09: The death of Prince Zhu Biao is coming!

Prince Zhu Biao was the biggest trigger for the chaos in the world in the last years of Hongwu!

Zhu Li naturally paid special attention to Zhu Biao's situation!

Of course, if he could, he would like to let his good big brother live for a few more years, and it can be regarded as repaying the brotherhood that this big brother had for him in the past!

But at present, it seems that the probability of history is still developing in the original direction!

"Hanzhong Jinyiwei is afraid that it is inconvenient to probe the situation of Ying Tianfu, in case Ying Tianfu notices something strange, I am afraid that there will be trouble!"

Geng Qing reminded with some unease.

"It's okay, let them pay attention to any information about Prince Zhu Biao from Ying Tianfu, there is no need to deliberately inquire!"

Zhu Li waved his hand disapprovingly!

If Prince Zhu Biao really has something, such a big movement must be shaken by the whole country, in fact, there is no need for Jinyiwei to deliberately probe, with the nature of these Jinyiwei itself, it will also be the first department in the entire Daming to receive news!

To put it mildly, if Prince Zhu Biao really drives Xue, not only the brocade guards of Ying Tianfu, but also the brocade guards sent to various places, will also receive the news as soon as possible!

"The last general understands!"

Geng Qing agreed, and then retreated!

"Big brother, how long can you live?"

"Since you postponed your return to Beijing, history has been disrupted!"

Looking at Geng Qing's departing back, Zhu Li muttered to himself uncertainly.


Ying Tianfu, Imperial Palace Ouchi!

Prince Zhu Biao contracted wind chill before returning to Beijing, at least according to the diagnosis of the imperial doctor, he always thought it was wind chill!

After a group of imperial doctors for a period of diagnosis and treatment, Zhu Biao's wind chill was not cured, but there was a trend of becoming more and more serious!

Just a few days after Zhu Biao returned to Yingtian, he suddenly fell ill again in the East Palace!

And this time, it's not as simple as being pale and mentally weak!

Zhu Biao directly lost the ability to move, coughing constantly, he could only lie on the bed, and he couldn't even get up and walk!

When Zhu Biao fell, it was the time of the early dynasty!

Zhu Biao, who had been insisting on going to the early dynasty, was actually absent today, which made Zhu Yuanzhang feel a little strange!

At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang did not forget the bad things and thought about it, until the chief eunuch Wang Chen received the news of the sudden fall of the prince, and he couldn't care about the fact that he was still in the upper dynasty, so he immediately left the civil and military officials and hurried to the East Palace!

Zhu Biao is the prince of Daming, the future of the Daming Dynasty, and the successor that he Zhu Yuanzhang has worked hard to cultivate for decades!

Zhu Biao! There is absolutely no room for mistakes!

"How so? Doesn't it mean that the prince is just a wind chill? "

"Why did it suddenly fall?"

"You quacks, what's wrong with our standard?"

Before Zhu Yuanzhang entered the door, an angry voice had already entered the dormitory where Zhu Biao was lying!

After seeing Zhu Yuanzhang, Lu Shi and Zhu Yunjiao and the others also hid to the side to wipe their tears, and directly vacated their positions to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao's father and son!

However, after hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's questioning, the imperial doctors on the side were pale, quiet, and did not dare to speak out at all!

"Let's ask you!"

"Just staring at your eyes one by one, believe it or not, let's gouge out your eyeballs directly?"

"Say what you want, what do you do?"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't see the imperial doctor's answer, and immediately widened his eyes, and asked again in a dissatisfied tone!

"Father... Father Emperor..."

At this moment, Crown Prince Zhu Biao, who was already lying on the hospital bed, already had a sallow face and was weak, and his voice sounded weakly!

"Biao'er... How could you be like this? "

"Did these quacks not cure you? Or are they harming you? "

"Don't worry, we will definitely find a way to cure you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't care about the imperial doctors at this time, and quickly took Zhu Biao's cold hand and said excitedly!

"Father... This time, I am afraid that the children will really be as Lao Jiu said before his death, and his life will not be long over! "

Zhu Biao showed a wry smile!

If a man dies, his words are good!

Zhu Biao's body, Zhu Biao himself is actually the clearest!


When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his voice suddenly rose by several decibels!

"Our Zhu Yuanzhang's sons can't all be so short-lived! Lao Jiu, that rebel son, is a cultivator who has gone crazy and died with pills, that is deserved! "

How could Zhu Yuanzhang accept such a result?

Even if he had always had a bad premonition before, he was always worried that what Lao Jiu said before his life would come true, but he would subconsciously deny all these thoughts every time!

"Father... Remember when my mother was seriously ill, but she refused to take medicine? "

"Children... The sons and daughters only hope that... Don't be because of your sons... Anger these imperial doctors! "

"They... They are all innocent! "

Zhu Biao's eyes were already full of blood, in fact, he himself was very unwilling!

But he is lenient and kind by nature, just like Empress Ma back then, for fear that because of his illness, he will let Zhu Yuanzhang run away and kill people's heads!

And his body allows him to clearly feel that death is coming!

Zhu Biao himself was afraid!

What if after his death, the father could not accept this result?


"If these quacks can't cure you, then what's the use of raising them? Let them all die for us! "

"If you want to save them, you have to live well, and you must not have anything!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was about to break his heart at this moment!

The last time such a collapse was when Empress Ma died!

At that time, Empress Ma was afraid that her condition would affect these imperial doctors, so she chose to rely on the doctor and not take medicine!

Unexpectedly, this time his mark was the same!

Even if he can't do it, he is still thinking about these imperial doctors!

"You quacks! As long as he can save our target, we will promote him and marquis! "

"But if there is any problem with Biao'er, we will directly cut off your heads!"

Looking at Zhu Biao's already terminally ill and dying appearance, Zhu Yuanzhang was completely panicked, and immediately threatened the imperial doctors on the side!

But at this time, what other imperial doctor dares to squeak?

Treat the prince of the dynasty, cure it and be promoted to become rich, but if it is not cured, then it will be a roll!

If you die, you will die, but don't forget, this Hongwu Emperor in front of you, that can destroy the existence of the family at every turn!

What's more, it is still related to the prince Zhu Biao, maybe it will fall to the end of a Jiu clan!

................... The dividing line........................

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