10: Goodbye before and after the violent death of King Zhu Li of Han!

The worst happened!

What Zhu Biao is most worried about is that Zhu Yuanzhang will start to kill again because of himself, and will increase the killing in vain and implicate more innocents!

Dying young is naturally the result that Zhu Biao does not want to face, but he also does not want to affect other innocent people because of his own affairs, and he does not want these people to be buried because of himself!

"Father... No..."

Zhu Biao is still trying to dissuade!

"Biao'er, don't say it, you will definitely be fine!"

"We have a way to cure you, you must hold on!"

"By the way, we still have the national fortune to add to it, we will definitely find a way to save you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly sounded at this time, he had just bound the Daming National Transport System!

This national transport system is so miraculous, there should be a way to save Zhu Biao!

However, after listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Zhu Biao just smiled bitterly and nodded, he thought that his father was comforting himself!

What kind of national fortune plus such things, that is, nonsense!

"Biao'er, you rest well first, Dad will definitely find a way to save you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Biao's appearance, his eyes gradually became hazy, and there was a trace of choking in his voice!

His heart was like 10,000 needles passing through, and the pain simply made him feel suffocated!

He was really afraid that Prince Zhu Biao would really leave him like this!

Zhu Yuanzhang stayed in the East Palace all day, and it was not until the evening that he left the East Palace and returned to his own dormitory!

Lying on the dragon bed, Zhu Yuanzhang's whole person seemed to be a few years older, and his white sideburns looked very helpless!

At this time, he was not like the Hongwu Emperor who killed decisively, but more like an ordinary father!

"System, didn't you say before, can we deduce these sons of ourselves?"

"After so many days, we also have 500 national fortune values, we want to deduce Biaoer's life, it should be enough, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang slowly asked the national transport system.

You can get 100 national fortune points every day when you check in, and deducing the royal heir requires a certain amount of national fortune value!

The amount of national transport value that everyone needs is still different!

[If the host wants to deduce the life of Prince Zhu Biao, he needs a national fortune worth of 288 points! ] 】

The national transport system directly gives a number!

"Isn't that enough? Let's deduce Biaoer's life now, let's start quickly! "

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang heard that he only needed 288 national fortune points to deduce Zhu Biao's life, he naturally chose to deduce without hesitation!

The most urgent thing for him now is to find out whether his prince will really die young, or is it just a false alarm this time, and everything will turn around?

[Deduct the host's 288 national fortune value! ] 】

[Prince Zhu Biao's dream life is loading...].

As the prompt of the national transport system sounded, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was already physically and mentally exhausted, suddenly felt a strong drowsiness hit him, and then closed his eyes and directly fell asleep!

But Zhu Yuanzhang was not really asleep!

Or that he is just physically asleep, but his consciousness is still awake!

[Duration of Prince Zhu Biao's deduction: 30 minutes! ] 】

[The deduction officially begins! ] 】

Immediately afterwards, a system prompt sounded in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind!

The originally very hazy dream picture also gradually became clear with this voice!

[On the fifth day of September in the fifteenth year of Yuan Zhizheng, you were born in the family of Chen Di, a merchant of Taiping, your father is Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the future Ming Dynasty, and your mother is the future Empress Ma of the Ming Dynasty! ] 】

[And when you were born, your father Zhu Yuanzhang was leading an army to attack Jiqing, and his father was even more happy after learning the news of your birth, and it didn't take long to directly take Jiqing, which is later Nanjing Yingtianfu! ] 】

[In the twenty years of Yuan Zhizheng, in order to cultivate you into a talent, my father invited the current Great Confucian Song Lian and others to teach you the scriptures, and received the most orthodox Confucian education! ] 】

[In the twenty-fourth year of Yuan Zhizheng, my father proclaimed himself the King of Wu in Yingtianfu, and established you, who was already nine years old, as the son of the King of Wu...].

After the picture gradually became clear, Zhu Yuanzhang saw a lot of everything that had happened!

The past scenes are so clearly staged in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, but they are all introductions made with Prince Zhu Biao as the protagonist!

There are many pictures that Zhu Yuanzhang only knows, but has never seen with his own eyes!

Especially in this dream picture, Zhu Yuanzhang could actually see Empress Ma, who had died of illness, again, which made his eyes instantly red!

"Girl! This is our girl! "

"When our girls were young, they were so good-looking!"

"Sister... We're heavy eight! Take a look at us... You..."

Looking at the figure of Empress Ma, who often appeared in the picture, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't hold back anymore!

However, no matter how he shouted, everything in the dream territory was still going according to order, and it was impossible for Empress Ma to hear his words Zhu Yuanzhang anymore!

[In the first year of Hongwu, the father who had annihilated Chen Youcheng and Zhang Shicheng basically unified the entire Jiangnan region, and ascended the throne as emperor in Yingtianfu, and at the same time, the two armies led by Xu Da and Chang Yuchun also swept north, preparing to destroy the Yuan court in one fell swoop and restore the Han family! ] 】

[And at this time, you were also crowned crown prince by your father, and your father also put most of his thoughts on the cultivation of you! ] Almost all of your East Palace team are founding honoraries, and they can be called the most luxurious prince team in history! 】

[In the fourth year of Hongwu, you and Chang Yuchun's daughter...].

Looking at everything that had happened to Zhu Biao, Zhu Yuanzhang unconsciously showed a knowing smile!

This is the prince Zhu Biao that he has spent his efforts to cultivate, the son who satisfies him the most!

[In the thirteenth year of Hongwu, your half-brother Zhu Li, the king of Han, accidentally blew up the palace because he was obsessed with alchemy cultivation, and caused a fire in the palace, causing his father's anger...].

Immediately afterwards, he told about Lao Jiu's great calamity, and Zhu Biao begged for him bitterly!

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at these once familiar scenes, and his heart felt panicked!

[In the seventeenth year of Hongwu, under your repeated insistence, my father finally agreed to let the ninth brother Zhu Li join the Hanzhong Mansion, and promised him a marriage! ] You're finally relieved! 】

[However, what you didn't expect was that just two years after Ninth Brother Zhu Li was in the domain, there was suddenly news that his life was not long! ] You rushed to Hanzhong Mansion as soon as possible, and you only saw the last face of Ninth Brother Zhu Li..."

Everything that happened next once again made Zhu Yuanzhang's memories that he didn't want to think about reappeared!

No matter what, Lao Jiu Zhu Li is always his own son!

Even if he didn't become a vessel when he was alive, after so many years, the anger in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart would have long disappeared!

Looking at his own son's experience before he died again, it undoubtedly made Zhu Yuanzhang experience the pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person!

"Old Nine... We didn't discipline you properly! "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the picture of Zhu Li swallowing his last breath in front of Zhu Biao, his eyes instantly turned red, and his throat felt a little sour!

................... The dividing line........................

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