction and were not optimistic!

Although Qin Wu and they would not doubt King Han's decision, they also had no concept of such a thing as rubber!

Now that he has seen the magic of rubber with his own eyes, it naturally makes Qin Wu admire Zhu Que even more!

Of course, Qin Wu was also full of admiration for the Yang family!

After all, such a weapon is not something that a woman can design casually!

It can only be said that the husband and wife of King Han and Princess Han, that is, a pair of demons, really not a family, do not enter a family!

Otherwise, how to say that people are husband and wife!

Yang's ability to design such a slingshot gun was something that Qin Wu never expected!

In ancient marching and fighting, it would be nice to have thousands of archers among an army of 100,000!

It's not that there is no way to make bows and arrows in large quantities, but the threshold for using bows and arrows is still relatively high!

The accurate head is secondary, because the bow and arrow can not be pulled by anyone, and it must be selected from the pawns with excellent arm strength!

You first have to have the power to pull the bow, and then you have to think about the accuracy!

Ancient archers can even be equated with modern snipers!

A sharpshooter is equivalent to a sharpshooter!

Many people think that the role of the ancient archer is to attack from a long range, and if close combat is definitely vulnerable, this understanding is absolutely wrong!

The archers are all existences with amazing arm strength, how can their combat effectiveness be poor?

In close combat, the average knife and axe player is not necessarily an opponent of an archer!

Of course, it is true that archers will be restrained by cavalry, especially spear cavalry!

For example, those nomads, not all of them can pull the three-stone bow, and the archers who can pull the three-stone bow are basically the core of the tribe, and basically belong to the role of the pro-army under the Great Khan's tent!

"In addition, the problem of craftsmen is also a trouble, mainly because there are not many craftsmen in our hands now, although the treatment of craftsmen has been greatly improved, and many craftsman apprentices have been recruited, but it also takes time to cultivate!"

Yang followed and added.

"The princess doesn't have to worry too much, the problem of craftsmen will be solved sooner or later!"

Hearing Yang's words, Qin Wu could only say with relief.

"I hope so!"

Yang nodded noncommittally.

In fact, it is not difficult to cultivate a group of people who are willing to work!

But it is not easy to cultivate that kind of industrial talent, and most craftsmen, even if they have the heart, may not be able to learn the techniques of later generations!

The main thing is to see whether the brain is flexible enough, whether it can quickly accept new things, and it requires strong learning ability!

So cultivating these talents is also a slow process!

Nowadays, no craftsman in Hanzhong is an absolute treasure for the Yang family, and the Yang family is also trying to improve their treatment as much as possible, so that they can invest in production and research without worries!

After Qin Wu tested the slingshot gun here, he left satisfied!

As for the follow-up mass production problem, it is really not urgent!

The Yang clan promised to get a thousand out first, and let the generals of the Hanzhong Army take turns to familiarize themselves with it, which is already very good!

And Yang can't use all the existing rubber in the production of slingshot guns!

She also has to think about the production of rubber tires!

For the cars and other means of transportation that only exist in modern society in later generations, Yang's eyes have been hungry for a long time!

She had also discussed this with Zhu Li!

In Zhu Li's words, even the steam engine has not yet been studied, and he wants to make an internal combustion engine, which is simply a fantasy, and there is no possibility at all!

Of course, although the diesel locomotive can't get it, it can still be done by directly replacing all the wheels of the existing carriage with the kind of tires of later generations!

It's just that rubber tires must be used on flat ground, otherwise they will easily wear out or even cut!

But now like Hanzhong Province, including Hanzhong Province to Xi'an Province, cement roads have been built, and it is absolutely no problem to run rubber tires!

With rubber tires, ordinary carriages can be easily pulled even with manpower, let alone pack horses!

To this end, Yang also began to design a luxury carriage, many elements are also borrowed from the concept of some luxury cars in later generations, and the use of rubber tires, but also equipped with shock springs!

This luxury carriage designed by Yang should be accurate to the concept of an RV in the modern society of later generations!

Even the interior of the carriage is tiled, as well as all kinds of decorations, tables and chairs, and everything that is needed for daily life and all kinds of decorations!

In addition, the business of ceramic tiles is currently a very hot industry in Hanzhong!

Since two years ago, Hanzhong has produced something called tiles, which is also the tile technology that Yang mastered after a period of hard study!

In addition to ceramic tiles, there is also glass firing technology!

Including glass products, they were luxury goods in ancient times!

After Yang produced both tiles and glass, she began to play with the brand conceptually, which are some of the methods she learned from modern books!

The reason why Han King Zhu Li chose to be close to the second Qin king Zhu Shu before his death was to be able to cooperate with the second old man to dig coal!

Because whether it is firing tiles or glass, a lot of coal is needed, and there is also coal in Hanzhong Province, but the amount is far from enough!

Even now, after the coal mines in Xi'an Prefecture came out, they were still transported along the cement road towards the Hanzhong side!

This is a mutually beneficial win-win situation!

But now that the King of Qin, Zhu Shu, has been changed to a fiefdom by the old man, I just don't know what will happen to Xi'an Mansion in the future!

If you change the clan king, I am afraid that you will have to re-establish some relations!

................... The dividing line........................

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