63: Ancient Corpse Emperor Zhu Li, capable of slaying dragons, can bless Daming for six hundred years!

And most of the craftsmen who built the mausoleum were craftsmen in the army!

It has been recorded in the history books that after the death of the King of Qin, Zhu Shu, he was also cut by Zhu Yuanzhang to reduce the standard of the mausoleum, because the King of Qin was absurd and ruling without action!

And although Zhu Li's actions before his death made Zhu Yuanzhang angry and gave him evil words, with Zhu Li's achievements before his death, Zhu Yuanzhang still did not reduce the standard of the Han King's cemetery!

And according to the economic ability of Hanzhong, the mausoleum of King Zhu Li of Han will also be implemented according to high-standard standards!

At the same time, Zhu Li also invited many Taoist priests to open the altar!

The main thing is the need to build this Dragon Emperor's Tower, and on the surface, it should be a ritual for him Han King Zhu Li!

Zhu Li also knew that the Tower of the Dragon Emperor could not be built overnight, and it would not be built in hundreds of years!

But a few years later, Zhu Yuanzhang died!

At that time, this Dragon Emperor's Tower, he Zhu Li can build it as much as he wants, and he doesn't need to cover it up anymore!

Soon, according to Zhu Li's orders, a large number of craftsmen began to enter Dingjun Mountain and began construction on the Dragon Emperor's Tower!

"This Dingjun Mountain, maybe there hasn't been so much life for a long time!"

Watching thousands of craftsmen start busy in the mountain col, Zhu Li stood on the mountainside and looked at all this condescendingly, and couldn't help but sigh!

"The periphery has mobilized the Hanzhong army to come and garrison to prevent these craftsmen from approaching places where they shouldn't!"

Geng Qing said behind Zhu Li.

"Very good!"

Zhu Li nodded in satisfaction.

The so-called places that should not be approached refer to two places!

One place is the Taoist Temple where Zhu Li is located, and the other is where the tomb of the Silent Army is located!

However, these craftsmen who can come here to participate in the construction are also understanding people, they will only bury their heads in their own work, do not ask what should not be asked, and will not see what should not be seen!

In the period after that, the Yang family also came a few times, but Zhu Li's side was still busy with the construction of the Dragon Emperor's Tower!

Mainly the initial construction, it also needs to be controlled by Zhu Que, and if there is a problem, it needs to be dealt with in time!

Including some of the foundations of the formation, Zhu Li also needed Zhu Li to personally do it, so at the beginning of the construction of the Dragon Emperor Tower, Zhu Li was still quite busy, so he had little time to accompany his wife!


Ying Tianfu.

In the recent period, as long as Zhu Yuanzhang is empty, he will run to Li Xiuyuan 06 from time to time!

It's not that he still doesn't want to learn the news of Lao Jiu from Li Xiuyuan's mouth, but the more he talks with this old Taoist, the more Zhu Yuanzhang can increase his knowledge and understand Taoism a little more!

Li Xiuyuan, who knows a lot, is definitely a rare talent in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes!

It's a pity that such a talent is not greedy for fame and fortune, and refuses to be his national teacher of the Ming Dynasty!

Of course, no matter what, Li Xiuyuan has also lived for 105 years and is not dead, and it is normal to understand more!

Including Prince Zhu Biao will also come over from time to time and ask Li Xiuyuan for something!

On the contrary, Li Xiuyuan didn't like to be called a national master or an immortal master, he only liked that others called him an old Taoist priest, or a Taoist master!

After being in contact with Li Xiuyuan for a long time, some people, including Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao, had already figured out the temperament of this old Taoist!

Although he has the style of a Taoist master, he is the same for everyone in private, and in his eyes, it seems that there is no high and low, and all sentient beings can really be equal!

This may be why people like them can be called superior, right?

On this day, after the early dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang's side received the news of the construction of the Han King Mausoleum over there in Hanzhong, and it seemed that the scale was going to expand!

Such a thing as building a mausoleum must be reported to the imperial court!

The mausoleum of King Zhu Li of Han was originally in an unfinished state, but even if it has been under construction, it is not so large-scale!

This time, the scale of the construction of the mausoleum was suddenly expanded, and it can only be said that the Hanzhong Mansion has a lot of money!

Zhu Yuanzhang directly called Zhu Biao to the imperial garden, and the father and son chatted about the news that the tomb of the King of Han had begun to expand again.

"Biao'er, what do you think about this matter?"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly explained the situation, and then began to ask Zhu Biao's opinion.

But Zhu Yuanzhang knew that Lao Jiu would also be buried in the tomb of the lonely army in the future, could this deceiving Lao Jiu have to build a so-called mausoleum for himself by reviving the crowd?

And the old nine are not dead yet, the national transport system says that he can live at least to be more than a hundred years old!

This is the beginning of the construction of the mausoleum, which looks like a lot!

"Erchen thinks that this kind of thing is very normal, even if Lao Jiu is not dead, it is understandable to build his own mausoleum in advance!"

Zhu Biao hadn't heard Zhu Yuanzhang mention the matter of the Silent Military Tomb, and naturally didn't know that Lao Jiu didn't need to build a mausoleum for himself at all.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he nodded slowly.

Normal logic is right, isn't his own mausoleum also under construction now?

"Let's go, let's go find Li Xiuyuan's old way again!"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't think much about it, so he was ready to take Zhu Biao to visit Li Xiuyuan again.

But what Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao didn't expect was that when they came to find Li Xiuyuan this time, they actually saw many strange faces!

Li Xiuyuan's residence, which should have been regarded as a quiet place, actually began to lively!

Moreover, these people who came to look for Li Xiuyuan, looking at the clothes and dresses, are all either rich or expensive, at least they are all from large families!

"Jiang Ying, check what is the situation?"

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang did not rush in to find Li Xiuyuan, but ordered Jiang Ying.

"Back to Your Majesty, these people are all here to worship the teacher!"

"Daoist Li said before that he wanted to accept some Daoists and apprentices, and many people came here!"

After a while, Jiang Ying figured out the situation and hurriedly reported to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Admired? This Li DaoChang has just arrived, he is originally a person outside Fang, where does he get any fame? "

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this, Li Xiuyuan wanted to accept disciples, recruit some Daoist children, he could understand, after all, after the Taoist Temple was built, it must be needed, and Li Xiuyuan could not be alone if the Taoist Temple was big!

But these brothers of Gongzi, who obviously know their identities at a glance and have an unusual background, actually admired and said that they wanted to be a Dao boy and be an apprentice for Li Xiuyuan, isn't this nonsense?

But soon Zhu Yuanzhang reacted again.

Although Li Xiuyuan was a newcomer, as long as he was a little well-informed in Yingtianfu, he already knew the relationship between this old Taoist priest and his Zhu Yuanzhang!

Especially that Taoist temple, it was still built with the help of the imperial court, who doesn't know that Li Xiuyuan, an old Taoist, is now a big red man in front of the emperor?

Don't say that the old Taoist priest wants to accept apprentices, even if the old Taoist priest wants to marry a wife and take a concubine, it is estimated that there are people rushing to send their daughters to the bedside of this old Taoist priest!

"Isn't this nonsense? Where did these sons and brothers from rich families come to cultivate? It is clear that he is here to begging Governor Li! "

"Has Chief Li received an apprentice?"

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned and asked again.

"For the time being, only two Dao Tong were accepted, and one apprentice was confiscated. Moreover, those two Daotongs were ordinary children from poor families, and they were only eleven or twelve years old. "

"As for the sons and brothers of these rich and noble families, there are quite a few of them, but none of them can enter the eyes of Li DaoChang, and they have all been rejected!"

Jiang Ying hurriedly explained the situation he had found.

Sure enough, Zhu Yuanzhang also saw the brothers who entered the door laughing and cheerful.

But those brothers who came out, their faces were not so good-looking!

Obviously, most of the people were directly rejected by Li Xiuyuan!

"It is said that a person who has a chicken dog ascends to heaven, and these great families in Yingtianfu are good at drilling camps, and they all want to engage in these speculative tricks!"

"They think we have a good relationship with this old Taoist, as long as we please this old Taoist, we can enter our Zhu Yuanzhang's face?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at those brothers, but he snorted coldly with a look of disgust.

"Father, I am afraid that such a situation is not Li DaoChang's intention, I only hope that these sons and brothers will not make Li DaoChang unhappy!"

Zhu Biao reminded Zhu Yuanzhang with some concern.

"Well, you're right!"

"It seems that we still have to prevent someone from deliberately hitting the idea of Li Daoist and the Taoist Temple!"

"The original intention is to set up a Taoist temple and teach the Taoist system, don't let these people with ulterior motives give Huo Huo!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded thoughtfully.

Jiang Ying on the side understood, and in less than a moment, with the arrival of a group of brocade guards wearing flying fish suits, those sons and brothers were scattered like birds and beasts, and ran away without a trace!

What is the best way to clear the scene quickly in Yingtianfu? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Directly let the two brocade guards stand in the most conspicuous place, ensuring that no one around immediately dares to approach again!

The main thing is that the reputation of Jinyiwei is too loud!

And it's all notoriety!

Ordinary people don't see Jin Yiwei not stunned, even those officials in the court, who can't be polite when they see Jin Yiwei?

"Very good!"

"From today onwards, this small courtyard will specially arrange people to watch, don't disturb Li DaoChang's retreat, but no cat or dog can disturb Li DaoChang's retreat!"

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang nodd in satisfaction and ordered Jiang Ying again.

Without those eyesores, Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Biao into Li Xiuyuan's courtyard.

Originally, Li Xiuyuan didn't feel much about the rich sons and brothers who came to visit him, no matter what purpose these people came here, unless you really have a Hui Gen and are suitable for cultivation, no matter how high your status is, no matter how valuable gifts you give, he will not take a second look at you!

It's just that there are more people coming, and it gives people the feeling of flies flying around their ears!

But suddenly, the original fly seemed to be empty all of a sudden.

Li Xiuyuan was originally still wondering, but when he saw Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao appear, he immediately understood what was going on!

"Lao Dao has seen His Majesty, and he has seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Li Xiuyuan led the two little Daoists he had just accepted, and stepped forward to say hello to Zhu Yuanzhang's father and son.

"Chief Li Dao, it's lively and tight here today. Let's make a good idea and clear the scene, Li DaoChang will not be surprised, right? "

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

"Your Majesty said and smiled."

Li Xiuyuan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He didn't expect that he just wanted to recruit a few Dao Tong and apprentices, and such a thing would actually happen!

In the past, he also recruited Taoist children or apprentices in Hanzhong, but how many people are willing to become Taoists?

Without exception, they are all poor families, and only children who can't live will come!

Who would have thought that in this Ying Tianfu, it would be completely the other way around!

He naturally also knew that these rich brothers and sons had completely impure motives, and it seemed that after he had a relationship with the emperor and the prince, even if he did not accept this so-called national teacher position, he had become a fragrant bounty in everyone's eyes!

Sure enough, the temptation of the red dust world is really not something that ordinary people can keep!

Fortunately, Li Xiuyuan's heart is firm, maybe it will really be corroded!

"This is the Daoist boy that Chief Li just received?"

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at the two Daoist children behind Li Xiuyuan, and found that they were both children with a somewhat weak figure and ragged clothes, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, they are all children of poor people, although Hui Gen is not enough, but it is still no problem to be a miscellaneous Daoist child, just give them a way to live!"

Li Xiuyuan sighed helplessly.

"Li Dao Chang Gaoyi, let's admire!"

"In this way, the matter of receiving Dao Tong and apprentices, let's let the people below help select a suitable batch, and send it to the Dao Commander to choose when the time comes!" This also saves a lot of trouble! "

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it and said to Li Xiuyuan.

"The old way can't ask for it, so there will be more Your Majesty!"

When Li Xiuyuan heard this, he was also happy.

Although he didn't take the previous group of people to heart, he naturally couldn't ask for it if he could save these troubles!

"By the way, Dao Chief, can we cultivate the Dao?"

613 Zhu Biao suddenly opened his mouth and asked.

As soon as these words came out, not only Li Xiuyuan, but also Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback!

Zhu Biao wants to cultivate?

"Biao'er, how could you have such an idea?"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who reacted, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

"Just now, I heard Daoist Li say that choosing a Dao Tong or an apprentice requires Hui Gen, and the children also want to know, do we have a Hui Gen who cultivates the Dao?"

Zhu Biao knew that Zhu Yuanzhang had misunderstood, and hurriedly explained.

"Then do we also have cultivator Hui Gen?"

Zhu Yuanzhang blinked, and his gaze couldn't help but turn to Li Xiuyuan, he was also a little curious about this question!

Li Xiuyuan: "..."

Are this father and son crazy?

An emperor, a prince, asked himself if there was a cultivator Hui Gen?

What, are you father and son going to become monks together?

But obviously, neither Zhu Yuanzhang nor Prince Zhu Biao is suitable for cultivation!

They all have their families and the world in their hearts, and they can't let go of the red dust world!

After listening to Li Xiuyuan's words, it was Zhu Yuanzhang's turn and Zhu Biao to be speechless!

The father and son did not stay on Li Xiuyuan's side for long, and left directly with a little shock.

"You and Lao Jiu are brothers, and Lao Jiu is still our son Zhu Yuanzhang!"

"And the status of Lao Jiu, the clan king, is not low, right? Why can Lao Jiu cultivate the Dao, but we Zhu Yuanzhang and you Zhu Biao can't do it? "

On the way back to the palace, Zhu Yuanzhang was actually still angry!

"This son doesn't know either!"

Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's more genuine appearance, and could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

After returning to the palace, Zhu Yuanzhang was still thinking about Zhu Li.

He hadn't even told Zhu Biao about the tomb of the lonely army.

But Zhu Yuanzhang was still curious about this lonely military tomb!

Last time, I asked the national transport system and got some information about the tomb of the lonely army, and spent 1,000 national transport points for this!

"That's right, the system!"

"Last time, you said that Lao Jiu will also be buried in the tomb of the Silent Army after he dies, right?"

"Does Lao Jiu have to be the same as these lonely troops, or will it also become a lonely army?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly asked curiously at this time.

[Yes, didn't you say it last time?] Han King Zhu Li was buried in the tomb of the Silent Army, that is to become the existence of the corpse emperor! That's a lot higher level than the Silent Army! Because King Zhu Li of Han has practiced a secret method, as long as he is buried in the tomb of the Silent Army for one year after death, he can have the cultivation of a thousand-year corpse king! 】

The national transport system said more directly.

"The thousand-year-old corpse emperor? What level is this? "

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was even more shocked when he heard this!

[The thousand-year-old corpse emperor can produce spiritual wisdom and restore the memories before death, in theory, there is no difference from rebirth, and the strength is infinite, can slay dragons, and can protect Daming for 600 years! ] 】

The national transport system explained slowly.

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