08: The weird trick of King Zhu Li of Han!

For Zhu Li's words, Geng Qing naturally executed them unconditionally!

It is no exaggeration to say that the three people present will not have the slightest doubt or hesitation about Zhu Li's order, even if Zhu Li asks them to die immediately, they will not hesitate to carry it out!

This is their diehard loyalty to Zhu Que!

Geng Qing directly twisted the switch of the ring according to what Zhu Li said!

Just for that moment, he felt a tingling pain in his fingers, as if something had penetrated deep into his flesh and skin, and at the same time felt as if something was being quickly sucked out of his body by this ring!

Immediately afterwards, Geng Qing felt a strange energy rise from his lower abdomen dantian, it was a hot breath, as if it was about to burst out of his body at any time!

Geng Qing's eyes instantly widened, and his bloodshot eyes gradually turned scarlet, looking as if he had gone crazy!

At the same time, Geng Qing could clearly feel that his strength had been greatly improved, as if he could kill a cow with a casual punch, even the muscles on his arm began to swell, and his green tendons burst out!

"Okay, turn it off!"

Zhu Li's voice immediately followed.

Although this experiment was very short, Geng Qing still clearly felt the whole process of his body changes!

After hearing Zhu Li's order, he immediately rotated the switch on the ring and turned off the function of the ring!

After that, Geng Qing returned to a normal state within a few breaths, but at the same time there was a slight feeling of dizziness, fortunately, this feeling was not very strong, otherwise it was estimated that it would be ugly!

"This is also amazing, it is simply a judgment between two people!"

"The sense of oppression that erupted from your body just now startled me!"

"yes, how did you feel?"

Qin Wu and Yang Hui couldn't help but glance at each other, and then asked Geng Qing in shock!

"I thought that if I encountered a giant elephant like Nanban again, I would be able to kill it directly with one punch!"

Geng Qing explained.

Upon hearing this, Qin Wu and Yang Hui were even more shocked!

Nanban giant elephant?

That's a huge monster that is several laps bigger than a buffalo!

That thing can also be killed with a human fist punch?

How much strength does that take?

"But I don't feel like this feeling lasts long, and this ring seems to be sucking my blood!"

Geng Qing added another sentence at this time!

"Although you can use the magic weapon refined by this king as ordinary people, it will have side effects and consume your blood, so don't use it too much when it's not a last resort!"

Zhu Li instructed the three.

If this thing is used at will, if you can't stop the car, you may directly die due to excessive blood loss!

I was not hacked to death by the enemy on the battlefield, and as a result, I bleed to death, and the fun was great!

Geng Qing's three people also looked cold when they heard this!

"You don't have to worry too much, as long as you don't consume qi and blood excessively, you can make up for what you lost!"

"You guys take care of your own proportions!"

Zhu Li looked at the appearance of the three and added.

"Such a powerful magic weapon ring, if it can be equipped with the Hanzhong Army, how terrifying will it be?"

Qin Wu's next words made Zhu Li directly speechless!

"Is this really a Chinese cabbage?"

"In order to refine these three magic weapon rings, King Ben also spent a lot of effort!"

Zhu Li shook his head, actually thinking about equipping the Hanzhong army, is this Qin Wu going to the rhythm of heaven?

He really dares to think about it!

"That is, do you think this magic weapon can be made with your fingers?"

"If His Highness can hand over such a precious thing to me and the other three, it will already be a great kindness!"

Yang Hui also echoed on the side with a serious face, without revealing that he had just thought so, still not red and breathless!

"Okay, when there is time, King Ben will refine some Qi and Blood Pill again, and when the time comes, I will replenish the deficit of Qi and Blood!"

"After you go back today, try to come to the Taoist Temple as little as possible, and King Ben will let Geng Qing inform you of something!" After going back, I will help Saiko! "

Zhu Li waved his hand at this time, and finally instructed Qin Wu and Yang Hui.

Geng Qing, Qin Wu, and Yang Hui are all the generals of the Thousand Households of the Hanzhong Army, and they are also the three most trusted henchmen of Zhu Li!

Of course, these three people have another layer of identity, they are all believers, and they are also the three most loyal believers under Zhu Li!

From the beginning, they worshiped Han King Zhu Li, followed Han King Zhu Li, and gradually saw the Taoist magic revealed by Han King Zhu Li, and they subtly began to admire Taoism!

There is an even more exaggerated thing, that is, the Jinyiwei sent by Zhu Yuanzhang to Hanzhong were all destroyed in the hands of Zhu Li!

This group annihilation does not mean that all of them were killed, but that they all defected!

According to normal logic, these brocade guards must only be loyal to the imperial power, but who let Zhu Li have the means to control people's hearts?

These old men sent to stare at him, and all of them were directly turned into his most loyal believers by him!

Although Zhu Li is practicing orthodox Dao techniques, he also understands some of the techniques of the side door, and controlling a few brocade guards is simply easy for Zhu Li!

It is estimated that even Zhu Yuanzhang himself would not have thought that his eyeliner, the dog raised by the Son of Heaven, and the most powerful eagle dog in the imperial court, would actually turn against Tiangang after arriving in Hanzhong and become the puppet of Zhu Li the King of Han!

And after these Jinyiwei were controlled by Zhu Li, they could continue to transmit various news to Zhu Li through Jinyiwei's own channels!

Geng Qing and the three of them naturally knew these things, and at the same time, they were also amazed by the means and strength displayed by King Zhu Li of Han, and they were even more admired!

"Your Highness, then the two generals will go back first!"

"Your Highness, take care!"

Qin Wu and Yang Hui nodded heavily, and after solemnly holding their fists at Zhu Li, they left Zhu Li's Taoist Temple!

"Geng Qing, inform Hanzhong Jinyiwei, always pay attention to the movements on the side of Ying Tianfu, and find a way to inquire about the recent situation of Prince Zhu Biao, this king must keep abreast of the latest news about the prince at any time!"

After Qin Wu and Yang Hui left, Zhu Li's face straightened, and he turned to Geng Qing and ordered.

Not surprisingly, the eldest brother Zhu Biao will definitely die this year, he must have first-hand information, even if there is a deviation in the historical development and his expectations, he must know how much deviation!

................... The dividing line........................

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