46: The worldly masters may not be able to take care of you Zhu Yuanzhang!

Zhu Yuanzhang's idea was simple and rude, which was also an instinctive way of thinking for him as the Emperor of Daming!

He is the Nine Five-Lord, even if he is a worldly master, he must also be proud to be able to serve his Zhu family's royal family, right?

According to Zhu Yuanzhang's idea, that is, we can only use you if we can afford you, and you should be grateful to Dade!

"System, you said that this master, we should be able to find it, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang woke up the national transport system again at this time and asked directly.

[If you find it, it is also for nothing, people may not necessarily take care of you Zhu Yuanzhang! ] 】

[Maybe your name of Hongwu Emperor is very useful in front of these hundreds of officials and ordinary people, but in the eyes of those isolated masters, you Zhu Yuanzhang is just an ordinary man, and there is no difference from ordinary people! ] 】

The merciless words of the national transport system directly made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned!

"How is that possible?"

"We are the Emperor Daming, how can we be so unbearable?"

"I think Liu Bowen was also a superior person at the beginning, right? Isn't it the same that we have to give Zhu Yuanzhang the life before and after the saddle, and be our courtier? "

"The king wants the subject to die, and the minister has to die!"

"Let's see if he dare!"

Zhu Yuanzhang could not accept such an argument, and immediately said angrily.

[The host still thinks too much! ] This kind of superior person cares least about such a thing as power, and people pursue the way of immortality, not the meager mediocrity and an official and a half-job! 】

The national transport system once again hit the road mercilessly!

Zhu Yuanzhang was so choked that he didn't know what to say!

"It's really not okay, can't we impress him with sincerity? Corporal Lixian, let's definitely treat him with courtesy, right? "

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was so aggrieved!

For the first time, he felt that being an emperor was so boring, and he would actually feel so powerless!

[Although there is little hope, the host will give it a try, but this system advises you not to have too much hope, after all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment! ] 】

The national transport system persuaded noncommittally.

"No, we can't just give up!"

"This is our only hope to save Biao'er, no matter what, we must let that master help us cure Biao'er!"

Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth and insisted.

This was his only chance to save Zhu Biao, even if there was little hope as the national transport system said, he didn't need to give it a try!

Whether it is soft and hard, it is good to do anything, anyway, he must save Zhu Biao!

Moreover, even if it is Zhu Yuanzhang himself, why don't he want a longevity pill?

As an emperor, who doesn't want to be able to live a few more years and enjoy the great rivers and mountains?

"Father, why is your face so ugly?"

Zhu Biao on the side saw Zhu Yuanzhang's changing expression, and couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"It's nothing, we're just wondering if that master can refine the Life Extension Pill!"

Zhu Yuanzhang slowly shook his head, he couldn't tell Zhu Biao about the national transport system, otherwise the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

"The sons and daughters heard that the more such a worldly master, the more indifferent to fame and wealth, if the father really wants to seek the help of such a high-ranking person, it is better to treat each other with sincerity, and it is better to be a corporal with courtesy!"

Zhu Biao also expressed his opinion at this time!

He was also afraid of Zhu Yuanzhang's violent temper, and when the time came, he would still hold his identity as the Hongwu Emperor and use the same set of commanding the Manchu Dynasty to deal with that master, I am afraid that it will be self-defeating!

For the opportunity to save his life, Zhu Biao naturally cherished it!

"Biao'er, you are right, let's listen to you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, and directly recruited Jiang Ying in!

Although the national transport system has said that, he still insists that Jinyiwei go to the northwest Dingjun Mountain to run!

"Remember, don't offend these Taoist masters, all of them respectfully ask us to respond to Tianfu, understand?"

"If this errand is done badly, or offends the master, you don't need to come back!"

Zhu Yuanzhang finally did not forget to solemnly instruct Jiang Ying.

Jiang Ying's side naturally guarantees one after another, and there will definitely be no problems!

"By the way, Father Emperor, isn't this Dingjun Mountain the place where Lao Jiu is buried after his death?"

Zhu Biao reminded Zhu Yuanzhang at this time.

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was also shocked!

Oh, yes!

This Dingjun Mountain is the place where Lao Jiu rests after his death!

I didn't expect that near the place where Lao Jiu buried his bones, such a high-ranking person could actually be born!

Could it be that there is still some connection between this master and Lao Jiu?

Of course, this thought only flashed in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind, and it was quickly thrown to the back of his mind!

Lao Jiu has been dead for more than three years, how can this high-ranking person who was born now have anything to do with Lao Jiu?

Maybe it's just a coincidence!

After all, everyone knows that Lao Jiu has supported many Taoist temples in Hanzhong Mansion, and there are also many Taoist temples near Dingjun Mountain!

With so many Taoist priests, one of them has appeared in the world, which can be regarded as a reasonable thing, right?

"Jiang Ying will stop by the Han King Mansion again and bring a little tribute from the Ryukyu Kingdom to the Prince of Han and the princess!"

Zhu Yuanzhang added another sentence at this time.

When Jiang Ying heard this, he led the order to retreat!

If you want to make up for Lao Jiu, you can't do it, and you can only make up for it as much as possible to Zhu Xiangqiu and the Yang family's mother and son!

After Zhu Biao left, Zhu Yuanzhang checked the national transport system again.

It has been more than a month since I got this national transport system, and it is precisely with the help of the national transport system that Zhu Biao has saved him from the fate of dying young, and has already lived past the hurdle of April 25!

Now it is the twelfth of May in the twenty-fifth year of Hongwu, and the points he accumulated every day should be more than four thousand!

After all, it has been more than forty days down!

However, after successively deducing the lives of the eldest Zhu Biao, the second Zhu Shu and the third Zhu Huan, it almost cost about a thousand national fortune values, and there are still a little more than 3,000 national fortune values left!

However, it should be enough to deduce Zhu Yunjiang's life!

Before thinking about the things of the world's masters, he didn't care about deducing Zhu Yunjiang's life, Zhu Yuanzhang thought, it's time to deduce Zhu Yunjiang's life!

Soon, Zhu Yuanzhang directly found Zhu Yunjiang's information in the list of the Zhu family's royal family!

[The national fortune value required for the life deduction of Emperor Zhu Yunjiang of the Daming Jianwen: 868 points! ] 】

So little?

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this number, he was suddenly a little dumbfounded!

He remembered that Zhu Xianqiu, the son of the King of Han, had more than this number, as if there were more than 3,000!


Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjiang?

In other words, Emperor Yun Jiao did indeed become the emperor in the end!

But this national fortune value is also too little, right?

[The 868 points of national transport value is definitely worth the money, allowing the host to see the content worth more than 3,000 points of national transport value! ] 】

At this moment, the national transport system followed closely and added!

................... The dividing line........................

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