64 Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked: The corpse emperor can fly into the sky and escape, not dying or dying?

After listening to the explanation of the national transport system, Zhu Yuanzhang's inner shock can be imagined!

Even if you generate spiritual intelligence, you can still have memories of your past life!

It's no different from being born again!

And also has infinite power, can slay dragons?

"That's an exaggeration, isn't it?"

"Can you tell us specifically?"

It took Zhu Yuanzhang a long time to slow down, and he couldn't stop asking curiously.

[To put it simply, it is to fly away! ] Immortal and immortal! Invincible! This is the peerless corpse emperor! 】

The national transport system simply summarizes the concept of the corpse emperor in three words!

At first, Zhu Yuanzhang only felt that this corpse emperor was indeed powerful, but soon, Zhu Yuanzhang moved his mind again!

If he Zhu Yuanzhang died and was also buried in that lonely military tomb, would he also be able to become a corpse emperor-like existence?

[Host you don't think about it, if you want to become a corpse emperor, first of all, you have to be like Han King Zhu Li, after cultivating the "Blood Refining Dafa", you have a corpse demon physique! ] 】

The national transport system directly denied Zhu Yuanzhang's idea!

There are really few people who can withstand this temptation in this kind of thing!

The first emperor won the government, known as the first emperor of the ages, unified the Central Plains and established the first great unified dynasty, a person who is wise enough and wise enough, right?

The same is no match for the temptation brought by this immortality!

He Zhu Yuanzhang originally did not believe in this, but since he understood Taoism and learned everything that happened to Lao Jiu, he believed it!

As an emperor, how could Zhu Yuanzhang not hope that he would really be able to obtain immortality?

Provided that this kind of thing is really possible!

And now Lao Jiu will become the result of the corpse emperor in the future, so that Zhu Yuanzhang sees such a possibility!

Zhu Yuanzhang admitted that he was just a mortal after all, and it was definitely false to say that he was not moved by such a temptation!

However, the words of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang pierced his heart!

Lao Jiu can, but he, who is Lao Tzu, can't!

Before, on Li Xiuyuan's side, because of the question of whether there was a Hui Gen and whether he could cultivate the Dao, he had already been hit again, but he didn't expect to come again now!

Zhu Yuanzhang simply felt the urge to vomit blood!

I don't know if I found Lao Jiu, after the relationship between father and son eased, can I also get a way to extend life from Lao Jiu?

He also knows that if he wants to live forever, he estimates that he can't toss at this age!

But it should still be possible to extend your life relatively long, right?

The most important thing is to find Lao Jiu and help Zhu Biao extend his life for a few more years!

"Your Majesty, Hanzhong sent something over there!"

At this moment, Jiang Ying appeared beside Zhu Yuanzhang and reported respectfully.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately came to the spirit!

But as long as it is something sent by Hanzhong, it is a good thing!

Whether it is the tea leaves stir-fried in Hanzhong or condiments such as chili paste, they have now become Zhu Yuanzhang's favorite existence!

Especially the wine of Hanzhong wine, now Zhu Yuanzhang has to drink a glass at every meal, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable!

If the Hanzhong side cut off the supply one day, Zhu Yuanzhang estimated that he would not be able to stand it!

"What did you send this time?"

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly asked.

"There was tea, Hanzhong wine, porcelain, glasses, chili sauce, watermelon, strawberries, and... But together with the delivery, there are also two luxury carriages made in Hanzhong, one for you and one for the prince! "

Jiang Ying probably said everything sent by Hanzhong, and also emphasized the two luxurious carriages!

"Luxury carriage?"

"Can we still lack carriages? What did Hanzhong send this all the way for? "

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this!

Today, what luxury carriage can compare to his Zhu Yuanzhang's dragon chariot?

"Your Majesty knows it after reading it himself, and the minister doesn't know how to explain it!"

Jiang Ying's face was somewhat strange.

"Isn't it just two carriages? What's the fuss, or do we have to see it for ourselves? "

Zhu Yuanzhang was not impressed, but decided to take a look at the situation.

By the way, Zhu Yuanzhang also asked people to go to the East Palace to call Zhu Biao over.

Since there is one for Zhu Biao, it naturally cannot be without him!

However, Zhu Biao came, and by the way, Lu Shi and Zhu Yunjiang's mother and son also followed, saying that it was lively!

Zhu Biao originally wanted to refuse, but he didn't know how to say it!

The main thing was that Zhu Yunjiang's expectant eyes made him soften his heart again!

What Zhu Biao was most worried about was the old man's attitude towards Zhu Yunjiang!

Since learning from the old man's mouth what will happen to Zhu Yunjiang's future ascendancy, Zhu Biao's heart is full of helplessness!

This stupid son of his own, he still has to rush to find it in front of his imperial grandfather!

Sure enough, when he saw that there were also the mother and son of Lu Shi and Zhu Yunjiang who followed Zhu Biao, the faint smile that Zhu Yuanzhang originally had on his face instantly converged!

"The sons and daughters meet the emperor!"

"The daughter-in-law meets the emperor!"

"Grandson meets Grandpa Huang!"

Zhu Biao's family of three saluted Zhu Yuanzhang together.

"Excuse me."

"Biao'er, this is a batch of things that Hanzhong just sent! This chili sauce goes to the cold, you bring some back to the East Palace! "

"And this Han Zhong watermelon, strawberry and..."

Zhu Yuanzhang did not pay attention to Zhu Yunjiang's mother and son, but just waved his hand lightly, pointed to a pile of things in front of him, and said to Zhu Biao.

"Son-in-law, thank you Father Emperor!"

Zhu Biao is somewhat strange, if it is to send these things, directly let people send to the East Palace, what is it to specially call him over?

"By the way, Jiang Ying, didn't you say that there are still two luxury carriages? What about cars? "

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly remembered something, it seems that until now, he has not seen the shadow of the so-called luxury carriage!

"Back to Your Majesty, this luxurious carriage has not yet been assembled, and it must be assembled on the spot!"

"The main thing is that the wheels of this luxurious carriage are somewhat special, if you pull it all the way from Hanzhong, I am afraid that it will be damaged!"

Jiang Ying hurriedly explained.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao's father and son were all stunned!

What wheels are still afraid of damage?

In other words, since it is a carriage, the wheels are still afraid that they will break, and they dare not run, so why send it?

"Then let people pretend to show us and the prince!"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't ask, he wanted to see what was different about this luxurious carriage sent by Hanzhong!

Just this tire is still afraid that it will be damaged, and it must be assembled on site in Yingtianfu, which arouses Zhu Yuanzhang's curiosity!

Immediately, the craftsmen who came specially from Hanzhong began to assemble the two luxurious carriages in front of everyone in front of Mukden!

The carriage of the luxury carriage is pulled by other carriages, basically there is no need to assemble, the important thing is some devices of the chassis, such as wheels, shock absorbers and tires!

"How can this black wheel feel elastic to the touch?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's attention was quickly attracted by the tires of this luxurious carriage!

It was also the first time he had seen this kind of thing, what kind of material was this made of?

"Back to Your Majesty, this is called rubber tires, which is the latest invention of Princess Han!"

The craftsman from Hanzhong hurriedly explained.

"Invented by Princess Han?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was even more stunned when he heard this!

[Host, this is indeed a rubber tire, but rubber should not belong to this period of product, there should be no rubber tree cultivation in Daming, even if there is natural rubber, such an industrial use, it should be hundreds of years later! ] That's a little weird! 】

The voice of the national transport system sounded in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind at this time!

"What? Do you say this rubber tire is something that only came in hundreds of years? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was even more surprised.

[That's right, I just don't know how Princess Han invented it?] Or is it actually someone else who invented this rubber tire? 】

The national transport system reminded.

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart moved!

There was a problem that he had been ignoring!

Now that he was reminded by the national transport system, he quickly reacted!

Hanzhong Mansion can develop to this day, and it seems that the name is the credit of the Yang family of the Princess of Han, but Lao Jiu is not dead!

Can a woman from the Yang family really develop Hanzhong to this point?

And there are so many good things in Hanzhong Mansion, are they really all made by the Yang family?

Could it be that the Yang family is also a pretense in name, but it is Lao Jiu who actually made these things?

Although this stinky boy has deceived to death, the things that should be done will still let the Yang family continue to do it!

And the other person in the national transport system, isn't it Lao Jiu?

Who else can there be besides Lao Jiu?

It seems that I still don't know enough about this son!

I always thought that Lao Jiu was just not learning and obsessed with cultivation, but now it seems that Lao Jiu is not only extremely talented on the road of cultivation, but also talented in other aspects!

If all this is really planned and promoted by Lao Jiu behind his back, the fact that Hanzhong Mansion can govern the situation today is enough to prove his strength!

"System, what exactly is this rubber?"

"Listen to what you mean, shouldn't we have this thing?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed the shock in his heart and began to ask about rubber!

Immediately afterwards, the national transport system explained the origin of rubber.

"Rubber trees? Let's remember that Lao Jiu seems to have planted a large number of trees with the kid Muying in Yunnan before his death, which seems to be called rubber trees! "

"You mean, all this rubber is harvested from that rubber tree?"

Zhu Yuanzhang quickly remembered that there was indeed such a thing!

When he heard such news, Zhu Yuanzhang was also quite speechless!

Lao Jiu actually went all the way to Yunnan to plant trees, but Zhu Yuanzhang didn't think too much at that time, let alone pay attention to it!

[If King Zhu Li of Han had already gone to the south to plant rubber trees a few years ago, it is not surprising that he can now make rubber products! ] 】

[Host, you have found a treasure now! ] Although I don't know how King Zhu Li of Han learned about the magic of rubber, and I don't know where he came from these rubber trees, this kind of thing is definitely more precious than gold for the entire Daming! 】

[In the near future, perhaps rubber trees and natural rubber will become strategic materials! ] 】

The next words of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang even more shocked!

"This rubber tree is so important?"

"Is it because you can make wheels like this?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was a little unconscious, and he didn't see what was special about this rubber tire!

[The role of rubber is too much, let's just say that if Daming wants to industrialize in the future, rubber is an essential industrial raw material! ] Also a necessity for the first industrial revolution! 】

[Rubber is used in a wide range of applications, in addition to making tires, according to its plasticity and its own characteristics, it can also be used in...]

The explanation of the national transport system suddenly made Zhu Yuanzhang fall into the fog of the clouds and mountains!

Although he explained a large team, Zhu Yuanzhang found that he couldn't understand it at all!

But the approximate meaning, Zhu Yuanzhang understood!

In short, rubber is very important, and it must be paid attention to!

And although Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't understand everything, it didn't prevent him from pretending to be forced in front of others!

Looking at the curious gazes of Zhu Biao and others, Zhu Yuanzhang began to learn and sell on the spot what rubber tires are, and the role of rubber tires!

It is probably a sentence explained by the national transport system, and Zhu Yuanzhang copied a sentence!

On the contrary, those craftsmen from Hanzhong were stunned, and their gazes looking at Zhu Yuanzhang became different!

His Majesty actually knows rubber tires better than them?

Doesn't it mean that this thing was invented by Princess Han?

Why does His Majesty know so much?

Even Jiang Ying looked confused!

He couldn't figure it out!

Could it be that His Majesty has other sources of intelligence?

Soon, the luxurious carriage was assembled.

When they saw the luxurious carriage after the complete assembly, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao's eyes showed a trace of shock!

Because they found that such a huge luxury carriage, there are still so many things in the carriage, but in the absence of pack horses, those few craftsmen can actually easily pull it directly!

"'This... How heavy should this carriage be? "

Zhu Yuanzhang subconsciously asked.

"Back to Your Majesty, the weight is probably about 3,000 jin!"

The craftsmen in Hanzhong hurried back to the road.

3,000 jin, that is, 1.5 tons of weight.

This weight in later generations is equivalent to a private car!

"3,000 pounds of weight, so how can you pull it?"

When Zhu Biao on the side heard this, he asked even more surprisedly.

"Back to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, mainly by relying on the eight rubber tires installed at the bottom!"

"These eight rubber tires can make it easy to pull the whole car!"

The craftsman in Hanzhong pointed to the rubber tire and explained it to Zhu Biao, with a faint smug look on his face!

"This rubber tire is actually so wonderful?"

Zhu Biao's eyes widened even more when he heard this!

"Come, go and call Shangshu Yan Zhen of the Ministry of Works and the gang under him to us!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand at this time and ordered directly.

Soon, Yan Zhen, who learned the news, led the big and small officials of the Ministry of Works to the scene!

When they saw the rubber tires under the luxurious carriage, a large group of officials were also stunned!

"Your Majesty, what exactly is this rubber tire? Why can this entire car weighing several thousand pounds be easily pulled by manpower? "

Yan Zhen asked Zhu Yuanzhang with a shocked face.

"This thing is called rubber tires, rubber knows, right? It is a tree planted in Yunnan by King Zhu Li of Han and Mu Ying's kid, this tree will secrete a sap when it is an adult, and this sap can be used to make this rubber tire! "

"And this rubber has other wonderful uses, let's not explain too much to you for the time being, in short, what we ask is that no matter what method you use, you must also plant rubber trees for us!"

"It seems that it can only be planted in the south, find a way to get some saplings in Yunnan, and plant them for us first in Liangguang and Qiongzhou!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's tone was unquestionable.

Just listened to the national transport system introduced the use of rubber, although some unclear sense, but Zhu Yuanzhang also remembered a little, this thing will be of great use to the Ming Dynasty in the future, and it needs to be planted in a large area!

This is also why Zhu Yuanzhang called Yan Zhen and the others here!

First plant rubber trees on a large area, and then let the people of the Ministry of Works quickly find a way to study this rubber!

It doesn't make sense that what can be studied in Hanzhong can be done by the imperial court, right?

After explaining the rubber matter, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao's father and son let people pull these two carriages away!

They may not have cared before, but now they know the value of this luxurious carriage!

It is a pity that the cement road from Hanzhong to Yingtianfu has not been repaired, as long as the cement road is repaired, you can take this rubber tire luxury carriage to Hanzhong by then!

"By the way, this wine sent by Hanzhong, remember to send a few bottles to Chief Li Dao!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly remembered something, and did not forget to say a word to Zhu Biao.

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