29: Princess Feng'an actually has a magic weapon on her body!

In the early dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang came to the imperial garden, and took the Qing Yuan Pill that Zhu Shu had dedicated to him and studied it carefully!

In fact, it is impossible for Zhu Yuanzhang to study anything, but just with the naked eye, it is ordinary and inconspicuous!

[The host does not need to doubt that this pill is indeed a Qingyuan pill, and it does have the effect of inhibiting all diseases and strengthening the body! ] 】

[This Qingyuan Pill can still prolong life for the host! ] 】

The voice of the national transport system sounded in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind!

However, when Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he slowly shook his head!

Isn't it a waste to give us food?

We are all people who have already stepped into the coffin with half a foot!

Besides, we Zhu Yuanzhang still have so many years to live!

Now it's only twenty-five years since Hongwu, and our bodies are still tough!

However, even if Biao'er took the semi-finished life extension pill given to him by Lao Jiu, he could only extend his life for two and a half years!

In fact, it is normal for Zhu Yuanzhang to think so, he is different from other emperors, and in his heart, his family can even be more important than himself!

Especially Prince Zhu Biao!

Strictly speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang is definitely a very qualified father!

"Let's not eat it, let's send this pill to Biao'er!"

"He needs this Qingyuan Dan more than we do!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he left the Royal Garden directly!

Before going to the East Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang first went to Princess Feng'an in the courtyard of Concubine Zhou!

Concubine Zhou is the biological mother of King Zhu Li of Han, and this Princess Feng'an is the sister of King Zhu Li of Han!

It's just that Princess Feng'an is only five years old now, the same size as Zhu Xiangqiu!

However, this little girl looks very attractive, and she is also one of the few spoiled little princesses of Zhu Yuanzhang!

Before Zhu Yuanzhang heard from the people below, Princess Feng'an was sick!

However, before that, he was worried about the situation of Prince Zhu Biao, and he never took time to take good care of his precious princess!

Just happened to pass by Renshou Palace along the way, so Zhu Yuanzhang came directly to see the situation of Princess Feng'an!

However, when she came to Renshou Palace, she saw that Princess Feng'an was already bouncing around in the courtyard!

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but be surprised!

Doesn't it mean that this girl is sick?

Does this look like you're sick?


Princess Feng'an didn't know this, and she didn't have so many ideas, and as soon as she saw Zhu Yuanzhang, she immediately came up excitedly!

The palace maids on the side hurriedly accompanied the left and right, for fear that Princess Feng'an, who was trotting all the way, would fall!

[This Princess Feng'an is not simple! ] The bracelet on her wrist is a very good Taoist magic weapon! 】

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang was a little puzzled, the voice of the national transport system sounded in his mind!

What's the thing?

The gold bracelet that the little girl was carrying on her wrist was actually a Taoist magic weapon?

Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze couldn't help but fall tightly on the gold bracelet on Princess Feng'an's wrist!

[The carrier of this magic weapon can clear the mind and awaken the brain, suppress all diseases, and have the Xuanhuang Qi of heaven and earth to protect the body, and the sword and gun are invulnerable! ] The person who refined this magic weapon must also be a Taoist master! 】

The national transport system followed suit.

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was even more surprised when he heard this!


Isn't that an exaggeration?

And is it possible that this master is a cabbage on a rotten street, grabbing a handful?

Could it be that this bracelet magic weapon was also from Lao Jiu's hand before his death?

"System, can this thing really be invulnerable when worn?"

Zhu Yuanzhang still asked with some disbelief.

[If the host doesn't believe it, you can take a knife and take a look! ] See if the host will directly eject out? 】

The national transport system gave Zhu Yuanzhang a seemingly pertinent suggestion!

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

He, Zhu Yuanzhang, has a hole in his brain to cut his five-year-old daughter with a knife, right?

"System, can we talk as reliably as possible?"

Zhu Yuanzhang reminded with some tears and laughter.

[Let's just say that in front of this magic bracelet, the so-called elixir is a bunch of mud balls! ] Ten semi-finished life extension pills are not as precious as this magic bracelet! 】

The subsequent explanation of the national transport system directly allowed Zhu Yuanzhang to break the defense!

The more Zhu Yuanzhang listened, the more shocked his heart became!

Because of his guidance, this golden bracelet originally belonged to Zhou Guifei!

All this time, he had seen Concubine Zhou wearing this golden bracelet on her body!

However, Concubine Zhou didn't seem to know that this golden bracelet would be so powerful, she only knew that it was given to her by her son!

And since the death of King Zhu Li of Han, this golden bracelet has become the only sustenance for Concubine Zhou to see things and think about her son!

On weekdays, Concubine Zhou is also very precious to this golden bracelet!

"Concubines supply Your Majesty, Your Majesty Holy Bow Jin'an!"

Concubine Zhou naturally saw Zhu Yuanzhang coming in a long time ago, but she came to Zhu Yuanzhang unhurriedly, and said slowly with a hint of reluctance in her tone.

It is obvious that at this moment, Concubine Zhou maintains a sense of alienation from Zhu Yuanzhang!

"Love the concubine, don't be polite!"

"By the way, Concubine, why is this golden bracelet on Mumu's hand?"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand, and then pointed to the golden bracelet on Princess Feng'an's hand and asked.

For Zhou Guifei's somewhat snub attitude, he didn't care, he just wanted to figure out about this magic bracelet now!

Mumu is the milk name of Princess Feng'an!

Wood is the character generation of Zhu Yuanzhang's sons, all sons' names must be accompanied by wooden characters, followed by the next generation, that is, wood gives birth to fire, fire gives birth to earth, native gold, gold gives birth to water, and the five elements are born in such a cycle!

This also represents Lao Zhu's importance and expectation for his descendants, and also hopes that the descendants of the Zhu family can circulate like the five elements!

Directly using wooden characters as the milk name of Princess Feng'an is enough to see Zhu Yuanzhang's love for this little princess!

"Li'er once said that this golden bracelet is still a talisman, and in recent years, the concubines have worn it on their bodies, and they really haven't been sick!"

"This time, after Mumu fell ill, the concubine held the mentality of trying it out and put this bracelet on her!"

"I didn't expect that after only half a day's effort, this girl is really all good!"

When Concubine Zhou explained, there was a hint of disbelief in her tone!

Obviously, she didn't expect that this golden bracelet would really have such a magical effect as Zhu Li said!

Of course, after explaining, she directly moved her gaze to other directions, not because Zhu Yuanzhang looked at each other!

In fact, the reason why Concubine Zhou Guifei had such a respectful attitude towards Zhu Yuanzhang was mainly because of Zhu Li, the king of Han!

The most important thing is that after his son died, Zhu Yuanzhang actually gave him a bad name, which has made Concubine Zhou Guifei angry all these years!

................... The dividing line........................

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