65: Concubine Zhou ran in tears: The oak of the main palace is still alive? Still alive

Since Hanzhong sent the luxury carriage, Zhu Yuanzhang has been more concerned about the cement road!

Fortunately, since the last time there was a thunder and anger in the court, the household department and the Ministry of Works did not dare to make any moths, and the construction of cement roads has been working normally!

A full 200,000 workers have started the construction of cement roads in various places!

This amount of work is higher than that of the Great Wall!

The main thing is that building the Great Wall is a long-term plan, and there are not many manpower launched at one time, and the road construction needs to be completed quickly in a short time, so the number of personnel invested can reach as many as 200,000!

Zhu Yuanzhang now also understands the truth that if you want to be rich, you must build a road first, so this cement road must be built in his opinion!

Only when the cement roads are built, the future of Daming can be better and better!

Moreover, he also looked forward to the early repair of this cement road, and he could take that luxurious carriage directly to Hanzhong to find Lao Jiu!

And Zhu Biao's side, according to Zhu Yuanzhang's orders, brought three bottles of Hanzhong wine and sent them directly to Li Xiuyuan!

This old Taoist priest also has no other hobbies, except for one point, that is, he is addicted to alcohol!

It's not that he gets drunk every day, but he drinks well, but only drinks well!

Ordinary wine is placed in front of him, he will not move at all!

When he was in the palace before, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao invited him to use the famous wine served from various places, and Li Xiuyuan only accepted it politely!

But this Hanzhong wine is different, which is an absolutely good treasure for Li Xiuyuan!

After sending Zhu Biao away, Li Xiuyuan even felt that the prince Zhu Biao could deal with it, thinking about whether to help say two good words in front of Zhu Li, and then let Zhu Li help Zhu Biao continue his life!

However, Zhu Biao went to deliver the wine, but the mother and son of Lu and Zhu Yunjiang were uncomfortable!

They all felt Zhu Yuanzhang's obvious alienation from them, and after Zhu Biao left, Zhu Yuanzhang also directly sent them away with a word, and did not give them a chance to speak, so they directly turned around and went back to the imperial study to continue to busy themselves with their state affairs!

The disappointment in Zhu Yunjiang's heart can be imagined!

These days, as long as he came to greet Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang would always excuse his busy state affairs and not even let him see him!

After learning of this situation, the Lu Clan was also dumbfounded!

Could it be that the old man was really dissatisfied with Zhu Yunjiang?

That's not a good sign!

For this reason, the Lu family also forced Zhu Yunjiang several times to ask what measures he had done that caused Zhu Yuanzhang to be angry, and Zhu Yunjiang was aggrieved and dazed, and he couldn't say why he looked innocent!

This is also the reason why Lu Shi and Zhu Yunjiao had to follow Zhu Biao to show their faces in front of the old man!

But what I didn't expect was that I finally saw the old man 120, and people didn't pay attention to your meaning at all, as soon as Zhu Biao left, he also left directly!

"Mother, does Grandpa Huang really dislike children?"

Zhu Yunjiang asked pitifully to Lu Shi.

"No, something must have gone wrong. When your father comes back, ask him again! "

"He knows for sure what's going on!"

Lu Shi's heart was also panicked, it really couldn't work, so he could only ask from Zhu Biao's side!

He didn't believe that the old man was so obviously alienated from Zhu Yunjiang's behavior, Zhu Biao would not notice it!

However, Zhu Biao did not know this, after he finished delivering wine to Li Xiuyuan, he returned directly to the palace, but did not return to the East Palace, but went directly to Zhu Yuanzhang!

"Biao'er, the wine was sent to Chief Li?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Biao returning, he asked with a smile.

"What the father and the emperor ordered, the children will definitely do it, and Chief Li Daoist also looks very happy!"

Zhu Biao smiled and nodded.

"By the way, let go of the other things you usually have, on the one hand, you will stare at the Taoist Temple on Chief Li's side, and on the other hand, you will also help keep an eye on the cement road!" But don't get tired of yourself! "

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly thought of something at this time, and ordered Zhu Biao again.

"The cement road has begun to be built normally, and according to the estimate of the Ministry of Engineering, this road can be directly built in about a year at most!"

When Zhu Biao mentioned the cement road, his eyes also lit up!

"Inform the Hanzhong Mansion, when this cement road is repaired, let's go directly to Hanzhong to inspect it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly changed his tone.

"Father Emperor means to directly use this way to let Lao Jiu know that you are going to Hanzhong Mansion?"

Zhu Biao's heart suddenly moved.

Inform the news to the Hanzhong Mansion in advance, the biggest purpose is also to let Lao Jiu know!


"Let's just let Lao Jiu know that we are going to Hanzhong, just to see if he will come out by then?"

"And we have to ride in the luxurious carriage sent by Hanzhong!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded directly and said.

That luxurious carriage is said to be the only one, that is, the largest and most luxurious of his Zhu Yuanzhang, which is called the imperial car!

In addition to the rubber tires, the interior of the carriage is also very comfortable and luxurious, which is used for long-distance travel, which is definitely a treat when the road surface is in good condition!

At least don't have to endure long bumps again!

"It's okay, it's time for Lao Jiu to think about it!"

Zhu Biao thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with this!

If the old man engages in a surprise attack, it may not necessarily cause Lao Jiu's disgust again!

"In addition, there is no need to hide this news, the wind can be released directly!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, his eyes directly glanced at Wang Chen next to him.

If you want to let the wind go, what is more suitable than this group of eunuchs in the palace?

The main thing is that Zhu Yuanzhang does not want to suddenly announce this news in the court, if he says so in the court, maybe a few ministers will jump out of all kinds of persuasion!

After all, the emperor left Beijing to inspect the northwest, which was a big thing, and it was easy to be sloppy!

First, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to be troublesome, and let out the wind to let the Manchu Dynasty know about it first, and fortunately had a mental preparation, and then raised it when he was about to leave, and after a long time, the resistance of these ministers would not be so strong!

Anyway, even if someone opposes at that time, he Zhu Yuanzhang will have to go, and no one can stop him Zhu Yuanzhang's determination to go to Hanzhong!

Zhu Biao did not stay on Zhu Yuanzhang's side for long, and after talking with the old man for a while, he went directly back to the East Palace!

However, as soon as he returned to the East Palace, Zhu Biao saw Lu Shi and Zhu Yunjiao sitting in the courtyard crying, and couldn't help frowning.

"What happened?"

Zhu Biao asked immediately.

"Crown Prince, you have finally returned!"

"What did Yun Jiong do wrong? Father, why did he alienate Yun Jiong? "

"You know why, right?"

Lu's heart was crossed, and he asked Zhu Biao directly.

"Are you questioning us?"

"Yun Jiao didn't do anything wrong, Father Huang is not in a good mood recently, and he doesn't want to see people! Don't think about it! "

"Wait for a while, naturally it will be fine!"

Zhu Biao was helpless, he knew that the old man's attitude would definitely make Zhu Yunjiao sad, but the funny thing was that Zhu Yunjiang didn't even know what he was doing wrong!

Even he Zhu Biao couldn't explain this matter!

How to explain?

Could it be that the old man checked Zhu Yunjiang's future and found that after he became the emperor, he did a bunch of bullshit things, and raised a butcher knife to his own uncles?

However, Zhu Biao's answer was obviously not satisfactory to Lu Clan and Zhu Yunjiang!

However, looking at Zhu Biao's unkind face, both mother and son did not dare to ask more!

"Don't worry, as long as we are alive, this day will not turn over!" Don't think about it for both mother and son! "

Zhu Biao sighed helplessly, explained to the mother and son, and walked towards his study!

The old man wants the news of the western tour, and he also has to write a letter to let Jinyiwei send it directly to the Hanzhong Mansion to the Yang family, so that the side can be prepared!

And after Zhu Biao left the Fengtian Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang also went directly to Renshou Palace!

Now that he had decided on the matter of inspecting Hanzhong, he also felt that it was necessary to talk to Concubine Zhou properly!

Zhu Yuanzhang decided to tell Zhou Guifei about Zhu Li being alive, and also tested Zhou Guifei's reaction! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Presumably knowing that Lao Jiu is still alive, Concubine Zhou's prejudice about herself will inevitably decrease or even disappear, and she should be willing to go to Hanzhong with him!

As soon as he entered the Renshou Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang saw Xiaomumu playing in the yard!

For this porcelain doll-like little princess, Zhu Yuanzhang is very tight!

And since knowing the truth that Lao Jiu is still alive, Zhu Yuanzhang has paid more attention to Xiao Mumu!

This is the blessing effect of Aiya and Wu!


Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang, Xiao Mumu was obviously very happy, and he trotted all the way towards Zhu Yuanzhang's side with his little feet!

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly stepped forward and held Xiao Mumu in his arms, and at the same time, he also found that the magic weapon bracelet in Zhou Guifei's hand before was still worn on Xiao Mumu's wrist at this moment!

After playing with Xiaomumu in the courtyard (agda) for a while, Concubine Zhou slowly walked out of the palace.

After Zhu Yuanzhang saw Concubine Zhou, he ordered everyone to retreat first, and at the same time, the little wooden wood in his arms also let the palace maids take out to play first!

"Why is Your Majesty free to come to my Renshou Palace today?"

Concubine Zhou's tone still had a hint of alienation, and she could also see that Zhu Yuanzhang must have something to say to herself.

But she didn't plan to give Zhu Yuanzhang too good a face.

"Concubine Ai, we have a very important thing we want to tell you today, it is about Lao Jiu!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Concubine Zhou's respectful appearance, and suddenly smiled bitterly.

"People have been dead for three years, what else is there to say?"

When Concubine Zhou heard this, she said disapprovingly.

"Then what if we say that Lao Jiu is not dead, and he is still alive and well?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's subsequent words made Zhou Guifei's face change on the spot!

The atmosphere fell into a brief solidification, and Concubine Zhou even felt like her breathing was about to stop!

"What does it mean that Quercus is not dead?"

"Your Majesty, do you know what you're talking about?"

"If you want to make me happy with such words, don't do it!"

After a brief period of shock, Concubine Zhou forced herself to calm down, mainly because the news was too unbelievable for her!

She wanted to believe it, but she felt strange, afraid that after she took it seriously, she would find out that all this was fake!

"We know that you will definitely not be able to accept it for a while, but we can assure you that Lao Jiu is indeed alive!" And we have already decided to go to Hanzhong in person after a while! "

"This stinky boy actually dares to trick the golden cicada out of its shell, we have to find him!"

"Concubine Ai, come with us then!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said to Concubine Zhou with a serious face.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang still doesn't know where Zhu Li is, as long as he knows that he is still alive, he can always find people!

If it really doesn't work, he gritted his teeth and spent 3,000 points of national transport value to let the national transport system directly locate himself!

I have to say that Zhu Yuanzhang thinks very well!

"You... What you said is true? "

"Is Quercus really alive?"

Hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's definite words again, Zhou Guifei's body trembled involuntarily!

Such news, for Concubine Zhou, was like a dream!

The son who has been dead for three years is actually alive!

Zhu Li actually died of fraud back then!

Why did he do that?

At this moment, Concubine Zhou's mind was not only full of shock, joy and other emotions, but also endless doubts!

She didn't understand, why did her son choose to cheat death?

"We don't have to deceive you with this kind of thing, and this is the result of the investigation after Jinyiwei went to Hanzhong, let's tell you the truth, there is no one in Lao Jiu's cemetery and even in the coffin!"

"This stinky boy is deceiving to death, and he is still alive and well!"

Zhu Yuanzhang explained bluntly.

"Oak is really not dead!"

"Oak is still alive!"

"Good! Concubines and Your Majesty go to Hanzhong! When do we leave? "

Where can Concubine Zhou resent Zhu Yuanzhang at this moment, she also wants to be able to go to Hanzhong and find Zhu Que in person, proving that all this is true and not a dream!

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He knew that Concubine Zhou would definitely agree!

"Don't worry, Concubine, Lao Jiu is still alive, there will be nothing, if you don't go to Hanzhong, you have to wait, until the cement road is repaired, let's take you with you!"

"We are the emperor, if we really want to leave Jingshi, we can't just leave, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang also did not intend to tell Zhou Guifei about the national transportation system, but as long as Zhou Guifei ignited this hope in her heart, it would be enough!

Out of her mother's instinctive choice, she will definitely follow her to Hanzhong!

When Concubine Zhou heard this, although she was a little disappointed, although she was very eager, she also had to force herself to calm down first!

She also knows that it is impossible to go to Hanzhong!

But as Zhu Yuanzhang said, she already knows the news that her son is still alive, which is the biggest news!

As long as people are alive, they will be found!

Zhu Yuanzhang left Renshou Palace with a smile!

The gap between him and Concubine Zhou for more than three years has finally dissolved today, and even his mood has improved!

The next day, the entire imperial court already knew that Zhu Yuanzhang was going to inspect the Hanzhong Mansion!

In fact, it was not a day or two that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to tour the northwest, and he had discussed it several times in the court, saying that he wanted to move the capital to Xi'an Prefecture!

Prince Zhu Biao has only returned less than half a year after inspecting Xi'an Mansion!

But what is the operation of this suddenly going to personally inspect Hanzhong?

Could it be that Zhu Yuanzhang felt that Xi'an Prefecture was not good enough, and that Hanzhong was the most suitable place to move the capital?

However, everyone did not connect Zhu Yuanzhang's going to Hanzhong with Zhu Li, the king of Han, and guessed that it was more about moving the capital!

After all, there is already a lesson from the past of Xi'an Prefecture!

The last time was the crown prince Zhu Biao's western tour, and this time it was his turn to be the emperor himself!

Although the Manchu Dynasty was very shocked by this news, as Zhu Yuanzhang guessed, as long as it was not proposed in the court, the resistance would be much less!

Even if a minister came to dissuade him in private, he could not form a general trend, and it was easy for him Zhu Yuanzhang to hold it!

In this way, most officials gradually felt that there was nothing wrong with this matter!

Since Zhu Yuanzhang wants to go to Hanzhong to see, then go to Hanzhong to see!

Moreover, some people also speculate that the old man probably also wants to see the current development of Hanzhong!

Everyone also knows that today's Hanzhong Mansion, compared with a few years ago, is completely different, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it has changed dramatically!

But the things in Hanzhong, most of them have only heard about it, and have not seen it with their own eyes!

But from Zhu Yuanzhang, he also knew that there were four cars in Hanzhong on a flat road as wide as possible, extending in all directions, and the merchants were wanton and rich!

They must believe this!

After all, the income from the salt provided to the imperial court by Hanzhong alone can greatly fill the treasury of the Ming Dynasty every year!

Not to mention Zhu Yuanzhang, even they thought of having the opportunity to go to Hanzhong to see it for a long time!

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