45: The changed Daming National Fortune is completely incomprehensible!

Of course, some speculations in his heart, Yao Guangxiao will not tell Zhu Di directly!

But compared to the second elder Zhu Shu should change the fiefdom, the eldest brother Zhu Biao had to make Zhu Di feel shocked because he ate the longevity pill that Lao Jiu gave him before his death, so he was well because of his illness!

Longevity Pill!

This word made Zhu Di very shocked, there is such a panacea in this world!

More importantly, such an elixir as the Longevity Pill was actually refined by his ninth brother himself!

This somewhat broke the world view and cognition of Yan King Zhu Di!

"His Royal Highness King Yan, that Longevity Pill is a superb life-preserving elixir that cannot be refined by a non-Taoist master, although it was originally given to Prince Zhu Biao by His Royal Highness the King of Han, it is not certain that it was refined by King Zhu Li of Han himself!"

Yao Guangxiao, this is a little open eyes and talking nonsense!

In fact, he had confirmed in his heart that the person refining that half-finished life extension pill was definitely Han King Zhu Li himself!

Others don't believe it, but he certainly does!

Because he knew very well that Han King Zhu Li's Dao practice was definitely above him!

Don't look at people's young age, but they really have skills!

"What does the master mean that this longevity pill does exist?"

"Is eldest brother Zhu Biao really good because he ate that longevity pill?"

When Zhu Di heard this, he asked with a shocked face.

"There shouldn't be anything wrong with that! His Royal Highness King Yan doesn't need to doubt anymore! "

Yao Guangxiao nodded affirmatively.

"Then master, you are also a master of the world, since you have all determined that there is indeed such a panacea as the Life Extension Pill in the world, presumably you should also know how to refine such a pill, right?"

Zhu Di's heart suddenly began to heat up!

What is the concept of what is a Taoist master, Zhu Di has no concept in his heart, and he is not clear!

But in his eyes, this old monk in front of him is also a worldly master!

Since Yao Guangxiao is so sure that the Longevity Pill really exists, then he should also refine the Longevity Pill, which is Zhu Di's logic!

However, as soon as these words came out, they directly gave Yao Guangxiao a whole thing!


Zhu Di actually thought that he would refine the Life Extension Pill!

He wanted to, but his strength didn't allow it!

As far as his Dao practice is concerned, at best, it is the realm level of an ordinary Daoist, and he is not even a Dao master, how can he refine the Life Extension Pill?

This is the disadvantage of being too knowledgeable, Confucianism said that he Yao Guangxiao will be a little, but none of them are profound!

It's okay to fool ordinary people, and it's a joke to face real masters!

"His Royal Highness King Yan said and laughed, this longevity pill, the old monk is really powerless!"

Yao Guangxiao shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, a look of disappointment flashed in Zhu Di's eyes!

He wasn't sure if Yao Guangxiao had told the truth, but since the other party had said so, it was obviously impossible to refine it for him again!

"Since the master can't refine, then the king won't force it!"

Zhu Di could only smile bitterly and nodded.

For this old monk, Zhu Di still had great respect in his heart, and naturally it was impossible to offend the old monk to death because of this kind of shadowless thing!

Even showing distrust may cause disagreement between the two, and it is not the result that Zhu Di wants to see!

"There are many disturbances today, so King Ben will leave first and not disturb the master Qingxiu!"

Zhu Di got up at this time and planned to leave directly.

From Yao Guangxiao's side, he couldn't find the answer he wanted, and there were some things he still needed to think about by himself!

Looking at Zhu Di's departing back, Yao Guangxiao's eyes showed a complicated look.

Now he is more and more unable to understand the development of the national fortune of the Ming Dynasty!

Before he bet all his treasures on the body of Yan King Zhu Di, hoping to assist Yan King Zhu Di to achieve a hegemony, is it right or wrong after all?


At the same time, the news of the sudden glow in the northwest land soon spread from Hanzhong Mansion at a terrifying speed, and it also caused a great sensation!

Such a vision of heaven and earth, ordinary people have never seen it in their lives!

This news soon spread throughout Daming!

But after leaving Hanzhong, such news is not very credible!

After all, if you don't see it with your own eyes, how many people can believe it?

People here in Hanzhong saw it with their own eyes, and people in other places heard it, and the feeling must be far from the same, and it is normal not to believe it!

In addition, Hanzhong Prefecture originally had a large floating population, mainly those caravans that traveled to and from various places, and when they went to other places, they would definitely take this matter as a talking point!

When it really comes out, the first reaction of people who hear about this kind of thing for the first time must be disbelief!

But so many people are spreading, and the news is spreading quite quickly, which has also caused a lot of sensation!

Of course, for people in the south, such news is just a pleasure for them!

But Zhu Yuanzhang in Ying Tianfu didn't think so!

The matter of this vision of heaven and earth, Hanzhong Jinyiwei was directly sent by flying pigeon, and in just a few days, the entire court also heard about it!

The Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu did not believe it, thinking that it was nonsense, but no one dared to say anything doubtful, after all, this was the news obtained by Jinyiwei!

Even if they don't believe it, they don't dare to openly question Jinyiwei!

As for Zhu Yuanzhang, as well as the crown prince Zhu Biao, this father and son already knew the news of the birth of a high-ranking person in the northwest, and they were naturally convinced!

The national transport system said it before!

And it's very accurate, and the five days are all right!

Purple light is now, a master is born, and the situation reported back by Jin Yiwei is the same!

The next day, morning up!

A group of officials from Qin Tianjian directly stood up, saying that it was night watching the sky and purple light appearing, which was for the great rui of the country!

For this group of Qin Tianjian officials, they naturally have nothing to listen to and say, which is nothing more than using this matter to brush a wave of presence in the court!

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he scoffed even more!

This group of corrupt people just like to see the wind and rudder, why didn't they say anything about watching the sky at night a few days earlier?

Now the news of Jinyiwei has arrived, people only happened a few days ago, you just said it today?

Or did you already know a few days ago, but you waited until today to say it?

After the early dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately called Zhu Biao to the imperial study.

"Biao'er, the news from the northwest has been confirmed, now you are saved!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was even more excited!

"Father, isn't it too early to say this? I don't know who this born master is! "

Zhu Biao was obviously much calmer than Zhu Yuanzhang.

"It's okay, let's immediately make an order, let Jinyiwei go to the Northwest Dingjun Mountain, as long as you find out who wears Daoist robes, all of them will be brought back, as long as we find this master, we Zhu Yuanzhang will honor him as a national teacher, and promise him a prosperous and rich life!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and said with conviction.

................... The dividing line........................

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